High Street
Above postcard, circa 1905. |
Above postcard, 1926. |
Serving as early as 1738, probably earlier.
Source: Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Probate 5 Dec 1738.
John Weekley of West Mailing, gent. will dated 13 Nov 1738 parsonage
of Hadlow called Goldwell-Ward occupied by Thomas Thompson,
"Greyhound" Alehouse in Hadlow Street, Hadlow, occupied by Nicholas
Robus mother, Mrs. Mattheia Weekley, brother George, executor.
Land, part of Knighton Field occupied by Thomas Oben the younger, 3
cousins Margaret, Mary & Katherine Weekley maid Barbara Lovegrove.
Witnesses Henry Randal - Joseph Wilkins - Will. Weldish.
From the Kentish Gazette, 8 December 1857.
James Steele, sen., 45, James Steele, jun., 23, railway labourers,
Edward Reeve, 23, and Henry Reeve, 27, blacksmiths, were charged
with assaulting Stephen Barton, and stealing from his person, with
violence, a silver watch a key, and a gallon of gin, at Hadlow, on
the 31st August.
Mr. Russell was for the prosecution; Mr. Platt appeared for the
Steeles, and Mr. Scobell for the two Reeves.
Stephen Barton stated that he was in the employ of Mr. Larking, of
Hadlow-place Farm, and on the 31st of August he was sent by his
master to Hadlow, about eight o’clock in the evening, to purchase
some gin and wine. Having completed his purchases he returned on his
way home, he was not quite sober, having had a glass of gin and
water and a pint of beer at Hadlow. When he got about three-quarters
of a mile from Hadlow, at a place called the Burnside-gate, he saw
the four prisoners (whom he knew) standing by the side of the road.
It was a moonlight night. Henry Reeves, and James Steele, jun., had
straw hats on; the others wore caps. He knew that the prisoners were
working at Mr. Wells's, of Gammon’s Land, where he had seen them for
six or seven days previously to this occurrence. They had also been
on his master’s farm a few days before, and he had spoken to them.
He did not say anything to them as be passed by them at
Bournside-gate, nor did they to him. He had gone a little distance
further on, when the Reeves came up to him and pushed him into the
ditch, witness’s head finding a resting place among the bushes with
which the side of the bank was covered. He dropped the bottle of gin
which he had. Whilst he was in the ditch the prisoners felt at his
pockets, and when he got up they asked him what time it was.
Prosecutor replied that he had not got a watch, but they said he
had, and Edward Reeves catched hold of his watch chain, which broke.
He then tore out the pocket and took the watch. He asked them what
they meant, but the only reply that he could get was "all right
mate." The younger Steele was also present when this happened, about
five or six yards off. In addition to the watch, prosecutor lost a
bottle of ginger wine, which he had purchased at Hadlow, a seal, a
watch key, and fourpence. The men then went away, and prosecutor
followed the two Reeves for some distance, when he suddenly lost
sight of them.
Mr. Bennett, landlord of the "King’s Head Inn," Hadlow, stated that
he saw prosecutor leave his house at about a quarter to nine, when
he appeared rather the worse for liquor.
Evidence having been taken that the prisoners were at the "Greyhound
Inn" on the evening of the robbery, and left about ten o’clock,
wearing hats and caps as described.
Dinah Homewood stated that on the morning of the 1st of September
she saw Henry Reeve and the elder Steele standing near the hogpound
of a man named Ring, at whoso house the prisoners lodged. She then
saw the younger Reeve come out of a shaw with a stone bottle in his
hand. She did not see whether he joined the other two men, as she
went away. It was the same bottle which was afterwards shown her by
John Ring stated that as he was getting up in the morning he saw the
prisoners come out of the shaw. He heard of the robbery, and he went
to the shaw, where he saw footsteps, and found a stone bottle partly
covered over with grass. He tasted its contents, and found it to be
gin. He laid up from half-past six till eight o'clock, when he again
went to the place where the bottle was. Just at this moment the
younger Reeves came up, and witness concealed himself behind a tree.
Witness was too precipitate in his desire to see who it was, and
peeped round the tree, when Reeves walked off. Witness, with others,
afterwards searched for the watch of the prosecutor, and found it in
a haystack on Mr. Wells’s farm, thrust in about two feet. Two straw
hats were found at the prisoner’s lodgings.
This was the case for the prosecution.
Mr. Platt submitted that there was no case whatever against the
elder Steele.
His Lordship was of the same opinion, and the prisoner was
The learned counsel then addressed the jury on behalf of the younger
Steele, and contended that there was nothing to show that he was a
participator in the commission of the offence.
