Parade / 163 Station Road
Herne Bay
Above photo, circa 1900. The building in question is the one on the
right. |
photo, circa 1973, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |

Above card issued April 1955. Sign series 5 number 32. |
Above tenancy agreement, date unknown. |
The building can be traced back to 1832 and I believed the main building
closed in 1875. In 1837 the Duke of Cambridge was the first royal visitor to the town and
he took tea at the then "Pier Hotel," after that date the hotel attached the
prefix Royal to its name.
From the Kentish Gazette, 7 July 1840.
The "Herne Bay Pier Hotel," reopened under the most distinguished
patronage, viz, the Public. The new arrangements in this Hotel having
met with such general approbation, has induced the Proprietor to make it
known that his whole time and attention in devoted to the comfort of his
guests; that the house is peculiarly adapted for the convenience of
Families, and contains spacious Coffee and Commercial Rooms ; and he has
adopted a plan by which his Patrons are relieved from the application of
servants for remuneration.
N. B. — The nearest and cheapest route to Paris via Dovor. Coaches three
times a day.
From the Kentish Gazette, 1 September 1840.
Royal Pier Hotel, Herne Bay.
T. M. Syrymsher begs to return his grateful thanks to the Nobility,
Gentry, and the Public, for their distinguished patronage and support he
has received since he has reopened the above establishment; and he
confidently hopes, that by devoting his constant exertions to their
comfort and accommodation, he will merit the Honour of a continuance of
their favours.
Gentleman making an excursion to this salubrious watering place can by a
day's notice to the proprietor, be provided with a dinner, consisting of
every delicacy in season.
Table de Hote on Sunday at 2 o'clock, at 2s. 6d. per head.
The nearest and cheapest route to Paris.
Post horses and Carriages, good Stabling and Coach-houses.
From the Kentish Gazette, 24 November 1840.
MR. SKRYMSHER has the honour to announce that his FIRST HALL will take
place on THURSDAY, the 3rd of DECEMBER, 1840, under the direction of Six
Gentlemen, who have kindly offered their services as Stewards on the
Tickets of Admission— Ladies 4s 6d., Gentlemen 5s. 6d., Double Tickets.
10s., Supper included.
Canterbury Journal, Kentish Times and Farmers' Gazette, Saturday 11 December 1841.
To Hotel Keepers and Others.
To let, the "Royal Pier Hotel," at Herne Bay; the coming in is very
moderate; or there is no objection to a partner. Or to Let, the Hotel
separate from the Livery-yard and Tap.
For further particulars apply to Mr. Skrymsher, on the premises, or to
Mr. Cleft, 23, Red Lion Square, London.
From the Kentish Gazette, 1 March 1842.
THE Friends of the above Hunt have invited Edward Collard, Esquire, as
Master of the Hounds, to dine with them at the "Royal Pier Hotel," HERNE
BAY, on WEDNESDAY, the 9th of MARCH. Those Gentlemen that are
favourable, and wishing to attend, are requested to take Tickets at the
bar of the "Royal Pier Hotel," on or before MONDAY, the 7th of March.
Dinner on table punctually at Four o’clock.
Hounds meet at the Kennel at half-past Ten o’clock on Wednesday, the
From the Kentish Gazette, 11 July 1843.
An inquest was held on the body of Miss. Moore, the unfortunate female
who was killed by the overturning of Weeks's van, as
stated in our last, at the "Royal Pier Hotel," Herne Bay, on Tuesday,
before T. T. DeLasaux, Esq. By the evidence of a Mr. Shilcott,
and others, it was satisfactorily shown to the jury that no blame was to
be attached to Mr. Weeks, the driver, but that it arose from
the swaying of the vehicle in turning the corner. It is said that the
carriage of the omnibus is too narrow for the body, and that the
springs are not so stiff as they should be when having a heavy load on
them. By the evidence of W. Ells the assistant, it was
considered that they were going at the pace of from six to seven miles
an hour when the accident took place Mr. DeLasaux
addressed the jury upon the evidence adduced and explained the law as to
the responsibility attached to proprietors and drivers of
public conveyances, and the jury returned an unanimous verdict of
"Accidental Death," and levied a deodand of £5 on the van
and 1s. on the horses.
