Page Updated:- Thursday, 18 July, 2024.


Earliest 1903+

(Name from)

Flying Dutchman

Open 2020+

19 High Street


01795 667189

Postcard 1950

Above postcard, 1950. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Also showing the "Old House at Home" and "Castle Inn."

Flying Dutchman 2009

Above image from Google, July 2009.

Flying Dutchman 2011

Above photo, 2011.

Flying Dutchman sign 2012 Flying Dutchman sign 1985Flying Dutchman sign 2012

Above sign left, August 1985, signs right and top July 2012.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Flying Dutchman sign 2017

Above sign, 2017, kindly sent by June Etherington.

Flying Dutchman card 1973

Above Whitbread card, 1973 and series unknown.


The "Flying Dutchman" is probably the most well-known of all ghost ships. a vessel captained by Hendrick Vanderdecken, sail in 1680 from Amsterdam to Batavia, a port in Dutch East India. According to the legend, the ship encountered a severe storm as is was rounding the Cape of Good Hope. Vanderdecken ignored the dangers of the storm -- thought by the crew to be a warning from God -- and pressed on. Battered by the tempest, the ship foundered, sending all aboard to their deaths. As punishment, they say, Vanderdecken and his ship were doomed to ply the waters near the Cape for eternity. Above info from "Ghosts at Sea."


Originally called the "Ordnance Arms" and the building is late 18th or early 19th century. Date for change of name as yet unknown.


From the By John Nurden. 27 March 2017.

Sheppey: New look for Flying Dutchman in Queenborough.

A landlord has converted part of his pub into a replica of the HMS Victory in honour of the Island’s links to Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson.

And one of the first events at the new-look "Flying Dutchman" will be a murder mystery evening, where Dining Room Detectives will try to unravel the mystery of who drank Nelson’s blood.

Landlord Kevin Burgess has spent the past four months changing the Queenborough pub’s front bar into the nautical tribute along with builder Lee Rough.

Murder Mystery

A murder mystery is going to be performed at the "Flying Dutchman" pub in Queenborough.

The preserved body of the Battle of Trafalgar hero was brought to Sheerness in a barrel of brandy. But according to legend both the barrel and the brandy then went missing.

Chris Reed, who will play Nelson’s mistress, the dishevelled Lady Hamilton in the murder mystery, said: “There is an old sea shanty called A Drop of Nelson’s Blood Wouldn’t Do You Any Harm.

"That might not be strictly true.”

Mr Burgess, 57, said: “For years the pub had looked a little tired and with other carveries opening we needed to up our game.

"Queenborough is steeped in history with strong ties to Lord Nelson and the Dutch invasion so we have given the pub a nautical flavour and a bit of character to reflect its setting.

“The front bar is now based on a 19th century man o’ war.

Lord Nelson

Lord Nelson is one of Britain's greatest admirals.

"It’s somewhere different to splice the mainbrace or have a sup of grog.”

Most of the work was carried out by Mr Rough, one half of a Blues Brothers tribute act, who also sails his own replica pirate ship.

He has built tables from scratch, inserted old oak beams and pulley blocks, added huge hand-sewn sail cloths and decorated the bar with hemp rope made at Chatham Dockyard.

Mr Burgess said: “Lee has done an amazing job. He started with a blank canvas. The result is uncanny.”

Tickets for the opening night on Friday March 31 cost £20 and include a meal.

Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, 1st Duke of Bronté KB, was a British flag officer in the Royal Navy who was born in Norfolk on September 29, 1758.

HMS Victory painting

A painting of Lord Nelson being shot on the quarterdeck of HMS Victory.

He died after being shot during the Battle of Trafalgar on October 21, 1805. He was 47.

After a two-month voyage his body, pickled in a cask of brandy mixed with camphor and myrrh and lashed to the Victory’s mainmast, was unloaded at The Nore off Sheerness and taken to Greenwich where it was placed in a lead coffin.

During the Battle of Trafalgar Nelson famously flew the flag signal “England expects that every man will do his duty.” Although married to Frances “Fanny” Nisbet, his mistress was Lady Emma Hamilton.

On his deathbed he asked the Victory’s captain Thomas Hardy to “take care of poor Lady Hamilton” and then asked: “Kiss me, Hardy.”

Nelson was noted for inspirational leadership, superb grasp of strategy and unconventional tactics particularly during the Napoleonic Wars.

He was wounded several times, losing his right arm at Santa Cruz de Tenerife and an eye in Corsica.


From the By Ellis Stephenson,22 January 2020.

Family of Teddy Hayes thank crowd for donations at fundraiser for Head Start 4 Babies.

Friends and family of a young boy born with a condition which twists his skull helped raise more than £1,000 for charity.

Eight-month-old Teddy Hayes has a condition called plagiocephaly and brachycephaly.

Teddy Hayes 2020

Teddy with dad, Ben Hayes, mum Callie and brother Archie. Picture: Andy Jones.

The condition, also known as flat head syndrome, is treated by wearing a specially designed cap to correct the skull and stop it getting worse.

Parents Callie and Ben Hayes, of New Road, Sheerness, had to take Teddy to the private Harley Street Clinic Children’s Hospital to be treated for the condition which could delay development in later life.

They were helped by the charity Head Start 4 Babies which raises awareness of the condition and helps with funding treatment.

As a thank you to the organisation, Teddy’s grandmother Jo Firmston organised Teddy’s Helmet Fundraiser Day on Saturday.

It was held at The Flying Dutchman in Queenborough High Street and it was hoped £1,000 could be raised. In total £1,035 was donated.

There were fun and games with hook the duck, a raffle, face painting, a tombola, guess the name of the bear, as well as a fun bus for the children.

Miss Firmston said: “I was absolutely thrilled, ecstatic and over the moon with the turnout and how much we raised.

“The money will go to Head Start 4 Babies which helps parents and families of babies with Teddy’s condition.

“If it hadn’t have been for the charity he wouldn’t have got his helmet as quickly as he did which is better for his scenario.

“It was a great day. I can’t thank people enough for the generosity that’s been shown.”

Callie had suffered from hydrosalpinx – a rare medical condition where a fallopian tube is blocked with a watery fluid – which led to her having two miscarriages before she had Teddy, who she called her ‘miracle baby’.



BURGESS Kevin 2017+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
