Finch Green
The Hoath
The pub was at one time, before it closed, a Charrington's tied house.
Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 22nd September 1860.
The application of John Furminger, of the "Blacksmiths Arms" beer house,
Chiddingstone, was refused.
South Eastern Gazette, 18 September, 1860.
Petty Sessions, Wednesday. (Before A. Pott, Esq., chairman, Alderman
Salomons, M.P., Major Scoones, C. Powell and F. Wilson, Esqrs.)
This being the annual day for the renewal of licenses, they were,
with one or two exceptions, renewed without comment.
The application of John Furminger, of the "Blacksmith’s Arms"
beer-house, Chiddingstone, was supported by Mr. Cripps, but refused.
From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 21 September 1861.
Petty Sessions, Wednesday.
(Before T. F. Bailey, Esq., Major Scoones, H. T. Moore, and A. Potts,
Mr. Cripps supported and application of John Furminger, of the
"Blacksmiths Arms," Chiddingstone, for a spirit licence. There was no
opposition, and the licence was granted.
Kent & Sussex Courier 19 September 1879.
At the Tonbridge Petty Sessions, on Tuesday last, the license of the
"Blacksmith's Arms," Chiddingstone, was transferred from the name of
John Ferminger, deceased, to Thomas Ferminger, the brother.
Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 20 October 1899.
John Matthews was charged on three charges, with a criminal assault on
Harriet Harwood at Penshurst, on the 6th October; with endeavouring to
commit a criminal offence; and with robbing her of a sovereign with
personal violence.
Superintendent Styles withdrew the first charge.
Mr. A. H. Neve, solicitor defended.
The prosecutrix, and aged woman, said that she had been hop picking in
the neighbourhood of Penshurst, and on 6th October she was at the
"Blacksmiths Arms," and left about half past 5 in the evening, after she
had seen the accused in the house, but they never spoke to each other.
After leaving the house she went in the direction of Penshurst when the
defendant, who was in charge of a brewers dray, overtook her, and
offered to give her a lift to Penshurst. She gave up a blanket, a bundle
of clothes, and some mushrooms. After he had got about 100 yards
defendant asked her to get up in the dray which she did. The defendant
shortly afterwards assaulted her. She jumped off the dray, when the
defendant stopped the horse and drew the dray on the side of the road.
The defendant came up to her struck her on the side of the jaw and
knocked her into the ditch, after which he again assaulted her in an
indecent manner. After this assault the defendant offered her money to
say nothing about what had occurred, which he refused. The defendant got
up in the dray, and she followed, and ask him to put her things down
which he would not do. She followed the dray and when the defendant got
some distance up, the accused stopped his horse, got down, knocked her
down again, insulted her and she became unconscious, but when she
regained her senses she got up and found the defendant driving his dry
along the road. The accused got down when she overtook him and demanded
her things, when the defendant threw her basket and bundles into the
road, after which he stopped his horse, got down and for the third time
assaulted her, and after tearing open her bodice, took her handkerchief
containing two half sovereigns. After this the defendant kicked her
three times on the legs and arms, after which he stuffed a handkerchief
in her mouth. After that the defendant left, and some woman came and
found her.
By Mr. Neve:- She left the "Blacksmiths Arms" at 5:30, and she would say
that the defendant finally left her at about 6 as it was not dark.
Before the alleged assault she was not showing people in the
"Blacksmiths Arms" the bruises she had. Before the assault she had no
bruises except some marks of abscesses, the result of a broken arm 3
years ago.
Mrs. Emily Faircloth, the wife of Mr. T. Faircloth, a wheelwright, of
Finch Green, Chiddingstone, said on Friday night, the 6th October, she
had been to Charcott to pay a visit to her brother, and was returning
with her sister-in-law between 6 and 7 o'clock in the evening from
Penshurst to Finch Green. As they approached Finch Green they heard a
scream, but she could not then form an opinion whether it was a man or a
woman's voice. After that they saw a bright light and heard some
screaming as of people quarrelling. As they got to the corner of the
Three Went Ways, she saw that a brewers dray passed her. She saw an old
woman who was lying on the ground, who made a complaint and said.