The deceased's eldest daughter was also much injured, and is now
confined to her bed at Herne Bay, as is also deceased’s youngest child, they being two of five persons who were riding on the
outside of the van at the lime the accident took place. The
remains of the unfortunate lady, who was 43 years of age, were removed
from Herne Bay on Wednesday, in order to be interred
in London.
Mr. Moore, the husband, is one of the partners of the firm of Moore and
Co., confectioners, Holborn.
From the Kentish Gazette, 12 August 1845.
The Legitimate Drama not at Discourt.
We have great pleasure in acquainting our readers that this delightful
on fashionable watering place, has, during the last week, being visited
by Mr. Anderson, professor and reciter in dramatic literature, who on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings last, entertained and delighted
the visitors and resident gentry of Herne Bay with his very pleasing
dramatic readings, taken from the text of Shakespeare and other
dramatists; and we feel justined in saying that his quotations from the
Great Bard will not only judiciously chosen, but also delivered and a
most masterly style. His soliloquy from Hamlet will give him with much
feeling and pathos, while his impassioned scenes from Macbeth and the
Merchant of Venice, failed not call forth bursts of applause from the
whole of the company, which plainly indicated that this talented
gentlemen had freely indulged in a thorough conception of the authors
meaning. His comic pieces were also duly appreciated, and created bursts
of laughter, more especially of the Court Puzzled. The German band added
much to the evenings amusement. We understand Mr. Anderson intends
giving another performance at Herne Bay, on Wednesday evening, when he
will be assisted by Mr. John Eastes, principal tenor lay clerk of
Canterbury Cathedral.
From the Kentish Gazette, 3 October 1848.
The body of a man, apparently about 60 years of age, was found early on
Sunday morning last on the beach near the pier, which apparently had
been in the water but a few hours. Mr. Salter, the chief constable, took
charge of it, and informed Mr. Delasaux of the circumstance, who
summoned a jury the following day, and the inquest was held at the "Pier
Hotel," when, in consequence of a deep wound appearing in the skull of
deceased, Mr. Delasaux adjourned the inquest till Wednesday, at the
request of some of the gentlemen forming the jury, in order that, by a
post mortem examination being made in the interim, it might be
satisfactorily ascertained if death had occurred from any other cause
than that of drowning. Deceased is supposed to have arrived at Herne Bay
by the steam-boat on Saturday, as a person answering his description was
seen there during that evening; otherwise, he was an entire stranger to
the inhabitants. When found, he on a blue frock coat, dark woollen
waistcoat with white spots, black cloth trousers, and white cotton
stockings. His linen was not marked with initials or otherwise; nor was
anything found on him that might lead to a discovery as to where he came
from; and only one shilling was found in his pocket. In height deceased
was about 5ft. 6in., light brown hair, grey whiskers, and florid
Kentish Gazette, 18 December 1849.
Hemsley:— Dec 13, at Clifton, near Bristol, Mr. Joseph Hemsley, late of
the "Pier Hotel," Herne Bay.
From the Kentish Gazette, 7 July 1857.
Saturday, July 4. (before Edward Foss, Esq., Wm. Hyder, Esq., Wmn. Delmar, Esq., and
Captain Slarke.)
John Steer, landlord of the "Pier Hotel," Herne Bay, was I summoned,
on the information of Superintendent Walker, for having persons
drinking in his house at unlawful hours, Police-constable 43 deposed
that he went to the "Pier Hotel" at halt-past twelve o'clock on
Sunday morning last, and, after some delay, obtained admittance. He
went into a room in which Mr. Steer and two other gentlemen were
sitting. They were smoking and drinking spirits and water. The
glasses were three parts full. One of the gentlemen was the
pier-master, and therefore not a lodger. On being requested to clear
the house, Mr. Steer said he could not do so.
