Sort file:- Westerham, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 21 July, 2024.


Earliest ????

Old House at Home

Latest ????

(Name to)

High Street / Vicarage Hill


Old House at Home 1895

Above photo, 1895, taken by J. H. Jewell.

Old House at Home

Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Old House at Home

Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Old House at Home 1930

Above photo, 1930, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Old House at Home

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Old House at Home

Above photo, date unknown.

Old House at Home 2016

Above Google image, July 2016.

Old House at Home sign 1992Old House at Home sign 2007

Above sign left, June 1992, sign right 2007. Probably the same.

With thanks from Brian Curtis


Situated next door to Quebec House, this has also been addressed as in Quebec Square. The pub is closed, circa 2000 or before, and is a private residence.


Old House at Home advert 1890s

Above advert, 1890s.


From Maidstone and Kentish Journal 23rd January 1896.

Cowardly assault on a police constable at Westerham.

At the Sevenoaks Police Court on Tuesday before major German and Admiral Millar, Thomas Wood an army reserve man, was charged with unlawful wounding P.C. Russell with intent to do him grievous bodily harm at Westerham, on the 4th inst. P.C. Russell who was been confined to the house since the assault stated that at 10:45 on the night in question he was on duty in the High street and seeing the accused and three or four other men in a very drunken state near the "Old House at Home," he requested them to go home quietly. This they refuse to do and one of the party went up to the witness and said, "Look here Russell, if you interfere with us tonight you have got something to come." Witness then turned round and saw prisoner in the act of throwing a very large stone, which hit him a heavy blow on the left eye, near the temple. It made a terrible gash and caused him to stagger, and he was taken to his home in a semi conscious state. He had been laid up several days in consequence of the wound, and was still on the sick list.

A young man named Cowell, employed at the "Old House at Home," gave evidence as to seeing the accused throw a stone at Russell.

Dr. Maud was next called and stated that he had attended the constable, who had been suffering from a severe wound near the left eye, which had in his opinion, been caused by a heavy blow with a sharp instrument or stone. He was first called to Russell about 11 o'clock on the night in question, and found him half unconscious. He dressed the wound which was three inches in length, and laid open to the bone. He had for the first two days and symptoms of concussion of the brain. These had since disappeared and although the constable was making excellent progress towards recovery, he would not be able to resume his duties for at least a week. P.C. Castle stated that until the 9th instant, the prisoner have been missing from the town, but on that day he succeeded in apprehending him.

Prisoner had nothing to say in reply to the charge, and the magistrates committed him for trial at the Assizes.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser, Friday 21 March 1913.

The old House at Home.

Evidence was first called with respect to the "Old House at Home," Mr. C. E. Warner "Solicitor, Tonbridge) appeared for the brewers Messrs. Bushell, Watkins and Smith.

Superintendent Fowle pointed out that at Westerham there was an acreage of 5,804, and a population according to the last census, of 3,049. They were eight licensed houses and one beerhouse, which came to an acreage of 336 to each licence house. Since 1904 there been no change in this licensed house.

In reply to the Chairman Superintendent Fowle said that the acreage and population did not include Brasted and Sundridge.

The Clerk mentioned that included Crockham Hill, which did not possess a large population.

The Rev. Acworth said that he understood that the actual population in Westerham was under 2,500.

The Chairman (to the Superintendent) what do you think is the number of houses needed for this place?

I think one can be done away with.

The Chairman:- Do you think that they will be ample accommodation without one?

Quite, sir.

An ordnance map was produced and handed to the Bench, and showed the position of the house in question. Cross examined by Mr. Warner, Superintendent Fowle said there had not been a transfer since 1904. He did not know anything about the trade of the house and could not make a statement that it was a house of frequent call.

The Chairman:- Can you say that it is a good house for supervision?

Yes, sir.

The Chairman:- Have you any objection to make?

None at all.

Mr. Warner explain that the actual transfer took place in October, 1902, those were his instructions.

Mr. Warner (to the Superintendent):- This house from the inside structure arrangements is a good one?

Yes, sir.

Continuing, Superintendent Fowle said it was on the main road leading through Westerham and the various villages on the outside, and that probably it would be a house of call for people with vehicles.

