Herne Bay
Above photo, circa 1015. |
From the Kentish Chronicle, 23 June, 1860.
The following cases, all proposed were heard.
John Steer, "Pier Hotel," Herne Bay, hotel-keeper debts, £1,390 0s. 6d.;
credits, £8 10s.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 12 September, 1863.
This being the annual licensing day, the innkeepers of Herne Bay attended to
get their certificates renewed. Every application was granted, but Mr.
Croft, of the “Pier Hotel,” was desired to keep his house more orderly for
the future.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 30 March, 1867. Price 1d.
HERNE BAY. The Catch Club.
The last concert (an extra night) of this Club of the present season
took place at the “Royal Pier Hotel” on Monday evening, and proved a
decided success. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the
attendance was good, including a large number of agricultural friends.
The chair was ably filled, by E. B. Collard, Esq. The talent engaged for
this occasion was the Whitstable Glee Union, who exerted themselves to
the utmost to afford a pleasing entertainment, and their endeavours were
crowned with success. The whole of the music and singing were remarkably
good. The solo and chorus “Come where my love lies dreaming,” was well
rendered, the solo being admirably sung by Mr. G. Cox. The glee “The
Bells of St. Michael's Tower,” by the members of the Union, was given
with equal effect, and the song by Mr. Johnson, “British Man-o'-War,”
was deservedly encored. A solo on the cornet was also given by Mr.
Johnson, in which he was loudly applauded. The efficient band played an
overture and some dance music, which formed an attractive feature of the
excellent programme. Several songs were sung by members of the company,
and altogether the concert was one of the best that we have had, and it
was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. In the course of the evening Mr.
Geo. Harrison proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman, which we need
hardly say was carried with acclamation. Mr. Collard responded in a few
appropriate remarks, in the course of which he gave a statement of the
funds of the Club, and congratulated the members on the fact of there
being a balance in hand wherewith to commence another season. A vote of
thanks was also tendered to Mr. W. Boyce, the spirited proprietor of the
Hotel, for the attention and assiduous manner in which he had catered
for his guests. This likewise met with a hearty reception, and Mr. Boyce
briefly acknowledged the compliment.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 20 April, 1867. Price 1d.
Boyce v Russell.
This was an action by plaintiff, who is landlord of the “Royal Pier
Hotel,” Herne Bay, to recover the sum of £29 15s. 11d., incurred by
defendant while at the “Royal Pier Hotel.” Mr. Delasaux appeared for plaintiff. Mr. Boyce said:- I am landlord of the “Royal Pier Hotel,” at Herne Bay.
Defendant came to my house on the 24th of December, 1866, and arranged
to stay there about a month. He engaged the rooms from the 24th of
December, for his wife and family. We made no arrangements about what I
should charge for boarding defendant and his family. Mr. Clarkson said he was in the “Pier Hotel,” on the 24th of December.
Defendant said he was coming down to Herne Bay, and he wanted to find
some house to board and lodge him and his family. Mr. Boyce told him
that he would find his house as cheap and comfortable as any. Mr.
Russell asked plaintiff if he could board and lodge them for three
guineas a week. Mr. Boyce said that he always took children and servants
half-price, and he agreed on 6s. a day. Mr. Russell:- On the 24th of December I was at Herne Bay, and went to
the “Pier Hotel.” While there I asked Mr. Boyce if he knew of any
lodgings. Mr. Boyce said I should find his house as cheap and
comfortable as any. He ultimately agreed to board and lodge us for 8s. a
day, which included everything but drink. The bill really amounts to
only £22 3s. His Honour gave judgment for the plaintiff. |
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 30 November 1867. Price 1d.
This fine building is once more untenanted. The present proprietor
having purchased it with “immediate possession,” gave the late tenant,
Mr. William Boyce, who has conducted the hotel for the last three years
so well, notice to quit, and it is now empty. What will be done with it?
is a question asked by many; some say it will be converted into private
dwellings. A few days ago Mr. and Mrs. Boyce received the following very
flattering, and at the same time well deserved, testimonial signed by
Captain Slarke, J.P., the Rev. H. Geary, the Rev. J. B. Buchanan, the
Rev. S. Ottley, Captain Roberts, G. R. Denison, Esq., Dr. Smith, J.
Bowes, Esq., E. B. Collard, Esq., A. Wetherell, Esq., T. Godfrey, Esq.,
and Mr. P. Ashwell:— “To Mr. and Mrs. Boyce, of the Royal Pier Hotel,
Herne Bay, in the county of Kent—Sir and Madam, —We hereby beg to
express our great regret that you are about to leave the above hotel, no
other persons holding the same having had any success. By your excellent
management, activity, intelligence, and amiability, yon have entirely
created the business now belonging to the house, and it is felt to so a
calamity that you should leave Herne Bay; and this regret is shared in
by every inhabitant without exception. We are, dear Sir and Madam, Yours
very obediently, &c., &c,” Then follow the names given above. |
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 21 December 1867. Price 1d.
Boyce v. Cook.
Claim £4 7s. 10d. for board and lodging. Mr. Boyce is proprietor of the “Pier Hotel,” Herne Bay, and the
defendant sent two of his daughters to the Bay, and entrusted them to
the care of the plaintiff, who supplied them with board, but had not
received any money from defendant. Ordered to be paid forthwith. |
This pub is one in the list of my "Project 2014."
As such I haven't found a picture of the pub yet, and to date have little other
information. Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information
would be appreciated.
I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it,
but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the
information will come from.
All emails are answered.
STEER John to June 1860
CROFT Mr 1863+
BOYCE William 1864-Nov/67
Whitstable Times
and Herne Bay Herald