Sort file:- Tunbridge Wells, December, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 16 December, 2024.


Earliest 1768

Duke of York

Open 2020+

17 Ye Pantiles (Parade 1873 Kent and Sussex Courier)

Royal Tunbridge Wells

01892 517619

Duke of York 1892

Above photo 1892 showing licensees Robert Redman and his wife standing outside.

Duke of York 1910

Above postcard, 1910.

Duke of York 1910

Above photo, circa 1910.

Duke of York 1957

Above postcard, 1957, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Duke of York 1960

Above photo, date circa 1960.

Duke of York 1964

Above photo, circa 1964, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Duke of York 1987

Above photo 1987.

Duke of York sign 1992Duke of York sign 2022

Above sign, left October 1992. Sign right 2022.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Duke of York sign 2009

Above sign 2009.

With thanks from Roger Pester

Duke of York

Above photo from 2012.

Duke of York 2022

Above photo, 2022.


From Pictorial History of Tunbridge Wells and District. 1892.


Duke of York 1892

Mr. Robert W. Redman, Proprietor circa 1892.

This hotel was established in 1768, and, under its successive managements, has enjoyed during this long period a decree of success and prosperity not exceeded by any contemporary. Certainly Mr. Redman has greatly increased the patronage during his six years occupancy, and has proved himself to be eminently adapted by bearing and inclination for the management of a hotel. It is eligibly situated on the Royal Parade, being within easy reach of the Railway, public buildings and pleasure resorts, and adjacent to the famous chalybeate springs. The building—recently re-constructed and re-modelled by the present proprietor at considerable expense -
consists of a substantial and conspicuous structure, the interior of which is arranged on modern lines, the lighting, heating and ventilation being all that could be desired. The rooms are furnished throughout with substantial first-class furniture from the best London and provincial houses, the necessary rooms being provided for the use of travellers, in which gentlemen may make themselves quite at home, together with a cosy smoking parlour, forming a most agreeable lounge after a hard day's work. Mr. Redman has attained considerable eminence as an importer and bonder of all kinds of wines and spirits. He maintains a large and well-selected stock of port, sherry, hock, champagne, Irish and Scotch whisky, gin and brandies of every variety. He has had a wide and valuable experience in his special line of business, is well known as a most genial and affable host, and his every effort seems directed towards the well-being and comfort of his guests, which has gained for him the confidence and goodwill of his numerous patrons. The R.A.O.B. Lodge is held every Monday, of which, we understand, he was the founder in Tunbridge Wells.


The pub briefly became "Chaplins" in the late 1990s, but appears to have reverted back to the "Duke of York" again now. Although I have been informed that it may be operating as "Chaplin's Wine Bar." Local knowledge required.


Kent Times, 25 January 1862.

Petty Sessions, Monday, January 20th. Before J. Deane, Esq., (in the chair). W. Eles, W. C. Morland, and C. J. Fisher, Esqrs.

A Mistake Souch v. Pollington.

The complainant in this case is a blacksmith and landlord of the "Duke of York" public-house in this place, and also a farmer at Crowborough. The defendant, for whom Mr. Cript, solicitor, appeared, is book-keeper at the "Kentish Hotel" Coach office, in this place.

The defendant was charged in the summons with having on the night of the 14th inst., used abusive and insulting words towards the plaintiff, calculated to create a breach of the peace.

Complainant deposed:- I am a blacksmith, and landlord of the "Duke of York" public house in this place. A little before 12 o'clock on the night in question I told defendant I wished to have my house cleared; he called for half a pint of brandy, which I refused to draw, and he refused to go. He was in company with others; some one fastened the parlour door on the inside. He said "we were not everybody, and he could tell us something we would not like to hear." He afterwards shook his fist in my wife’s face, and after some altercation called me a b--- b---. I then turned him out of doors, on which he said I should hear of this another day.

Crom examined by Mr. Cripps:— I had given Mr. Haines’s men two shillings and sixpence to spend. I am sure he shook his fist in my wife's face. When be railed me a b--- b--- he was on the steps outside the door; it was after I had turned him out of my house. There were five or six more in company with him. There were some women there. They were loose women, but I do not encourage loose women there. They sometimes come to the bar, are supplied with what they call for and go away.

Mrs. Souch gave corroborative evidence, adding that defendant said if the other Mrs. Souch, or the right Mrs. Souch had been there she would have drawn the brandy.

William Everest, pot-boy to plaintiff, was examined but no additional evidence was elicited.

Mr. Cripps briefly addressed the bench, intimating that plaintiff had given Haines men 2s. 6d. to drink, as a Christmas gift, and as was usually the case on such occasions the men agreed to add something to the gift, and enjoy themselves. Everything was conducted in a quiet manner till the brandy was called for as a parting glass, when some words took place, and the defendant, being turned out of the house, he certainly did make use of some expletive, but he was a young man of good character as he should be able to show in evidence, and had always conducted himself with propriety having the time he had been in his situation, which was upwards of twelve years, and he contended that the language imputed to defendant under the circumstances did not come within the meaning of the Act.

