1 (14) High Street

Above photo, date unknown, showing the pub extreme left. Kindly sent by
Nigel Humphrey. |
I have seen this described as the "Railway Tavern and Lodging House."
South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 18 February 1851.
Frederick Skinner, chimney sweeper, was committed for trial for stealing
a pair of boots, belonging to Eliza Jenner, at the "Railway Arms" beer shop, where the
prisoner and prosecutor both lodged. The prisoner was likewise committed on the
charge of stealing another pair of boots, from the same beer shop, belonging to Harriet
Tinley, the boots been stolen from another bedroom, and sold to Mrs. Pierce.
From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 18 February, 1860.
John Barnes, remanded on a charge of stealing three sacks, the property
of David Wickens, of the “Railway Arms,” beer-house, pleaded guilty, and
was committed for fourteen days' hard labour.
South Eastern Gazette, 19 June, 1860.
Petty sessions, Wednesday. Before A. Pott, Esq., chairman, Major
Scoones, and Ford Wilson, Esq.)
Beer-house Informations
David Wickings, of the "Railway Arms" beer-house, Tonbridge, was
charged with having his house open for the sale of beer at improper
hours, on the 20th May. A second information charged him with
assaulting P.C. Thirkell, in the execution of his duty, on the same
day. Mr. Rogers, who appeared for the defendant, admitted both
charges, but urged facts in extenuation.
Superintendent Dance said that the house was very badly conducted,
and the magistrates inflicted a fine of £1 for each charge, with 9s.
costs in each case.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 23 June 1860.
David Wickens, of the "Railway Arms" beer-house, Tonbridge, was charged
with having his house open for the sale of beer, at improper hours, on
the 20th of Mar. A second information charged him with assaulting P.C.
Thirkell, in the execution of his duty on the same day. Mr. Rogers, who
appeared for the defendant, admitted both charges, but urged facts in
Superintendent Dance said that the house was very badly conducted, and
the magistrates inflicted a fine of £1 for each charge, with 9s, costs
in each case.
South Eastern Gazette, 27 November, 1860.
SPECIAL Session, Friday. (Before A. Pott, Esq., chairman, and Major
Jane Draper, a tramp, was charged with stealing a purse, containing
9s., the property of Henry Palmer, a labourer. The prosecutor went
with the prisoner, on the 14th Inst., to Helmsley’s beer-house,
("Railway Arms") and
after that to the "Angel," where he found that his purse was gone.
As he had been with no one but the prisoner, he accused her of
having it, and said that he would give her in charge unless it was
returned. The prisoner was apprehended by Supt. Dance, but no money
was found upon her.
Committed for trial.
From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 27 April 1861.
Thomas West who absconded from this town last year, taking with him a
bed and bedding, value £5, the property of Mr. Helmsley, of the "Railway
Arms" beer house, was charged before Major Schoones on Saturday with the
It appeared that the Prisoner was apprehended at High Wycombe, in
Buckinghamshire, on a charge of vagrancy, and confessed his doings at
Tunbridge. (Sic)
Superintendent Dance was at once communicated with, when Sergeant Mayne
was sent to apprehend the prisoner.
West admitted the charge and was fully committed for trial.
Kent Times, 17 May 1862.
Shameful Doings In A Beer-house.
Petty Sessions, Wednesday. Before H. T. Moore, Esq. (in the chair),
A. Pott and C. Powell, Esq.
Mary Vinter, of the "Railway Arms" Beer shop, Tonbridge, pleaded
guilty to allowing drunkenness and disorderly conduct in her house,
on the 5th inst.
Supt. Dance said he had constantly complaints respecting this
beer-shop, and he made a visit to it about ten o’clock on the 5th
inst. He saw a number of people there, and scarcely one of them
sober. On going upstairs he found two women lying on a bed as drunk
as they could be, and at first he thought they were dead. The room
was filled with smoke, and the table cloth was on fire, and had he
not gone in, the whole house would have been in flames. The
landlady, instead of refusing them drink, was pressing upon them to
take more, and the conduct was altogether most outlandish.
Fined 40s. and costs 9s.
Kent Times, 24 May 1862.
Drunk and Disorderly.
Thursday. Before Major Scoones.
