Page Updated:- Sunday, 18 July, 2021.


Earliest ????

New Inn

Latest ????

(Name to)

Forge Lane (Dean Street 1861Census)

East Farleigh

New Inn

Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Mark Richford.

New Inn

Above postcard, date unknown.

Former New Inn

I am assuming that the building above used to be the "New Inn" as the cottages to the right are called 2 and 4 New Inn Cottages.

The building is now called Wilberforce Cottage. Local knowledge required.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 5 February 1859. Price 1d.


At the Magistrates' clerk's office, Saturday, before Captain Robinson, Thomas Whines, and James Bird, were charged with a highway robbery, and stealing £2 6s. 4d., the property of William Dafter, on Friday night last.

It was given in evidence that on the night in question the prisoner and the prosecutor, who are hawkers, were together at the “New Inn,” East Farleigh, they were drinking in that house from about 5 o'clock until after nine, and during that time the prosecutor paid for most of the beer &c. Whines was seen during the Evening to put some tobacco in a glass of gin and water, which he gave to the prosecutor, who after drinking some of it, was very bad for a time. He was also seen to put him hand in prosecutor's pocket, the prosecutor himself remarking upon it. The prosecutor then took out his money, which was in a bag, and gave it to the landlord, for him to keep, but Whines persuaded him to have it back, and the landlord, after counting it out, gave him a piece of paper, shewing the amount, and the bag and money. They left the house together, came as far as Rayfield's beer-house, which was closed, and the prosecutor, who was what was termed fresh, was lifted from the donkey cart, fell into the road, and was robbed of his money; the prisoner leaving him in the road, he managed to get home, and gave information to the county police.

The prisoner was apprehended on Saturday morning, at the “Fortune of War,” Upper Stone Street, Maidstone. They denied all knowledge of robbery, but were committed for trial at the Assizes.


South Eastern Gazette 14 September 1852.


Sun. 6.— (Before J. Jacobson, Esq., Chairman, Capt. Marsham, the Rev. R. Martin, E. Burton, D. Stratton, W. W. T. Baldwin, Esqrs., and Sir John Croft, Bart.)

James Bayfield applied for a spirit license for the "New Inn" beer-house at East Farleigh. Mr. King, Solicitor, appeared to support the application, which was refused.


From the Maidstone and Kentish Journal, 6 November 1871.

Michael Wyman, of East Farleigh, was summoned for keeping open house, on 22nd October. Mr. Goodwin applied for an adjournment on behalf of the defendant, which was succeeded to on account of the absence of witnesses.



I believe the pub changed name to the "William Wilberforce" before finally closing. Unfortunately as yet dates unknown.



RAYFIELD/BAYFIELD James 1852-58+ (also grocer)

WYMAN Michael 1861-74 (age 52 in 1861Census)

BUSS Edwin 1881-91 (age 61 in 1891Census)

BRYANT James 1901+ (age 57 in 1901Census)

CHESTER G E 1903+ Kelly's 1903

KIMMINGS Henry 1911+ age (55 in 1911Census)

RELF Matthew 1913-30+

DRURY Henry A 1938+



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