Mr. Cripps called a witness who was present on the occasion, but the chairman said the bench was of opinion, that from the evidence already heard the case must be dismissed.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Monday 14 December 1868.

Larceny by a Domestic Servant.

A domestic servant named Mary Romary, was brought before W. F. Browell and F. M. Curteis Esq., at the Police Court, on Wednesday, on the charge of stealing on the second instant from the "Duke of York Inn," a brooch, a pair of drawers, a chemise, and an apron, value 5s., the property of Mary Ann Somers. The prosecutrix stated that she was staying at the "Duke of York Inn," where the prisoner was living as a domestic servants. The articles produced were her property and were taken from her bedroom. Mrs. Swift, female searcher, deposed to searching the prisoner, and finding upon her the chemise, and pair of drawers. Police constable Brooks deposed to a apprehend in the prisoner.

Mrs. Turner, living in Newall Street, stated that prisoner came to her house the previous Thursday evening, and asked to stay there that night, as she was a respectable servant who had just left her situation, and could not that night get to her brother's, who lived at Mark Cross. Witness consented, and the next morning prisoner said she was in search of a situation, and wished witness to let her stay there till she could get one. Prisoner stayed with her till Saturday night when she left, and the apron produced was afterwards found in the bedroom she had been occupying.

Prisoner pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 6 weeks' hard labour.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier. 8 August 1873. Price 1d.


Richard Harrison, alias 'Tiney,' stableman, aged 21, of no fixed residence, was charged with burglariously breaking and entering the "Duke of York" public-house, Parade, on the night of the 5th or morning of the 6th instant, and stealing therefrom two bottles of brandy, about 100 cigars, and about ten shillings worth of copper money, the property of Mr. Henry Grevill Stuart, the landlord. Mr. Stuart said he was the landlord of the "Duke of York" public-house, and he believed the brandy and cigars to be his, but he would not swear to them. He had missed two bottles of brandy and two boxes of cigars like those produced, and also about eight shillings worth of pence and halfpence and farthings to the amount of about two shillings. The articles had been taken from shelves in front of the bar. He had seen the prisoner in his house several times, and as he was in the habit of loafing about there, he had ordered him out. The last time be was in the house he believed was on Tuesday. Witness missed the cigars on Wednesday morning. David Stuart, coachman to Mrs. Carey, of 5, Broadwater Down, said he lodged at the "Duke of York," and when his brother was away from the house he managed the business. He generally shut up the place of a night, and saw everything was right. On Tuesday night, just upon eleven o'clock, he closed up as usual, and the next morning, from what his sister told him, he looked about, and missed the brandy and cigars—he believed those produced. The outside window of a little room overlooking the yard had been forced open. This little room led into the bar. He had bolted this window the night before, but he could not say how it had been forced open. The door leading to the yard was also opened, but that also bore no marks of violence as if it had been forced, although he had bolted it the previous evening. From the till, which had been left unlocked, the coppers which he had left in it had been taken away. He supposed there were coppers to the amount of about five shillings in the till. He first noticed this at about eight o'clock on Wednesday morning. Sergeant Spittles explained that the wood of the door where the bolt was had been worn away so that the bolt could be thrown back with an ordinary knife. Thomas Denton, plasterer and bricklayer, of Grosvenor-road, said the prisoner, on Wednesday morning, at about II o'clock, called upon him when he was at work in Mr. Powell's field. He produced a bottle three parts filled with brandy, and asked him to drink. He refused, and told him he believed he had not come by it in a proper manner. To this the prisoner made no reply, and placed the bottle behind a tub of chaff in the stable yard, asking witness to give it to a man named Turner, who was working on the farm. Witness, however, told him he should take care of it, and prisoner went away. The prisoner drank some of the brandy as if it had been water. Witness put the bottle in the manger, and left it there until Sergeant Spittles fetched it away. Sergeant Spittles said that on Wednesday afternoon, between five and six o'clock, having his suspicions respecting the prisoner, he went after him. He first went to Mr. Powell's stables, and in a rabbit hutch, under some straw, he found the bundle of cigars, the cigar box containing 28 cigars, and the bottle of brandy produced. He went out on to the Common, and seeing the prisoner laying on the grass, he said to him, ‘Tiney! where did you sleep last night.' Tiney was his nick name. Prisoner replied he hardly knew. Witness then told him there had been a robbery, and if prisoner would go along with him he would show him where he had slept. He then took him to the lodge in Powell's field, and prisoner said 'that's where I did sleep.' He then told the prisoner he had found the cigars and brandy which had been stolen from the "Duke of York," and prisoner at once crawled over the straw to the rabbit hutch with witness after him, and pointed to the cigars and brandy. Witness then told him he should charge him with breaking and entering the "Duke of York," to which he said, 'It was no hard matter to get in, it was easy enough to open the door. I think it was between one and two o'clock when I was in there. ' Witness told him it was no wonder he did not wake them, to which prisoner said ‘I made a pretty good row too, for I had no light. ' I heard the policeman go by two or three times, and once I saw him but he did not see me. ' Witness then told him that some halfpence and lots of farthings had been stolen, but prisoner said he had thrown them away, some on the common and some in Powells field, for the farthings were rather dangerous to part with. He told the prisoner that two bottles of brandy were missing, when prisoner said he had given one bottle to the man who did the white washing, and bricklaying for Mr. Powell. He then went and saw Denton, who took the half emptied bottle from the manger and handed it to witness. The prisoner was cautioned in the usual way. He said he had no statement to make, and the prisoner was committed for trial to the Assizes, which unless there be a gaol delivery at Christmas will not be until March.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, Friday 13 March 1874.