Sergeant C. Huggett, station at Brasted, gave evidence that the position of the house was near the crossroads and the end of Westerham.

The Rev. Acworth. It is actually at this point.

Cross examined by Mr. Warner, Sergeant Huggett said that the nearest house to the one in question in the village would be about 320 yards distant. He would agree that this house would take the trade with vehicles and people coming from certain villages outside. They had been in the neighbourhood some six or seven years and known the house well. It was structurally alright and suitable for police supervision, and it was well conducted. He had noticed one of two vehicles standing there occasionally, the occupants of which stopped for refreshment. There was a motor works about 50 or 60 yards away, and there was some building about to be carried out in the vicinity of Hosey Common. Hosey common was about three quarters of a mile distant. He had no complaint to make about the house.

The Chairman:- I want to know if you think Westerham is well supplied or not?

It is well supplied.

You think it would be better still better if it had not got so many houses?

Yes, sir.

The Rev. Ackworth:- Do you think it is useful to passers-by or to people on the spot?

To people on the spot.

Here Mr. Warner handed to the Bench a statement showing the amount of trade during seven years and the last three years.

The Chairman:- It is a very steady trade.

Mr. Newton, the manager and secretary at the brewery, was called and said that he had taken the figures given from the books.

The Chairman:- How many houses have you in Westerham?


Mr. Warner said it was interesting to look at the figures, because they could see how the trade of a public house could change.

The Chairman:- Much more bottle and less draught?

Yes, sir.

The Chairman:- And the crates have increased enormously, what does this mean?

Mr. Newton explained that there were four quart bottles in a crate.

The Chairman:- What class of customer is it who takes the crates?

Private householders as a rule.

The Chairman:- As opposed to people who drink at the bar?

There is a certain amount of bottle beer drank in the house, but very little, I think.

The Chairman:- You say there are five houses in Westerham and not outside?

Mr. Newton I think that I should be right in saying we are the mainstay of Westerham, and employ 60 or 70 men, paying out over £100 a week.

Chairman:-. I do not know if it is fair to ask you if this is a house which you can willingly spare?

No, sir.

Mr. Warner:- You are an old inhabitant of Westerham, what is your opinion about the number of houses. Do you think they are over done?

I do not know. There are not too many belonging to my company at any rates.

The Chairman:- You would not say that the accommodation is not ample?

No, sir, but you must take into consideration that it is our home when we say that we have five houses there.

Mr. Charles Bassett, the tenant, said he had been there since October, 1902. When he went in, he paid £650 for evaluation and £104 9s. 6d., for stock and that was his own money.

The Chairman:- Do you say that you actually invested that sum in the house?

Yes, sir.

Captain Pym:- I understand that when a new tenant goes in, he generally pays the same as the outgoing tenant.

Mr. Warner:- The question of evaluation is always uncertain. The question of Goodwill sometimes comes in.

The Chairman:- It is a good bit above the average.

Mr. Warner:- It is a good house.

Continuing, witness said that his payments per annum for cigars and tobacco came to £110 6s. 2d. This was an average for three years. His takings on an average for three years was £1,403, which came to £20 or £30 a week. He did a big jug trade, between 30 and 40 customers coming in each day.

The Chairman:- Do you mean the same people or different people every day?

Different people.

Continuing, he said that he supplied luncheons and had regular customers who came in there on certain days. The house was on the main road from Westerham station, and carter's and others came from the goods yard to his house and had no other place that which to call direct. At Hosey there was some stone quarries and Carter's came in his direction and sometimes stopped at the house. There are also between 70 and 80 dwelling houses within a radius of 200 yards of his house. There were two large works near to his house, wear 20 or 30 men were employed most of them were his customers. About 40 vehicle stopped at his house on the average per day. There was also a large building to be erected at Hosey by Mr. Darken. If his house was closed these men employed would have to go further up the street. He has got a petition (produced) signed by influential people - gentleman as well as working men. He also possessed a slate club at the house with 69 members, and he frequently supplied teas. There was a motor workshop near his house, owned by Mr. Evenden, and all the men came into his house for lunch.

Mr Warner:- And supposing the house closes, you lose your competition?

I do not know.

Mr. Warner:- You have not had any experience of that yet.