Mr. Steer:— When you said that you could not obtain, admittance, did
I not show you a bell which you could have rung?
Witness:- You did show me a bell.
In reply to questions from the bench, the witness said that he did
not see the house cleared, and that the second gentleman was a
stranger to him.
In reply to the charge, Mr. Steer said there certainly were persons
sitting in the room at the time, but that no liquor had been
supplied to them after twelve o’clock. One of the gentlemen was the
proprietor of the hotel, who frequently came there on Saturday and
stayed till Monday, i Persons who wished to see him on business were
obliged to come on one of those days. On the present occasion the
conversation on a matter of business had been prolonged beyond the
usual time, but he could assure the bench that the law had not been
transgressed. The proprietor as a lodger and himself were entitled
to have full glasses if they chose, and it was not likely that the
constable could remember whether the third glass was also in that
The constable said that he certainly could.
In reply to the bench, Mr. Steer said that he had I objected to
clear the house because he understood it was necessary to use
physical force.
The bench said there should be no difficulty in that respect. Most
persons, especially those in the position of Mr. Steer’s guests,
would go when requested to do so; and if they did not, the landlord
was justified in turning them out, using no unnecessary violence; or
if he objected to do so, his duty was to call in the nearest
constable to clear the house. The law was not harsh or unreasonable,
and Mr. Steer must be well aware that it was his duty to obey it.
Under all the circumstances and in consideration of the good
character the house bore, the penalty would be in the small sum of
From the Kentish Gazette, 29 September 1857.
Saturday. (Before E. Foss, Esq., W. Hyder, Esq., Capt. Slarke, and
T. H. Mackay, Esq.)
John Steer, landlord of the "Pier Hotel," Herne Bay, appeared in
answer to a summons charging him with selling beer at illegal hours.
The complaint was laid by John Thompson, who did not appear, and the
summons was therefore dismissed.
From the Kentish Gazette, 1 December 1857.
We published last week an account of the melancholy accident which
resulted in the death of Mr. R. Echalaz.
a cornet of the 7th Dragoon Guards. Further particulars have since
been gathered, but they add little of importance to what we have
already stated. On Sunday afternoon, the 22nd instant, Mr. Echalaz,
in company with three brother officers, rode from Canterbury to
Whitstable, an thence to Herne Bay. They put up at the "Pier Hotel"
where they had some refreshments, and after strolling for a while
about the town they got on their horses to return to Canterbury.
That was at six o’clock, and it was already dark. They rode at a
rapid pace through the streets of Herne Bay, breaking some of the
public lamps with their whips as they passed. Ample reparation has
since been made for the damage thus done. The deceased and another
of the party, Cornet Thomas, put their horses to speed and were soon
lost sight of by their companions. They passed through the Sweech
toll-gate without stopping to pay the toll, and without regarding,
or probably without hearing the calls of the gate-keeper to come
back. At the railway crossing at Sturry they dismounted for a moment
and then began to race together the rest of the distance.
Unfortunately the Vauxhall gate, near the barracks, was closed, and
they either did not know of its existence, or, as is more probable,
the night being dark, and the light at the gate dim, they did not
see it until to late to pull up. The evidence at the inquest, which
we subjoin, goes to shew that the deceased and his companion dashed
into the gate before they were aware, and that the horse of the
former, attempting to leap the gate, caught its fore legs on the top
bar and turned a complete somersault crushing its ride under it.
Assistance was obtained and the unfortunate gentleman was conveyed
at speedily as possible to the barracks, where several medical men
were immediately in attendance, but he remained insensible, and died
at about six o’clock on the following morning. It will be seen that
Cornet Thomas, in his examination, denies having ridden at the gate,
and also being thrown from his horse as had been represented. The
news of the sad event was speedily forwarded to the relations of the
deceased, and his father who is a clergyman of Derbyshire arrived in
Canterbury on Tuesday.