Tunbridge Wells Petty Sessions.

A Bully Rightly Served.

Thomas Crowe, alias Hollands, was summoned for assaulting and beating William Henry Saltmarsh, on the 5th inst.

Defendant, who is a costermonger, did not appear, and the service of the summons was proved by P.C. Judge.

Complainant said he was a fly driver, and was at the "Duke of York Inn," on the preceding Tuesday, when the defendant came in and asked him for two pence to get some beer. He told defendant he had not got it. Defendant then came up to him and struck him a violent blow in the eye, and walked off. He said nothing to provoke defendant, and used no strong language in refusing to give him the two pence.

Superintendent Embery, in reply to the Bench, said the defendant was one of the worst characters in the town. He was a bully for prostitutes, never did any work, had been twice convicted of felony at Hastings, and there were other convictions. He was always about with girls, and very frequently knocked them about. Only the other day a gentleman told him (the superintendent) that he saw defendant strike two women and then bolt away. He was frequently given prostitutes black eyes. He also gave a man a black eye, and he (superintendent Embery) told the man that if he applied to a magistrate he could get a warrant, but the fact was that they were all afraid of defendant. He came to the town with fresh prostitutes every five or six months, and was always giving them black eyes.

The Bench sentence into 2 months hard labour without the option of paying a fine.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier 15 March 1918.


The beer "on" licenses of the "Forresters' Arms," Pembury, and the "Rising Sun," Lamberhurst, and the off-license at "Swiss Cottage," Pembury, had been adjourned for consideration by the Bench, and Mr. S. A. Cheale now appeared for the owners and licensees concerned, and applied for renewal.

The case of the "Rising Sun," Lamberhurst, was taken first.

P.S. West stated that having regard for the needs of the inhabitants, he thought the "Rising Sun" was hardly necessary. The house was in good order and well conducted.

By Mr. Cheale:- It was the only beer house in Lambehurst, and was very suitable for business. A fairly good trade was done. The husband of the present licensee held the license prior to joining the Army in 1916.

With reference to the "Foresters' Arms," Pembury. P.S. West gave similar evidence.

With regard to the off-licence at "Swiss Cottage," the witness stated that he was of the opinion that the licence was necessary as it was the only off-licence in the village.

By Alderman Caley:- The "Royal Oak" was about 300 yards away, and the freehold was held by the same person as "Swiss Cottage."

By Mr. Cheale:- If the license was taken away people would have to go to a fully licensed house for their bottle beer, and would object to sending their children to the "Royal Oak," at which there was no off bar.

Mr. Cheale submitted that there was a great distinction between fully licensed houses and beer houses, as the latter were necessarily established for the working classes with the idea of encouraging people to drink beer instead of Spirits. With regard to the "Rising Sun," it was a fact that before the war the barrelage had shown an increased, but from 208 barrels sold in 1913 the trade fell to 76 barrels in 1917, but this was mainly due to the difficulty in obtaining supplies of beer. The bottle trade had increased.

Mrs. Bishop, the licensee, said her husband joined the army in 1916. With half acre of garden they had made a good living. To be near to her relatives during the absence of our husband she made arrangements in January to leave the house to take the "Duke of York," Tonbridge Wells.

Leonard Victor Willett stated that he was wounded during the Battle of Ares, in consequence of which he had lost his right arm, and now had an artificial one. He was a native of Lamburhurst and upon his discharge, having to make a living for himself, wife and child, he agreed to take the "Rising Sun" for the sum between £50 pound £70. With the trade and the garden he could make a decent living, as the profits was estimated to be between £3 and £4 per week.

Mr. Allen Simpson gave evidence as to the restriction of the brewing of beer affecting the trade at the "Rising Sun."





BENNETT James 1824-41+ (age 60 in 1841Census) Pigot's Directory 1828-29Pigot's Directory 1832-34

JONES Evan 1851-61+ (age 54 in 1861Census)

SOUCH Thomas 1862+

STUART Henry 1871-74+ (age 28 in 1871Census) Kent and Sussex Courier

SELDEN Henry 1881-82+ (age 52 in 1881Census)

REDMAN Robert W 1891+ (age 40 in 1891Census)

BONE William H 1901-03+ (age 38 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

FURNEUX/FERNEAUX Arthur 1911-13+ (age 57 in 1911Census)

BAKER Herbert 1914-18+ Kelly's 1914

BISHOP Mrs Jan/1918+

BISHOP Henry G 1922+

BISHOP Eunice May Ann Mrs 1930+

BURROWS Roy Douglas O 1938+

BRAY Norman 1964+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Kelly's 1914From the Medway Kelly's Directory 1914/15

Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-