Isabella Todd, a tramp was charged by P.C. Norris, with being drunk
and riotous at the "Railway Arms" beerhouse, on the 21st inst.
The charge was proved, and the defendant fined 5s.
Kent Times, 12 July 1862.
Petty Sessions, Wednesday July 11th. Before H. T. Moore, Esq.
How the Petition went.
John Crott and Mary Baker, tramps, were charged with stealing from
the person of Richard Martin, at Tonbridge on the 8th June, 2
sovereigns, a purse, and a soldier's discharge.
It appeared from the evidence that the prosecutor, who lives at East
Peckham, had come to Tonbridge to draw his pension and that he met
the prisoners at the "Railway Arms" Beerhouse, where they had
concocted their plans to fleece the pensioner of his money. The
prisoners were proven to have had no money when they came to
Tonbridge. Mr Richard Easton deposed that the prisoners bought some
steak in his shop for which they threw down a sovereign, and he gave
them the change. Mr. Alfred Hunt, assistant to Mr. Pugh, London
House, said the prisoners bought from him drapery goods to the
amount of 5s. 9d. for which they tendered a sovereign. Mrs. Eliza
Goodwin stated that the prisoner bought a pair of boots from her
which they paid with a half sovereign and one shilling. P.C. Norris
had information of the robbery at Tonbridge on the evening in
question and shortly afterwards apprehended the prisoner in the "Red
Lion" Public House at Tunbridge Wells. On the male prisoner he found
9s. in silver and 7d. and the prosecutor’s discharge, and on the
female prisoner a purse and 5d.
Committed for trial at the Assizes.
From the Maidstone and Kent Journal, 18 April, 1868.
At the Petty Sessions on Tuesday, George Clark, Stephen Lawrence, and
Maria Francis were charged with unlawfully assaulting Mr. Henry William
Piper, landlord of the "Railway Arms," Tonbridge, on the 7th inst. Clark
did not appear, Francis pleaded guilty, and Lawrence not guilty. The
complainant stated that on Tuesday last about twenty-five minutes to
eleven he heard some one scuffling in the passage of his house and went
to see what was the matter. He found the two prisoners with several
others pulling one of his servants along the passage by the hair of his
head. Complainant told them not to kill the man, when the two defendants
left the servant and commenced an attack on complainant himself. He was
knocked down and Lawrence kicked him in the face; the woman kicked him
on the fore-head leaving the scar he then had. With being kicked by the
woman he became insensible, and did not recollect what took place
afterwards. Thomas Williams deposed that he was the person whom the
defendants had dragged along the passage by his hair. When in the
passage complainant came to his assistance and then defendants assaulted
him in the manner he described. The woman Francis owned she had struck
complainant, but alleged it was in consequence of his having first
struck Lawrence. Lawrence pleaded he had been first struck by
complainant, and called a witness to prove his statement. The Bench were
of opinion a very serious assault had been committed, and fined
defendants 21s. each, including costs.
From the Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, 24 September, 1870.
The Petty Sessions were held on Tuesday before C. Powell, Esq., (in the
Chair), A. Pott, Esq., Major Scones, Sir David Solomons, Bart., M.P. and
J. G. Talbot, Esq., M.P.
Mr. John Blackford, of the "Railway Arms, " beerhouse, applied for a
certificate to sell beer there.
The bench granted the certificate.
From the Kent and Sussex Courier. 22 August 1873. Price 1d.
Thomas Richardson, aged 17, was charged with stealing £5 10s., the
property of William Wallace Carpenter, at Tonbridge, on the 28th ult.
Prosecutor, who is a labourer, living at Barden Cottages, Tonbridge,
deposed that on the day in question he had some money in a drawer at his
house, when the prisoner, who was his wife's brother, did some work for
him. On the 20th July he missed a sovereign, and having made up the
amount afterwards to £4 10s., he missed that also. The money was kept in
a drawer in the sitting-room down stairs, and the drawer was locked.
Fanny Carpenter, wife of prosecutor, deposed that she employed prisoner
to saw some wood on the 28th ult., and left him in the house from nine
to three p. m. on that day, while she visited her next door neighbour.
On her return, prisoner announced his intention of leaving Tonbridge. P.