Mr. Scobell, on the part of Reeves, urged that the prosecutor was in
such a state that no reliance could be placed upon his evidence, and
it was very probable that the robbery had been committed by some of
the rough characters who infested the county during the hop-picking
He then called Wm. Power and John Town, who positively stated that
they were in company with the prisoners upon the night in question
at the "Greyhound," Hadlow, and they did not leave till a quarter
before eleven; Fowler particularly noticed the time.
Two witnesses were also called, who gave the prisoner Reeves a good
The Judge then briefly summed up. The jury, not being able at once
to agree, were locked up.
At the conclusion of the business, the jury returned into Court,
when the foreman said they had Acquitted the two Steeles, but they
could not come to a decision in the case of the two Reeves.
His Lordship said he would come and receive their verdict if they
agreed by ten o’clock, but otherwise he should be compelled to lock
them up for the night.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 12 June 1860. Price 1d.
On Monday, a young man respectably-dressed, called at the "Greyhound
Inn," and representing himself as a stranger in ill- health, enquired if
he could board and lodge there for a few weeks.
The landlady assented, and the terms were agreed on, but on payment in
advance being taken for, the amount was not forthcoming, and the
adventurer departed, as it appears, to seek some more hospitable hearth,
which he found at a private house in the village, where he stated that
he was a carver and gilder in the employ of Messrs. Cubitt, of London,
and was ordered into the country for change of air. He stated that he
expected his luggage by the carrier, of whom for a day or two he made
enquiries, with apparent anxiety.
On his landlady hinting that a settlement was desirable, he treated the
matter with great indifference, saying that he had no change, but would
step into the brewery close by, order a small cask of ale, and obtain
some; he went out, ostensibly for that purpose and has not since been
heard of.
South Eastern Gazette, 8 May, 1860.
An Imposter.
Last Monday, a young man, respectably dressed, called at the
"Greyhound Inn," and representing himself as a stranger in ill
health, enquired if he could board and lodge there for a few weeks.
The landlady assented, and the terms were agreed on, but on a
payment in advance being asked for, the amount was not forthcoming,
and the adventurer departed, as it appears to seek some more
hospitable hearth, which he found at a private house in the village,
where he stated that he was a carver and gilder in the employ of
Messrs. Cubitt of London, and was ordered into the country for
change air. He stated that he expected his luggage by the carrier,
of whom for a day or two he made enquiries, with apparent anxiety.
On his landlady hinting that a settlement was desirable, he treated
the matter with great indifference, saying that he had no change,
but would step into the brewery close by, order a small cask of ale,
and obtain some; he went out, ostensibly for this purpose, and has
not since been heard of.
South Eastern Gazette. Tuesday 23 June 1863.
For further particulars apply to Messrs. Kenward and Barnett, the
Brewery, Hadlow, Tunbridge.
Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 12 November 1870.
Letting off fireworks on the highway.
Albert Baker and Thomas Nightingale alias Pierce were charged with
letting off fireworks on the highway at Hadlow, on the 22nd October.
P.C. James Hasemore deposed that on the 22nd October, about 9:30, he saw
Nightingale throw a cracker on to the highway. A short time afterwards
he also saw Baker throw some from the "Greyhound" public house. There
was a horse outside the "Greyhound," and had not the person held it he
could not tell what the consequences might have been.
By Sir David Solomon:- He spoke to Nightingale about throwing the squib.
The other was thrown afterwards, but he had not previously spoken to the
other defendant about throwing.
Find 2s. 6d. and 6s. costs. Baker paid the money, but Nightingale was
allowed a fortnight.
From the Kent and Sussex Courier. 15 August 1873. Price 1d.
Mr. Frederick Gloucester Smith, publican, of Hadlow applied for an
extension of the hours for closing on the occasion of the fete to be
held in Hadlow Park. After the fete there was to be a ball in an oast-house,
and he applied that he should be put in the same position as Mr. Pine,
the landlord of the "Greyhound," who had an extension of time allowed
him. The Chairman: When was the time granted to Mr. Pine? Mr. Walker (the
Clerk): Last Tuesday. The Chairman (to applicant): Upon what ground do
you apply? Applicant: Mr. Pine has had his license granted to him. The
Chairman: I see, it is a sort of rivalry then. Does the oast-house
belong to you? Applicant: No, it belongs to a farmer. My house is the
nearest. Mr. Walker: Mr. Pine has the contract to supply the provisions. The Chairman: Mr. Pine has got the contract you see, you have not. It is
mere rivalry you see. As I understand it is this; this ball is to be
given in the hop-oast, and Mr. Pine has the contract to supply the
provisions. He has had an extension of time granted him in consequence.
