22 Knightrider Street
Above photo circa 1900. |
Coloured version of above picture, circa 1900. |
Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission of Eric Hartland. |
Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission of Eric Hartland. |
Above photo, December 1933, by kind permission of Erik Hartland. |
Above photo showing the same location, June 2008, by kind permission of Erik Hartland. |
Above photo, December 1933, by kind permission of Erik Hartland. |
Above photo showing the same location, June 2008, by kind permission of Erik Hartland. |
Mentioned in the song, "The Maidstone Landlords" in 1798.
Unfortunately demolished in 1928 to make way for the Trolley bus wires.
Kentish Gazette 6 March 1801.
On Thursday last died, Mr. James Martin, of the "Globe" public
house, and late of the "Roebuck," in Maidstone.
Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 06 March 1838.
Feb. 21, Jane, wife of William Vigor, of the "Globe Inn," Maidstone,
aged 32 years.
From the Kentish Gazette, 6 March 1838.
Feb. 21, Jane, wife of Mr. William Vigor, of the "Globe Inn," Maidstone,
aged 32.
Kentish Gazette, 8 March 1853.
Sudden Death.
An inquest was held at the "Globe Inn," Knightrider-street, on
Friday evening, on the body of John Mitchell, aged 50 years, who
died suddenly on the preceding evening, under the following
circumstances:— Deceased had been for some time past suffering
severely from rheumatism, although otherwise generally in good
health. On Thursday he had been from twelve o'clock in the morning
till halfpast eight in the evening at the "Town Arms" public-house
in Stone-street; where, at about two o'clock he had some dinner —
meat pudding and vegetables — sent him in by the landlady, Mrs.
Furminger. He had but little to drink at the public-house, and on
leaving appeared to be perfectly sober, and in his usual state of
health. On leaving the "Town Arms" he went home, and after a little
conversation with his daughter, sat down in his chair, and
complaining of being thirsty, asked for a cap of tea. He had
scarcely done so when his daughter observed him kicking and plunging
about in a violent manner. She immediately threw her child which she
had in her arms into the cradle, and uttering a scream awoke her
brother, who went out for another relation. The daughter then caught
her father in her arms, and prevented his falling; but he continued
struggling for two or three minutes. Medical assistance was sent
for, and the relation who had been called came in almost immediately
after; but before assistance of any kind could be obtained deceased
died. Mr. Brenchley, surgeon, of Stone-street, attended shortly
after; but having satisfied himself by opening a vein in the
deceased's arm that the poor man was dead, he laid him on the bed,
and left the house. Subsequent enquiry tended to show that the
deceased's brother had died very suddenly in a fit; and from the
upright position in which deceased was sitting with his hands
unclenched when found by Mr. Brenchley, that gentleman came to the
conclusion that death had been occasioned by an apoplectic fit of
the worst form, which might in some degree have been promoted by
deceased's having been subjected so severely to rheumatism.
Verdict:— "That the deceased died by the visitation of God, from
Kentish Gazette, 15 August 1854.
A Child Drowned.
On Monday afternoon little girl, 7 years old, named Ann Allen
Dolman, went with another child, named Mary Cogger, to play in the
meadows near the Lock-house. The child Dolman, it appeared, stooped
over the riverbank to gather some flowers, and fell into the river.
Cogger, as may be imagined, was much frightened, but seeing a man in
the distance, she ran and told him what had happened. This man, John
Mead, went to the place, and he says that the child was then near
the middle of the river, and he could not swim, he did not like to
venture in, but he went to Smithy's and got a boat, when the child
was taken out of the water, but was then dead. Scarcely 10-minutes
of elapsed from the time the child fell in to the time she was taken
An inquest was held at the "Globe," on Tuesday evening, before
Thomas kipping, Esq., the coroner, when a verdict of "accidentally
drowned" was returned.
From the South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 26 July 1859.
To be let. With immediate possession.
The "Globe Inn," Knightrider Street, Maidstone, with good stall stabling
&c. Incoming moderate. Satisfactory reasons will be
given for leaving.
Apply to Mr. J. Leader, on the premises.
(A similar advert appeared for the "Duke
of Suffolk" in Ramsgate with a Mr. J. Leader being on the premises,
at present I do not know the connection.)
Kent Times, 5 July 1862.
Transfer of Licenses.
The only business in the court on Sarurday (before W. Harnes, Esq.,
Mayor, H. Argles and D. Cooper, Esqrs.) was the transfer of the
following licenses:-
The "Globe," Knightrider-street, from Bradley Fermer to Edw.
From Kentish Gazette 21 June 1864.
Before the Worshipful the Mayor (J. Clifford, Esq.) - His worship made
an order for removal of Valentine Buntun Nurse, late landlord of the
"Globe," Knightrider Street, to the Lunatic Asylum, Barming Heath. The
certificate was signed by Mr. Godfrey Saunders, surgeon. The conduct of
the unfortunate young man while in court was very singular. Among other
remarks he said he had made a good deal of money by collecting it and
"sticking to it," which had set him up in business, and he intended to
give a grand entertainment in Maidstone, for which he wished his worship
to give him a license at once. |
From an email received 10 September 2015.
I have a Brass ornament from 1840 with the name William Vigor engraved
on the top with the globe inn on the other side.
I did find a little more information about it, and it appears that the
object was a very early patent model of a cigarette or cigar holder in
the days when you could just buy them single.
Apparently you put the
penny's in the slot press the button to release the flap help yourself
to a cigarette or cigar and then close the lid.

Shaun Heys.
MARTIN James to Mar/1801 dec'd
SMITH Samuel 1826-30+
WATTS Stephen 1832+

VIGOR William 1838-41+ (age 42 in 1841 )
DOWN James 1851-Jan/56 (age 41 in 1851 )

GROSS Henrietta Bennett Jan/1856+

COLLARD Charles 1858+
BARHAM William 1861+ (widower age 43 in 1861 )
GILES Edward 1862+
FERMER Bradley to July 1862
CROCKER Edward July/1862+
HARRISON E D to Sept/1863

NURSE Valentine Buntun to Sept/1863-June/64

FIELD George 1867-74+
POTTER John 1881-91+ (age 30 in 1881 )
POTTER Emma Mrs 1901-18+ (age 56 in 1911 )

From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
Kentish Gazette
South Eastern Gazette
From the Kelly's Directory 1903