"Ladies, do help me. Do you know that man on the dray, as he's insulted
me; threw my things all over the place, and I'm afraid he has broken my
leg." The complainant was crying and very exhausted and her things were
all over the place. Witness tried to help her up, but she could not do
so, and went and got her help. When witness had got help the complainant
was assisted away, but she did not see this done.
By Mr. Neve:- The woman would pass some 4 or 5 houses between the
"Blacksmiths Arms" to the spot where he saw her. The road was pretty
much used in the evening by people leaving off work, that was the reason
that she went that way. There were cottages near where she found the
complainant lying.
P.C. Douglas said that he received information of the assault on the 7th
October from the complainant who was in a shed at the Grove. He at once
called Dr. Wood, who was on the spot in 10-minutes. From what he said
witness took the woman in a fly to the Tunbridge Wells General Hospital.
The complainant, who could not put her foot to the ground, had to be
lifted into the fly. From the Tunbridge Wells Hospital he conveyed her
to the Tonbridge Union Workhouse Hospital. From enquiries he made he
went to Hadlow the same evening and saw the prisoner and told him that
he understood that he had assaulted a woman the evening before at
Penshurst, and that he should arrest him for the offence. The defendant
said that he would rather that he should summons him than lock him up,
but he replied that he was unable to do so.
Sergeant Crowhurst said that he was with the last witness when he
arrested the prisoner, and added that he was at Penshurst with a dray
the previous evening, and gave an old lady a ride.
Dr. Wood, of Penshurst, said that he was in practice for his brother
during his illness. On Saturday morning, the 7th Oct., he was called to
a woman who was in a shed at Grove Place, Pensurst. he found the
complainant whose right side of her face was bruised, her lips were
swollen and abraded, there was a bruise on the back of the left ankle,
leg, and thigh. There was also some bruising on the left fore arm. She
complained of great pain, and could not stand because of the great pain
in the left leg. He advised her removal to the Tunbridge Wells General
By the Court:- He saw a blood stain on the complainant's vest, and also
blood stains on a handkerchief in the complainant's possession.
Dr. Malden, Medical Officer at the Tonbridge Workhouse, said that he did
not see the complainant till Monday October 9th, when he found her in
the hospital. He examined her carefully and found extensive bruising on
the left leg and thigh, and the left ankle was sprained and swollen.
There were bruises on the inner side of the thigh. There were some
bruises on her left arm and on her left side. The woman appeared to be
suffering from exhaustion and was very weak. He treated her, and she had
been in the hospital ever since, and she was unfit to appear here until
this morning.
By Mr. Neve:- If the woman had been struck a violent blow on her chin on
Friday he should have expected to have found evidence of it on Monday,
but did not do so though the complainant called his attention to her
The prisoner, who reserved his defence, was committed for trial at the
ensuing Assizes, and the Bench offered to admit the accused to bail,
himself in £20, and 2 securities in £10, and 1 and £20.
Kent & Sussex Courier, 6 May 1932.
Insurance of hired cars.
Costs of accident recovered from garage owner.
The insurance of a car which a garage proprietor borrowed from one man
to hire to another, and which was involved in an
accident, was discussed before his honour Judge Dumas at Tunbridge Wells
County Court yesterday (Thursday). The plaintiff,
who had already been sued in consequence of the accident, was Charles
Channon, a young electrician, of High Street, Tonbridge,
and he claimed £51 2s. 8d. from Harry Lloyd, garage proprietor, of
Mr. F. S. Harris appeared for plaintive and Mr. H. Rix for defendant.
Mr. Harries said that in the case which came before his Honour at
Tonbridge, judgement was given against Channon in a claim for
negligence. He was ordered to pay £24 damages and £15 3s 10d. in costs,
while his own costs amounted to £11 18s. 10d. He now
claimed these amounts from Lloyd, from whom he hired the car which was
concerned in the accident. Lloyd had borrowed the car
from a Mr. Darlington, whose insurance policy did not cover its being
hired to anyone else.
