Sort file:- Tonbridge, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Friday, 10 May, 2024.


Earliest 1839-

Dorset Hotel

Latest 1961+

34-36 High Street


Dorset Hotel

Dorset Hotel, date unknown showing proprietor Charles A F Buxenstein standing on the right.

Kindly supplied by

Former Dorset Arms 2011

In 2011 the premises appears to be Cafe Nero.

Dorset Hotel dragon

Above photo, showing the dragon on the roof.

Dorset Hotel sign 1960s

Above sign 1960s.


Situated on the west side of the High Street near Lambert's Yard and originally called the "Dorset Arms" operating in 1839 the building later became the "Dorset Hotel" and apparently reverted back to the "Dorset Arms" by the time the road was widened in 1961.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 9 November 1847.

Freehold Property, Tonbridge, Kent.

Mr. J. Chantler has the honour to announce that he has received instructions from the Devisees in Trust under the will of the late Mr. Henry West, to submit by auction, on Monday, 22nd November, 1847, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, in three lots, at the "Dorset Arms Inn," High Street.

Lot one.

All that Messuage or tenement, used as a public house known as the "Dorset Arms Inn," situated in the High Street, of the town of Tonbridge, in the occupation of Mr. Powell, consisting of a bar, parlour, tap, cellar, kitchen, 4 chambers, and a large clubroom, used by the Society of "Odd Fellows," with a stable and large yard, and possessing a frontage of about 24 feet to the High Street, and within a convenient distance of the railway station.

Lots one and two are let to a most respectable tenant on lease for 21 years, from January 6th, 1847, at the respective rent of £46 and £12 per annum, payable quarterly.

The property may be viewed by permission of the tenants, and particulars had, 7 days previous to the sale, of Messrs. Stenning and Carnell, Solicitors, Tonbridge; at the "Dorset Arms," Tonbridge; "Kentish Hotel," Tunbridge Wells; and of the Auctioneer, Southborough.


South Eastern Gazette, 20 March, 1860.

TUNBRIDGE. Sudden Death.

On Thursday morning Mr. John Wells, the landlord of the "Dorset Arms" public-house, was found dead in his bed. It appeared that the deceased went to bed on the previous night apparently in good health, with the exception of a slight cold, and in the morning Mrs. Wells, who arose about seven o’clock, not receiving an answer on speaking to her husband, became alarmed, and called in assistance, when the sad truth was discovered. The circumstances being explained to the coroner, an inquest was not thought necessary.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 5 May 1860. Price 1d.


Thomas Tomey, a whitesmith residing in the town, was charged at the petty sessions on Wednesday, with stealing a brass candlestick, value 2s., the property of Caroline Jane Wells, of the "Dorset Arms" public house. It appeared that the prisoner was drinking at the "Dorset Arms" public house, and went into the tap room on the evening of the 23rd April, where a candlestick was in the fender, and shortly after he was gone the article was missed. Information was given to P.C. Lucksford, who went to Spencer's marine store, and there found that the prisoner had sold a brass candlestick that evening for sixpence. The prisoner also sold a bottle-jack, which was worth 5s. for a shilling, the price of old metal, which it turned out had been stolen from Mr. S. Springett, of the "White Hart" beer-house, Tonbridge, which formed the subject of a second charge. The prisoner pleaded guilty to both charges, and was committed for fourteen days on each.


South Eastern Gazette, 2 October, 1860.

Transfer of Licenses.

Petty Sessions, Wednesday. (Before Ford Wilson, Esq., chairman, Major Scoones, A. Pott and C. Powell, Esqrs).

The "Dorset Arms," Tunbridge, from Mrs. Wells to Mrs. Harriet Tendell.


Kent Times, 19 April 1862.

County Court, Town Hall, Wednesday. Before H. Fowler, Esq., barrister in the home circuit, appointed as deputy-judge in this district for J. ’Espinasse, Esq., who is slightly indisposed.

Arrow and another v. Tendall.

Plaintiff is a spirit merchant at Sevenoaks, and claimed £7 19s. 8d. for goods supplied to defendant who keeps the "Dorset Arms," Tonbridge.

Mr. Rogers craved the indulgence of the court for the defendant, who, he stated, kept a very small affair of a public-house, and had made an offer that morning to plaintiff to pay £1 a month.

His Honour asked the plaintiff why he would not accept the sum offered, and plaintiff said that the defendant had only one grown-up daughter and could pay at once.

His Honour: The order of the court will be £1 per month.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 29 September, 1893.

James Wellard was charged with being drunk and disorderly, at Tonbridge, on the 23rd September.

Prisoner pleaded guilty.

P.C. Ashton said that shortly before six o'clock on Saturday night he found the prisoner near the "Dorset Arms," High Street, very drunk and creating a great disturbance. Witness got him away, but half-an-hour later found him near the Great bridge, where he knocked his wife down and fell on the ground himself.

Fined 2s. 6d. and 6s. costs, or seven days' hard labour.


Kent & Sussex Courier 16 November 1900.


The following licenses were transferred:- The "Dorset Arms Hotel," High Street, Tonbridge, from Mr. H. J. W. Santer to Mr. W. Larking, late of Maidstone.




POWELL Thomas 1840-58+ (age 63 in 1851Census)

WELLS John to Mar/1860 dec'd

WELLS Caroline Jane Oct/1860+ Whitstable TimesMaidstone Telegraph

TENDELL Harriet Mrs Oct/1860-62+ (widow age 53 in 1861Census) Maidstone Telegraph

PETTITT John 1881-91+ (age 50 in 1881Census)

SANTER H J W Mr to Nov/1900 Kent and Sussex Courier

LARKING James William Nov/1900-03+ (age 26 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903Kent and Sussex Courier

STRIBBLEHILL Henry 1910-11 (age 39 in 1911Census)

BUXENSTEIN Charles Augustas Franz 1911+ Next pub licensee had (age 34 in 1911Census)

WEBB Samuel to Mar/1932 Kent and Sussex Courier

RODDIS Robert J Mar/1932+ Kent and Sussex Courier

RUTTERWOOD Thomas William 1938+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald

Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier

Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
