Page Updated:- Friday, 28 June, 2024.


Earliest 1604

Malt Shovel

Open 2020+

Station Road


01322 862164

Maut Shovel

Above photo, date unknown.

Malt Shovel

Above photo, date unknown.

Malt Shovel 2007

Above photo 2007 by Richard Croft Creative Commons Licence.

Malt Shovel inside

Above photo, date unknown.

Malt Shovel

Above photo, date unknown.

Malt Shovel sign 1965Malt Shovel sign 1994

Above sign left, 1965, sign right, April 1994.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


An alehouse stood on the site of the Malt Shovel, Eynsford as long ago as 1604. Owned by various private owners it passed into the hands of C. N. Kidd, a brewer in Dartford, in 1870. The building was altered several times over the years and at some point Kidd sold off some of the land on which it stood, later becoming Malt Shovel Cottages. The name Malt Shovel was first mentioned in 1871. About ten years later a new building was built nearer the road, in it's current position. In 1887 Henry Millbourn became the 'beer retailer' in the Malt Shovel and it remained in his family until 1972. In 1937 Kidd's Steam Brewery was taken over by Courage. Hillier Millbourn held the licence at that time and major alterations were carried out, the exterior of which is almost the same today.

The premises were now fully licensed, no longer just a beer house.


From the By Ben Hatton, 24 July 2018.

A woman's face, hands and back were slashed outside an Eynsford pub near Sevenoaks.

A man has been arrested on suspicion of assault.

A woman's face, hands and back were slashed outside a pub in Eynsford yesterday evening (July 23).

Officers have arrested a 42-year-old man from Sevenoaks on suspicion of assault and he remains in police custody while the investigation is ongoing.

Police were called to a report of a "serious assault" on Station Road at 9.30pm.

The suspect, who is believed to be known to the victim, had left the scene on foot.

The woman, also in her 40s, suffered cuts "consistent with being struck with a bladed weapon," according to Kent Police.

She was taken to a London hospital for further medical attention.

An Eynsford resident said emergency services were outside The Malt Shovel pub last night, and a police cordon was in place in the area.

They said police with sniffer dogs were seen in the village today (July 24).

Anyone who witnessed the incident or who has any information that may help the investigation is asked to contact Kent Police on 01622 604100 quoting reference XY/45724/18.

Alternatively, contact the independent charity Crimestoppers in Kent anonymously on 0800 555 111.


From the By Paul Hooper, 6 August 2019.

Thug jailed for slashing fiancee in face outside Eynsford Malt Shovel pub.

A vicious thug slashed his lover with a knife leaving her with "near fatal" injuries.

Then as his victim lay in a hospital bed, Steven Thomas, 43, began plotting to get her to drop the charges.

The savage slashing left his fiancée Eve Lawlor with six deep and "life changing" wounds in the horror attack outside Eynsford Malt Shovel pub.

Steven Thomas 2019

Steven Thomas has been jailed for 12 years.

Now Thomas - who has more than 100 offences - has received a 14 year sentence after he admitted wounding with intent and having a knife in public.

Judge Adele Williams ordered he go to prison for 12 years and then added another two years which he must serve on licence when he is eventually released.

Maidstone Crown Court heard how days before the incident in July last year, he had been seen on a train in an argument with Ms Lawlor.

Prosecutor Peter Alcock said that when Thomas was arrested he claimed he had spent the night in London.

But in his pockets, officers found a letter he had penned to Ms Lawlor that night offering to marry her and pleading for another chance.

And while he was on remand in prison he had contacted her asking for her to make a statement blaming another man for the attack, Mr Alcock said.

Mr Alcock told how in July the couple had been heard arguing outside the pub by landlord Allen Claxton and his pregnant daughter Rachael.

He said Rachael was in an upstairs room at the pub and heard a woman shouting : "Help me!"

Thomas was then seen walking casually away as people went to to the aid of Ms Lawlor, telling people: "It's not me. I haven't done anything" as blood was coming from the gashes to to her face, back and spine.

Ms Claxton ran down stairs and went to the aid of the stricken victim who was losing consciousness on a number of occasions.

Ms Lawlor was taken to a London hospital where an expert said the wounds, which have left her scarred, could have been fatal had they not been treated.

But despite her condition he was plotting to get her to make a false statement blaming an unnamed ex-lover for carrying out the attack.

Judge Williams told him: "You could have killed her as there was a potential of death and it was a sustained attack with a weapon."

She said he had coerced his ex-lover into making the false statement.

She ruled Thomas, of St John's Road, Sevenoaks was dangerous and posed a significant risk to other people.

And the judge gave Rachael - who was 38 weeks pregnant when she went to Ms Lawlor's aid - a £400 High Sheriff Award.



KIDD C N 1870+

WHARTON Benjamin 1881+ (widower age 62 in 1881Census)

WILMAN Mr to Dec/1890 dec'd Maidstone and Kentish Journal

WILMAN Drucilla Dec/1890+ Maidstone and Kentish Journal

MILLBOURN Drusilla 1887-91+ (widow age 55 in 1891Census)

MILLBOURN Hillier Henry 1899-34+


CLAXTON Allen 2018-19+



Maidstone and Kentish JournalMaidstone and Kentish Journal


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-