Sort file:- Canterbury, May, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 16 May, 2021.


Earliest 1769-

Old Castle

Latest 1880+




I at first assumed that this was a pub, although it could well have been a court house, as all I have found to date is the passages from the Canterbury Chronicle below. I have no further information regarding its location as yet.

Further information suggests that these are referring to the old Canterbury Castle itself, which was built soon after 1066 along with Dover and Maidstone Castles. Information certainly appears to put it in this location.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday, 3 May, to Saturday 6 May, 1769. Price 2½d.


Notice is hereby given to the several Assessors of the Land and Window Taxes within the West Division of the Lath of St. Augustine, in the County of Kent, called the Home Division, to appear before the Commissioners of the said Taxes on Friday the Twelfth Day of May Instant, at the “Old Castle,” Canterbury, in the said County, to be sworn according to the Directions of the Statute in that Case made.

And the said Assessors are also to appear at the “Old Castle,” Canterbury, aforesaid, on Wednesday the Seventh Day of June next, according to their Warrants, to bring in their Land and Window Tax Sessions, and to verify the latter upon oath.

Young Jeken,

Clerk to the said Commission.


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Wednesday 10 May to Saturday 13 May, 1769. Price 2½d.


The next general Sessions of SEWERS for the several Limits in the Eastern Parts of the County of Kent, will be holden at the “Old Castle,” Canterbury, on Monday the Twenty-second Day of May instant, at Ten of the Clock in the Forenoon.


Kent Gazette, 5 October, 1782.

To be sold to the Best Bidder, on Saturday the 2nd day of November next, between the hours of 12 and 2 in the afternoon, at the "Rose Inn," in Saint George's Street, Canterbury by Richard Staines, Auctioneer.

Lot 1. The "Old Castle" of Canterbury, with a storehouses, Rooms, and Stowages therein, or adjoining thereto, with Appurtenances.

A Messuage, Buildings, Court and Gardens, in the occupation of Mrs. D Leftang, or her Undertenant.

A Messuage, and two large Gardens, in the Occupation of Mr. Saltwell, Gardener.

The "Bell Alehouse," with the Buildings, Stables, Ground and Appurtenances, in the Occupation of Mr. John Jackson, or his Undertenants.

A substantial Brick Messuages, neatly fitted up and and sashed, with the Buildings and Garden behind the same, now in the occupation of Mr. Benjamin Kelly.

A piece of Garden Ground, lying under the Castle Wall, in the occupation of Thomas Engeham, Gardener.

A Piece of Pasture Land (being the Yard of the Old Castle) in the Occupation of Mr. John Perkins.

Another Piece of Pasture Land adjoining (Part Freehold and Part Leasehold) in the occupation of Mr. James Evernden.

All the above Premises (except a Part of the last Piece of Pasture) are Freehold, and within the the Precinct of the "Old Castle," Canterbury, aforesaid, and the Tythe-free.

Apply for further particulars to Mr. Nairn, at Milkhouse near Cranbrook; Mr. Balderton, in Mercery Lane, or Messrs. Long and Sandys, in the White Friars, Canterbury.


Kentish Gazette, Friday 3 June 1785.


The next General Sessions of the Sewers for several Limits in the Eastern Parts of the County of Kent, are to be holden "by Adjournment" at the "Old Castle," Canterbury, on Saturday the 4th day of June, 1785, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon.

W. Long. Clerk to the Commission.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, Friday 22 May 1801.

Tuesday was committed to St. Dunstan's gaol, Alice Darkings, charged with having stolen a copper tea kettle, from the dwelling house of Thomas Bishop, victualler, of the precincts of the "Old Castle," near the city.


Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 14 January 1803.

CANTERBURY, January 14.

At the Quarter Sessions for the Eastern Division of this county, held at the "Old Castle," near this city, on Tuesday last, was tried, Thomas Davy, for stealing fowls and other articles, the property of John Matson and others, and for entering and forcing the lattice window of the pantry belonging to the dwelling-house of William Boys, the "Blacksmith's Arms," Willesborough, and stealing three bottles of red port wine, his property.

Thomas Davy was transported for 7 years.


From the Kentish Gazette, 3 January 1804. Price 6d.


THE next General Quarter Session of the Peace, for the Eastern Parts of the County of Kent, will be held at the “Old Castle” of Canterbury on Tuesday, the 10th of January, 1804.

The Justices will sit by nine o'clock; when those who are to appear on recognizance for bastardy, the peace, and other parish business, are to give their attendance; and the Court will begin to hear appeals in cases of settlements, poor's rates. &c. at ten o'clock precisely (instead of eleven as heretofore) of which the parties interested in such appeals, with their witnesses are to take notice, and attend accordingly.

N. B. The business having been retarded by the non-attendance of the Grand and Petty Juries, those who do not answer to their names at the opening of the Court, will be find.


From the Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal, 03 May, 1808.

At the General Quarter Sessions for the Eastern parts of this county, held at the "Old Castle" of Canterbury, on Friday and Saturday last, the following prisoners were tried:—Sarah Stephens, charged with stealing 1 bottle of brandy, 1 bottle of geneva, &c. the property of A. Surtees, of Elmsted.— Discharged.

Stephen Brett, charged with stealing from a hen-roost in the parish of Hackington, otherwise St. Stephen, eighteen fowls, eight ducks, and two rabbits, the property of Thomas White.—Discharged.

Anne Wilkins and Hannah Wilkins, charged with having received into their custody the said fowls, &c. knowing the same to be stolen.— Discharged.

William Elvey, charged with breaking into the stable of James TasselI, of Wye, and damaging and disfiguring five horses, by cutting off the hair from their manes and tails, and stealing the same.— To be imprisoned 12 calendar months, kept to hard labour, and once whipped at Wye.

John Tonge, charged with rescuing from W. Baskerville, on the 18th of April, in the parish of Patrixbourne, two horses laden with geneva.— Discharged.

Sarah Lawrence, charged with stealing in the parish of Ashford, a woman’s great coat, the property of James Barnes.— Discharged.


Kentish Gazette, 17 October, 1880.


At the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace held at the "Old Castle," near this city, on Friday last, for the Eastern part of this county, Joseph Pritchard and Alexander Swift, were charged with having feloniously stolen from the stables of the Rev. Philip Papillon, two saddles, two bridles, &c. his property.

Pritchard discharged. Swift transported for 7 years.



BISHOP Thomas 1801+


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
