Sort file:- Dartford, September, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 18 September, 2024.


Earliest 1773-


Open 2020+

34 Overy Street


01322 225899

Rose 1925

Above photo, 1925.


Above photo, date unknown.

Rose 2014

Above photo 2014.


Above photo, date unknown.

Rose sign 1991Rose sign 2016

Above sign left, August 1991, sign right, June 2016.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Rose licensee Andy Fordham 2004

Above photo, showing licensee Andy Fordham, 2004.

Rose 2016

Above Google image, June 2016.


From the Kentish Gazette, 6 February, 1773. Price 1½d.

To be PEREMTORILY sold by Auction,

By THOMAS RIDGWAY, on the Premises, on Wednesday and Thursday the 10th and 11th of February.

By Order of the Assignees of Mr. Richard Baker, a Bankrupt.

Beginning each Day at Eleven o'clock.

ALL his large UTENSILS and STOCK in TRADE, Household Furniture, Plates, Linen, China, and other Effects, at his House and Brewery, at Eastgate, Near Rochester, in Kent.

The utensils consist of a large Brewing Copper, that boils about twenty Barrels, Iron-work, brick-work, and brick Chimney, five Working-tons, three Cooling-backs, two Large Liquor-backs, two Mash-tuns, Under-back, and Copper-back, a large Malt-mill, Horse-wheel, and Works, Lead Pipes, Brass Cocks, Pumps, and Iron Hoops, a draught Gelding, Dray, Cart, and Barrels, about thirty Barrels of Beer, three hundred empty Butts and small Calke, with other Utensils in the Brewery Branch.

To be viewed on Tuesday preceding sale, at the “Rose,” at Dartford, in Kent, and at Mr. Ridgeway's Sworn Broker, at No. 168, in Fenchurch Street, London.

This sale was advertised for the 29th of December last, but several printed hand-bills having been dispersed in different parts of the town, with the spaces of an hour only before the sale, intimating from claims to the goods which were then to be sold, the Assignees (least the sale might be thereby prejudiced) thought it to postpone to the above time, when the public may be assured the whole will be sold without Reserve.


From the 13 January 2004. By Tanya Aldred

Fordham tickled pink by reception at the Rose

Pub landlord and world champion gets hero's welcome at The "Rose" in Dartford.

The "Rose" in Dartford was hosting a cracking party yesterday afternoon. The beams of the pink Victorian pub were decked out with balloons and bunting and the beer was flowing to celebrate the return of its landlord and England's latest world champion: Andy Fordham, the man crowned the winner of the World Professional Darts Championship on Sunday night.

Andy Fordham

Alf Mainwaring, a "Rose" regular, had spent all week at Frimley Green and was in the thick of the celebrations. "About 60 of us from the "Rose" went down to the darts," he said. "It was fantastic. I probably spent £500-600 for the week on tickets, beer and food, but I would have paid £6,000. I had a little bet that Andy would win both the semi-final and the final and I was up £120, which probably paid for the beers.

"The bar now is absolutely crammed; I'm a local and I've never seen it like this. It's been just the same old Andy since he's been back; he walks in here and the first thing he says is 'Give us a bottle of Pils'. Andy is down-to-earth, really one of the lads; he just sits in the pub like one of the regulars."

Fordham, 41, seemed to be still recovering from the shock of his 6-3 final victory over Mervyn King. He had endured 10 years and four losing semi-finals before finally winning and admits that he was starting to be written off as a not-quite sort of player.

"I was being called the Jimmy White of the darts scene," he said. "To be labelled with that didn't really bother me because Jimmy is such a great character and player."

Fordham and his wife Jenny took over the "Rose" in November after years of running the Queen's Arms in London's East End. But the genial Fordham has already built a huge following among the locals as well as darts fanatics.

He sounded taken aback by all the attention. "I thought I might just come and sit down tonight after last night but the pub has gone absolutely mental; there's loads of people here and there's decorations everywhere. It is lovely. The trophy is on display in the bar and everyone is picking it up but I'm sitting by the door so no one makes off with it.

"The whole day has been mental; there are cameras everywhere, people everywhere. I'm not a celebrity, just a normal bloke lucky enough to be good at darts. The celebrations will go on all week if this is anything to go by."

Fordham, who plays exhibition matches with the women's world champion Trina Gulliver showcased Beauty and the Beast, insisted he would not get carried away by his success.

"The only thing that will change is my bank balance," he said after pocketing a winner's cheque for £50,000. "I'm just going to put the cheque away and maybe we will go on holiday somewhere nice in a bit. It's the biggest thing I've ever done, but I'll just enjoy the rest of the year as world champion."


See Dartford Map 1905.



NOTLEY Mr 1789+

FIRMAN Robert 1874-82+ (also Labourer age 51 in 1881Census)

WALLER William Edward 1891+

HORTON George 1903+

DRAPER Obadiah 1922+

TAYLOR William Henry 1925-30+

DESFORGES William A 1938+

FORDHAM Andy Nov/2003-Dec/2006




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