You have no contract, but merely keep a public house in Hadlow. Applicant: But I am close to this oast-house. The Chairman: If you can
give us some better reason we might grant you an extension. Mr. Walker:
It is doubtful whether you have the power. The Chairman: The other man
has a contract to supply. Mr. Powell: If we allow one we must allow the
whole. Application refused. |
Kent & Sussex Courier 20 November 1874.
Extensions of time were granted to Mr. Pine, of the "Greyhound," Hadlow.
Leeds Times 09 March 1872.
Henry HARMER, jun., publican, Hadlow.
Sussex Agricultural Express 15 June 1889.
An occasional license was granted to Mr. E. G. Pine, of the "Greyhound
Hotel," Hadlow, to serve refreshments at a sale at North Frith.
Sussex Agricultural Express, Saturday 29 July 1899.
Licensing Mr. E.G. Pine, of the "Greyhound," Hadlow, was granted
occasional licences for a flower show in the Vicarage grounds on August
2nd, and for a cricket match on Hadlow common on August 28th.
Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 15 May 1931.
A happy gathering met at the "Greyhound Hall" on Wednesday evening to
celebrate the 21st birthday of Miss Vera Tully, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. F. J. Tully, the popular proprietor and proprietress of the
"Greyhound Hotel." Although not long resident in Hadlow, both the
parents and daughter, by their courtesy, have established themselves as
popular favourites in the old-established hostelry, where a former
proprietor, the late Mr. Edward Gooding Pine, held the license for 44
About 50 guests, mostly about Miss Tally's age, were invited to
celebrate the occasion, augmented by personal friends and relatives from
Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge, Snodland and London, and the local business
firms. Refreshments were provided by the host and hostess, and a
carnival dance with novelties added to the enjoyment of the happy
gathering, the music being provided by the 20th Century Band, under the
conductorship of Mr. Gilbert; the duties of M.C. being efficiently
carried out by Mr. Wells. Miss Tully was the recipient of many beautiful
and valuable presents.
Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser, Friday 11 March 1938.
Hadlow Inn to be demolished. Surprise for local residents.
Bolted doors and a notice saying "closed" greeting customers of the
"Greyhound Inn," Hadlow, when they went for the usual drink on Wednesday
They were dumbfounded to find that the "Greyhound," whose
doors greeted the travellers during the last two centuries or more, were
closed forever. No suspicion that the inn was to be shut was in the
minds of Hadlow residents, and there was much speculation as to what had
Actually the inn, which stands on the bend by the square, has been
compulsorily acquired by the Kent County Council for road widening
purposes, and on Tuesday at the adjourned licensing sessions at
Tonbridge the licence of the inn was transferred to premises at High
At one time the "Greyhound" was a posting inn, and it was here that Tom
Sayers, the famous pugilist, trained for his Herculean bare fisted
A possible explanation.
The inn appears to have been associated with coursing for many years,
and it is possible that it's name arose from the connection with the
greyhound. Before the war the Royden Hall Harriers had the inn as their
headquarters, and the pack appears to have been of very great antiquity.
An interesting relic of bygone days in this picturesque oak-beamed inn
is a fine specimen of a "tax clock." In the 1870's a tax was imposed on
all watches and clocks and as a result clockmakers evolved a special
kind of timepiece known as a "tax clock." These had enormous faces some
as big as 5 feet across - and were placed in buildings much frequented
by the public, such as the village inn, where the public by passing into
its doors, or better still by buying a drink, could easily find out the
time. The tax was repealed after one year, and therefore those clocks
are by no means common. The "Greyhound" clock measures 3 feet across the
face and has a large trunk to accommodate it's necessarily cumbersome
Another point of interest in that there are still in existence a number
of money tokens stamped with a greyhound which were issued from the inn
during the time of the Peninsular War (1807-14) in lieu of money, which then
became very scarce.
The demolition of this fine old inn is but part of the scheme for the
widening of Hadlow's High Street, and it is possible that other
buildings of character in this village may suffer a similar fate.
THIOMPSON Thomas 1738
BATEMAN John circa 1814
PALMER John 1828-41+ (age 60 in 1841 )
PALMER George 1851+ (also carpenter age 43 in 1851 )
PALMAR Thomas 1858-61+ (age 46 in 1861 )
BENNETT James 1862+
HARMER Henry 1871-Mar/72+ (age 31 in 1871 )
PINE Edward Gooding 1874-1918 (widower age 57 in 1891 )
WHITE Frederick Charles 1922+
CLINTON Frank W 1930+
TULLY F J 1931+
OLDMAN Ernest Frederick 1938+
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
From the Kelly's Directory 1903
and Sussex Courier