Sort file:- Sittingbourne, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 17 July, 2024.


Earliest ????

Old Oak

Closed 2014

68 East Street


Old Oak

Above postcard, date unknown.

Old Oak

Old Oak, date unknown.

Old Oak 2005

Above photo, 4 April 2005.

Old Oak 2014

Above photo 2014.

Old Oak sign 2005Old oak sign 2014

Above sign left, April 2005, sign right, 2014.

Old Oak matchbox 1980s

Above matchbox circa 1980s.

Old Oak inside 2015 Old Oak inside 2015 Old Oak inside 2015

Above photos by Bas, March 2015, showing the inside of the pub.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 13 July 1929.


Mrs. Alice Maud Mary Argent, who, since the death of her husband five years ago, had been the licensee of the "Old Oak," Sittingbourne, died in the Kent and Canterbury Hospital on Friday following a fall in the house two days previously. An inquest was held at the Hospital on Monday by the Canterbury Coroner (Mr. C. A. Gardner) who sat without a jury.

Samuel Sidney Argent, employed at Lloyd's Paper Mills, Kemsley, residing at "Old Oak," East Street, Sittingbourne, said his mother had been the licensee of that house for the past five years and was a widow, his father having been the former licensee. About 10.45 p.m. on Wednesday, July 3rd, after he had returned from work, his mother was just locking the place. She said "Goodnight" to him and left him having his supper in the kitchen. She was carrying a glass of lemonade and two bags of money. He heard the noise of a fall and, rushing to the stairs, which were unlighted, ran up them and heard a groan. He found his mother lying on the landing at the top of the stairs. Witness's aunt, and the lodger came to help and they carried her to her bedroom. Witness fetched the doctor. His mother said she slipped at the top of the stairs. There was a loose mat on the landing, on which she probably slipped. She had been rather poorly ever since his father died five years ago and suffered from nerves. He did not consider that she took too much drink and he would swear she was sober on that occasion. The doctor sent her to the Kent and Canterbury Hospital next day.

Dr. D. K. Weston, house surgeon at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital, said deceased was admitted about 4.10 p.m. on July 4th. On examination he found much swelling of the right hip and an X-ray photograph showed a fracture of the right femur. The following morning she developed signs of delirium tremens, and became worse and died at 7.20 p.m. that day. The cause of death was delirium tremens, accelerated by the accident. The doctor said she would not have died from either cause without the other. There were signs that she was suffering from chronic alcoholism.

The Coroner recorded a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.



The "Old Oak" prior to 1987 used to show a tree on its sign, but previous to this Whitbread changed this to the rotting hulk of an old ship on the seashore. Until iron ships made their debut, it was customary for sea-faring vessels to be built from seasoned oak wood.

The pub was closed for a while during 2011.

Another former Enterprise Pub that has closed and planning permission was given on 10th April 2014 to convert the premises into flats.

I am informed by Stephanie Beckett that during the 1960s the back of the pub was surrounded by nurseries that usues polytunnels,



CHAPMAN William 1874+

COLEMAN George Gilbert 1891-99+ (age 34 in 1891Census)

ARGENT Samuel 1901-24 dec'd (age 28 in 1901Census)

ARGENT Alice Maud Mary dec'd 1924-July/29 Whitstable Times

McCARTNEY Albert R 1938+

COURT Alf & Ena 1962-63+ Next pub licensee had

NICHOLLS Rod & Rita 1980s



Whitstable TimesWhitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-