Cyril Darlington, of the "Blacksmiths Arms," Chiddingstone Hoath, said
he bought the car from Lloyd, who borrowed it from him
on a number of occasions to hire out. The car was insured for private
hire through Lloyd, who was the agent of the insurance
company. Lloyd knew that the insurance did not cover hire in the car to
other people, but said it will be all right, as he had an
insurance to cover it.
Plaintiff stated that he had hired cars from defendant for about two and
a half years. Before the compulsory insurance came into
force he paid 25s. a day, and afterwards Lloyd told him that the
insurance will cost 5s. a day extra. Since then he had generally
paid 30s. and had been under the impression that he was covered.
Following the accident he told defendant he was sorry he had messed the
car up, and he replied:- "That's all right, old chap, you
know it is covered by insurance.
Douglas Colin Tranter, Pembury Road, Tonbridge, said he was in the car
with plaintive when the accident occurred. Later he heard
Lloyds tell Channon that there was nothing whatever to worry about as
the car was fully insured.
Giving evidence, Lloyd stated that at no time was anything said about
paying 25s. for the car and 5s. extra for insurance.
In reply to his honour, he declared that he did not tell Channon after
the passing of the Road Traffic Act that he would have to pay
extra for insurance. On former occasions Channon had signed an insurance
His Honour:- Do you mean that cars could not be taken out on hire unless
a special form had been signed?
Not unless the form have been signed.
Do you remember telling plaintive that it would be all right, as he was
covered by insurance?
I cannot remember.
By Mr. Harries:- He was under the impression that Mr. Darlington's car
was covered by insurance.
His honour gave judgement for plaintiff with costs.
From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 22 December, 1950.
Above photo showing the Bolebrook Beagles who seemed to wag their
tails a little faster than usual as they moved off from the
"Blacksmith's Arms," Chiddinstone Hoath, on Saturday morning. Probably
the snow, plus the excitement of the occasion caused the acceleration. |
Above photo, July 1973, showing the goodbye presentation to the owner of
the pub. |
From the Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, 24 September, 1870.
The Petty Sessions were held on Tuesday before C. Powell, Esq., (in the
Chair), A. Pott, Esq., Major Scones, Sir David Solomons, Bart., M.P. and
J. G. Talbot, Esq., M.P.
In regards to the "Blacksmith's Arms," Chiddingstone, Mr. Cripps made an
application on behalf of Mr. Ferminger, the landlord, that his house
should be renewed.
The bench granted the renewal.
From the Courier, 25 April, 1930.
THE WEDDING of Miss Dorothy Grace Langridge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Langridge, of 11, Chafford Cottages, to Mr. William Arthur Carey,
and of Mrs. Carey, and of the late Mr. Carey, of "Blacksmith's Arms,"
Chiddingstone Hoath, took place at St. Peter’s, on Easter Monday, the
Rev. J. F. Johnson officiating. The bride, who was given away by her
father, wore a green dress and hat, and carried a bouquet of narcissi
and maidenhair fern. Miss Joan Doris Langridge (niece of the bride) was
the only bridesmaid, and was dressed in daffodil yellow with hat to
match. She carried a bouquet of daffodils, and received a bangle as her
gift from the bridegroom. Mr. James W. Carey (brother of the
bride-groom) was best man. A reception was held at the bride’s home, and
later in the day the happy couple left for their new home at Yew Tree
Cottage, "Blacksmith's Arms," Chiddingstone Hoath. Numerous presents
were received. |
FIRMINGER John Thomas 1860-Sept/79+ (also blacksmith age 62 in 1861 )
TAYLOR Alfred 1881-82+ (age 33 in 1881 )
COLLINS George 1891-1913+ (age 43 in 1891 )

CAREY Mr pre 1930
DARLINGTON William 1930-32+
TOOGOOG Alfred T 1938+
HALL John & Edwina 9/Nov/1946-Oct/50
From the Kelly's Directory 1903