C. Kelway deposed that on Friday afternoon he went to the "Railway Arms
Inn," Tonbridge, and saw the prisoner there with his uncle, George
Tinley. He told prisoner he had a warrant for his apprehension on a
charge of stealing £5 10s., and after hearing the warrant read, prisoner
said he went away with his uncle and never had the money. On taking him
to the police station, prisoner said he took £3 10s., and added that he
should not have gone away had it not been for his uncle. Prisoner, who
pleaded guilty to the charge, was sentenced to two months' hard labour.
George Tinley, uncle of the prisoner in the preceding case, was then
charged with receiving the money, knowing it to have been stolen. P. C.
Kelway was called, and repeated the evidence reported above. He also
said that at the police station Tinley told Richardson that he did not
know where he got the money from, and that he said his mother gave him a
sovereign. This Richardson denied, and he was now called as a witness,
and said that he and his uncle went away together to get employment in
harvesting, and he gave his uncle a sovereign, part of the stolen money.
They went through Romney Marsh, and he gave his uncle another sovereign,
thinking that he would lay it out better than he should. He denied
telling Tinley where he got the money from. He did not say his mother
gave it to him. William Ballard said he was assistant to Mr. Deane,
clothier, &c., of Paddock Wood, and on the 28th or 29th ult., the
prisoner called at the shop with Richardson and another boy. He
purchased a pair of corduroy trousers, which Richardson was now wearing,
some slops, and a shirt, the total cost being 18s. 6d., and in payment
of which he tendered a sovereign. Harriett Ralph, of Primrose Hill,
Tonbridge, the wife of a beer-house keeper, said prisoner called at their
house and had some beer, and gave her a sovereign. Charles Harbour said
he accompanied the two prisoners harvesting, and Tinley cautioned him if
he was asked any questions by the police not to know anything. In answer
to the charge, prisoner said he was innocent. He did not know how the
boy came by the money. Committed for trial, the magistrates intimating
their willingness to accept bail. |
From the Maidstone and Kentish Journal, 3 October, 1895.
At the Tonbridge Police Court, on Tuesday, before a full Bench of
magistrates, with J. G. Talbot, Esq., M.P, in the chair, Henry Joiner,
landlord of the "Railway Tavern" beerhouse, High street, was summoned
for that he being the keeper of a common lodging house, did, on the 21st
September, receive a greater number of lodgers than fixed in his
licence, granted by the Tonbridge Urban District Council; and he was
further summoned for permitting or suffering persons of opposite sexes,
not being man and wife or children under eight years of age, to sleep in
the same room, on the 21st September. Mr A. H. Neve, jun., clerk to the Tonbridge Urban District Council,
appeared in support of the prosecution, and Mr K. E. Robb, solicitor of
Tunbridge Wells, appeared for Jenner, who, however, under the advice of
his Advocate, pleaded guilty to both charges. Mr Neve explained that the defendant was the registered proprietor of a
common lodging house in High-street, Tonbridge, which was also a
beerhouse. According to his licence he could receive 16 lodgers, 8 of
whom were to be accommodated in room No. 1. 2 in room No. 2. 4 in room
No. 4, and 2 in room No. 5. and each of these rooms, were entitled for
males only with the exception of room No. 1 in which four married
couples were allowed. But on the morning in question between 12 and one
o'clock, on the Sanitary Inspector of the Council making a visit, the
defendant's house was found to be grossly overcrowded. In room No. 1 it
was true there was not much the matter, but in room No. 2 were found an
unmarried man and woman and a girl sleeping in one bed, whilst on the
staircase landing there were men and woman lying asleep. It was in the
kitchen which was not licensed at all where the most disgraceful state
of things existed, for here the Inspector found no less than 28 persons
lying about in various positions — some on forms, others on the floor
and some on the tables. Two men were actually lying in their own filth
and altogether 51 lodgers were found in the defendant's house, whereas
the place was only registered to accommodate 15. Mr Bradley, the sanitary inspector, deposed to visiting the defendant's
common lodging house in company with P.S. Pritchard on the morning of
the 21st September, and finding the stale of things as described by Mr
Neve. In reply to Mr. J. F. W. Deacon, Mr Bradley said several of the lodgers
seemed to be under the influence of liquor. Mr. Robb objected to the latter question, but the Chairman remarked that
