Sort file:- Maidstone, November, 2024.

Page Updated Maidstone:- Monday, 04 November, 2024.


Earliest 1840-

Duke of Marlborough

Open 2020+

27 (25) Union Street


01622 677727

Duke of Malborough 1882

Above photo 1882.

Duke of Marlborough

Above photo, date unknown.

Duke of Marlborough

Above photo, date unknown.

Duke of Malborough 2009

Above photo 2009 by Chris Whippet Creative Commons Licence.

Duke of Marlborough 2014

Above photo 2014.

Malborough-sign-1986-MaidstoneDuke of Marlborough sign 1994

Above sign left, stating just the "Marlborough" September 1986. Is this a different pub though? Sign right, March 1994.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Duke of Malborough sign 2003

Above sign 2003.

With thanks from Roger Pester


Kentish Gazette, 3 June 1851.


The "Duke of Marlborough Inn," in Union Street, was discovered in flames on Tuesday morning last, and the house, together with the stabling, were entirely destroyed. Fortunately no lives were lost.


Kentish Gazette, 3 June 1851.


The "Duke of Marlborough Inn," in Union Street, was discovered in flames on Tuesday morning last, and the house, together with the stabling, were entirely destroyed. Fortunately no lives were lost.


South Eastern Gazette, 29, November 1853.


About sixty fine turkeys. For particulars inquire of Mr. Clifford, "Duke of Marlborough Inn," Union Street, Maidstone.


Thomas Clifford, landlord of the "Duke of Marlborough," Union Street, was charged with having refused to admit the police on tha 23rd ult.

Mr. Goodwin appeared for defendant.

Police-constable Beale stated that having reason to suppose that there were persons in defendants house during divine service, he went there about 11 o'clock in the morning and demanded admission at the front door. Defendant came to the door and refused to admit him. About 10 minutes to 12 witness returned, with Sergeant Hills, who went to the front door while witness went to the back, and found defendant in the yard with a butcher named Pattenden. Witness asked defendant why he refused to open the door, and the latter replied that he should not open it to any one.

In defence Mr. Goodwin stated that his client had directed the police to go round the house and enter by a side door. This was denied by the constable.

Sergeant Hills deposed that in consequence of the information he received from the former witness, he went to the "Duke of Marlborough at ten minutes to 12, and demanded admittance. Witness heard some one inside but could not make out exactly who it was.

By Mr Goodwin:— I would not enter by the beck door; I have often been abused for so doing. I prefer getting in by the front door, and not sneaking in by the back.

Mr. Goodwin said that defendant invariably preserved good order in the management of his business, and called Robert Pattenden, butcher, ot King-Street, in order to prove that no obstacle had been offered by defendant to the entry of the police. Witness stated that he had gone to defendant's house for the purpose of hiring a horse and gig, and that he was in the yard when police-constable Beale came there. Had heard defendant request the constable to enter the house by a side door. No obstacle whatever was offered.

In reply to a question from the Bench, Sergeant Hills stated that persons on a former occasion had been found in defendant's house, but that the offence had been passed over.

Fined 10., costs 10s., the Mayor observing that whenever the police demanded admittance to any public house they were not to be obstructed.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 18 February 1860. Price 1d.


Of the “Duke of Marlborough Inn,” Union Street, Maidstone.

Begs to inform the Farmers and Gentry in Kent and Sussex that in consequence of the Death of Mr. John Fairhead (whose business has been given up) T.C. embraces the opportunity of offering some First Class Cart Horses of all description. Van Horse, Nags, Good Cobs, Carriage and brougham Horses always on view.
Livery and Bait Stables. Horses Lent on Hire.



This pub is one in the list of my "Project 2014."

As such I have found a picture of the pub, but to date have no other information. Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.



MORETON Thomas 1840-51+

CLIFFORD Thomas 1853-74+ (also horse dealer age 55 in 1871Census)

PEARCH Joseph 1881-91+ (age 53 in 1891Census)

LOCKYER H J 1903+ Kelly's 1903

BENNETT Henry J C 1911 (age 45 in 1911Census)

BROOKER Charles 1913-22+

GREENSTEAD Charles 1930+

THOMAS George H 1938+

KEELEY Perant 1989+



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-