Mr. Norman Darken was called, and said that he had a preparatory school opposite to the house. He had been there four years and knew the conduct of the house, and thought it was necessary for the requirements of the neighbourhood and fulfilled a proper position in the licensing world. The conduct of the house was good.

The Chairman:- It is not a house where you see people finding a difficulty in getting home?

I have never seen anything like that at all.

Mr. Evenden from the motor works, said he thought the house was very necessary. His men used the house. He had lived near the house for about 2 years, but had been going to his works for about a quarter of a century.

The Bench adjourned to deliberate for some time, and upon returning to Chairman said that they had settled to refer the "Grasshopper" and renew the "Old House at Home" and the "Royal Standard."


From a book titled Quaint Signs of Olde Inns, by G. J. Monson-Fitzjohn, B.Sc. 1926.

OLD HOUSE AT HOME. Westerham, Sheerness, Henley-on-Thames, etc.

The name is simply one borrowed from the old ballad, and is meant to suggest all possible comforts to contemplative visitors. Good meals, good beer, good fires, clean sheets and attention.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 10 September 1937.



Edging out from behind two lorries to the off-side of the road a Westerham driver was involved in a collision with another car near Morley's Farm Hut, Riverhill, and was taken to hospital.

The story of the incident was related at Sevenoaks on Friday, when Charles John Bassett, "Old House at Home," Quebec Square, Westerham, was disqualified for one month, fined £5 and ordered to pay £1 3s. 6d. costs for careless driving on July 15.

Thomas Butler, of Marchant Farm, Hildenborough, said he was driving towards Sevenoaks near Morley's Farm Hut and about half way round the bend he saw two lorries going towards Tonbridge. Behind them was Bassett's car, which witness did not see until it came out from behind them. Witness was about a yard from his near-side and the cars collided.

Frederick Ernest Wilson, 4, Patrick-avenue, Sutton, Surrey, who was on the pull-in at Morley's Hut, stated that the lorries were just pulling up when all of a sudden a small car shot out from behind them and hit the other car. The driver somersaulted out of the car. Witness did not think the lorry driver gave any sign that he was stopping.

P. C. Hills gave evidence of taking a statement from Bassett in hospital that he was driving behind the lorry, which slowed up as if it was going to stop and he edged up round it.

Bassett said he did not think the lorry driver gave any signal that he was slowing down.

He was defended by Mr. Eric Allen, who submitted that if the lorry driver had indicated that he was slowing down defendant would not have been in Court.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 07 April 1939.


Mrs. Cecilia Kate Bassett, of "Old House at Home," sustained facial cuts and shock when she was knocked down on Vicarage Hill on Friday by a car driven by Mr. H. Q. Smith, of Bromley.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 20 October 1944.


Deep sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. C. Bassett, "Old House at Home," in the loss they have sustained by the death of their only son, Lieut. John Charles Bassett, R.E., through enemy action in this country.

Lieut. Bassett was born at Westerham 29 years ago, and was educated at Judd's School, Tonbridge, in which town he was studying to be an architect and surveyor prior to joining the Forces. He was married at St. Mary's Church, Westerham, in June last year.


Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 16 April 1948.

Mr. Charles Bassett, of the "Old House at Home," Westerham, whose death at the age of 79 was reported last week, was the oldest member of the Sevenoaks and District Licensed Victuallers' Association as well as the oldest licensee of a Westerham Brewery house.

Born at Hastings, Mr. Bassett came to Westerham from Hildenborough in 1902. He was formerly a member of the Westerham Bowling Club, but cricket was one of his greatest interests. A player in his younger days, Mr. Bassett was in later life ever a keen follower of the game.

He leaves a widow and three daughters. His only son was killed on active service during the war.

The funeral took place at Westerham on Friday, the Vicar, the Rev J. A. Castle, officiating.




DRAPPER John 1862-81+ (age 52 in 1871Census)

REEVES Oliver 1890-91+ Maidstone and Kentish Journal

STROVER S J Mrs 1903+ Kelly's 1903

BASSETT Charles 1911-Apr/48 dec'd (age 41 in 1911Census)



Maidstone and Kentish JournalMaidstone and Kentish Journal

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-