a man who kept a house licensed to sell intoxicating drinks had no
right, whether a lodging-house keeper or not, to allow persons in a
state of intoxication to remain upon his premises. Mr Robb, for the defence, remarked that the facts were not disputed, and
he had advised his client to plead guilty. The case was undoubtedly a
bad one, but there were circumstances which showed that the defendant
was not a free agent in what he did, and that in allowing all these
persons to remain in his house he did so more out of compassion for
them, and to prevent them getting into trouble outside, than for the
sake of gaining any profits. Technically speaking all these 51 persons
were lodgers, but the extra ones above the 16 for which defendant was
registered were not lodgers in the strict sense of the word, as they did
not pay the defendant for the accommodation they received. They entered
the house late at night, said they could not get lodgings elsewhere, and
had applied to the police station for accommodation, but had been
refused. Had defendant turned these people outside they would have got
into trouble for sleeping out of doors, and so he allowed them to
remain, but did not pretend to sleep them, and never charged a single
penny for the lodgers. The defendant was now under notice to leave the
premises. He (Mr. Robb) urged the magistrates to take into consideration
all the circumstances, and deal with the defendant as leniently as
possible. Some questions were asked by Mr. Deacon, and Mr. Robb respectfully
submitted that any question of matters coming under the Licensing Act
was irrelevant to the point now at issue. The Chairman added he agreed with Mr. Robb, but the magistrates simply
wished to learn whether Jenner was the man who had been cautioned as to
the conduct of this house. The Chairman said the bench considered this
case one of the most disgraceful of the kind that had ever been brought
before the Court. Whether the defendant really believed when he admitted
those people that there was no accommodation at the other lodging
houses the magistrates could not say, but it was clear that he allowed
his house to be used in a most disgusting manner, and defendant would be
fined £2 in each case, and 9s costs, or £4 18s in all; failing distress
defendant would have to go to gaol for two months. Addressing Mr. Neve,
the Chairman said the Bench very much hoped that the public Inspectors,
appointed under the Urban District Council, would do all they could to
inspect these places from time to time, and not in future leave matters
until they had grown to the height as this case seemed to have done. Mr. Neve, replying said
Mr. Bradley had only been appointed inspector a
short time, but he had made inspections of these common lodging houses
several times, and it was believed that Mr. Mitchell, the previous
inspector, also made several inspections. Addressing Supt. Bartlett, the Chairman said the Bench also thought it
desirable that the police should give special attention to these
houses, and see that the terms of the licenses were not transgressed. Supt. Bartlett promised that this should be done, and remarked that the
new tenant of the "Railway Tavern" intended to do away with the common
lodging house. Jenner paid the penalty. |
Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 18 September 1908.
Magistrate as surety for Hopper.
William Delves, a hop picker, of 84, Whately Road, East Dulwich, pleaded
guilty to being drunk and disorderly, at Tonbridge, on September 12th.
P.C. Mount said the man had a large crowd around him outside the
"Railway Arms." The landlord of the public house refused to serve him,
and prisoner would have assaulted the publican had it not been for the
presence of the police. The landlord had to put prisoner out of the
A fine of 1s. with 6s. costs was imposed.
Prisoner said he was working for Mr. Waite, and promised to pay the fine
and costs on Saturday.
Mr. East:- Can we take your word that you will pay?
Prisoner:- I will pay, on my oath.
Mr. East:- Very well, then I will stand surety for you with the police.
Sevenoaks Chronicle and Kentish Advertiser 11 February 1949.
No opposition was offered to applications for full licences made by
Ernest William Ellen, "Railway Arms," Tonbridge.
The pub changed name to "Gallopers," date unknown, but has been
demolished to make way for a McDonald's fast food restaurant. Again,
unfortunately as yet date unknown. Local knowledge needed here please.
WICKENS David 1860+

HELMSLEY Mr 1860-61+

VINTER Mary 1862+
BLACKFORD John Sept/1870+
JENNER Henry 1881-95+ (age 28 in 1881 )
VINTEN Arthur John 1911+
(age 40 in 1911 )
Luke to Aug/1923

GILLETT George Benjamin Aug/1923+1930+

ELLEN Ernest William 1949+
and Sussex Courier