The inquest was held on Tuesday afternoon by T. T. Delasaux, Esq.,
at the "Cambridge Arms," near the barracks. The jury having been
sworn, with Mr. Murrel as foreman, and having seen the body, the
following witnesses were called:—
Robert Holness, labourer, living in Northgate, said:— On Sunday
evening last, at a few minutes before six o’clock, I was going down
to my brother’s house on the turnpike road leading from Canterbury
to Sturry. I was near the gate known by the name of the Vauxhall
Gate, when I heard some horses approaching at a very rapid pace. The
animal — a grey one — on which the deceased was seated came up
first; it attempted to clear the gate, but its fore feet struck the
top bar, and, turning a complete somersault, it fell on the
Canterbury side of the gate, crushing its rider beneath it. I went
immediately to his assistance, and having lifted off the fore leg of
the horse, dragged the deceased from under it. I then took him into
the turnpike gate house. He seemed very much hurt. His arm was
broken. I immediately sent for medical assistance. The second horse
came full tilt at the gate, struck against it, and threw the rider
over its head; he sustained no harm. Mr. Thomas Andrews very soon
attended the deceased. I assisted in carrying him to his quarters
and putting him in bed.
By a Juror:— I was enabled to see the accident perfectly, as there
was a bright lamp at the gate. The night was very dark.
William Jones Thomas, a cornet in the 2nd Dragoon Guards, who was
with the deceased on the Sunday afternoon, said - I left Canterbury
on Sunday afternoon between two and three o’clock in company with
the deceased and two other officers. We were all on horseback. We
rode to Whitstable. and from whence to Herne Bay. We left there
about six or a little after. The deceased and myself rode a little
in advance. We two galloped nearly the whole way. After we had
passed Sturry there was a race between us. My horse began to gallop,
and the deceased attempted to and did pass me. He reached the gate
before me by a few seconds. I did not see the accident, but heard
deceased cry out and the crash of the gate. My horse had not got the
better of me, but how it was with the deceased I cannot say. His
death was entirely the result of an accident. The night was dark,
but not foggy. There was a light at the turnpike gate, but not so
bright as to be seen at more than five yards distant. The deceased
had had a glass of beer and three small glasses of brandy; but he
was not by any means intoxicated. He rode steadily, and had perfect
command of his horse. I believe the accident arose from the
deceased’s horse going at such a rate that it was unable to stop
when it was near the gate; it attempted to leap it, and failed. The
deceased alone induced the animal to keep up so rapid a gallop. I
did not ride at the gate at all, as the last witness stated; neither
was I thrown from my horse. We had nothing to drink at Sturry.
By a Juror:— We did not jump any other turnpike-gate on our way from
Herne Bay.
Richard Tookey, an engine driver, now living at Canterbury, said:- I
was at Sturry on Sunday evening, at about half-past six, and saw two
gentlemen riding down Sturry-street-hill at a very rapid rate. One
was on a grey horse. They stopped just us they reached the
railway-crossing and dismounted, calling at the same time to some
boys to hold their horses. One of the animals was restive—the bay
one—and I stepped up and held it. The gentleman who rode the bay
horse appeared as though he had had too much liquor; he could not
get his foot in the stirrup, and I had to assist him up. He said "We
will not go so fast again to-night." One of them said to me, "Good
night old fellow; I’ll give you something to-morrow." They then
passed through the village at a walk; but when out of it I heard the
horses first trotting and then galloping. I was walking along the
road myself, and arrived at the gate the moment when men were
carrying the deceased into the house.
Mr. T. Andrews, surgeon, said:— I was sent for at about seven
o'clock on Sunday evening to attend the deceased. He was then being
conveyed to the barracks on a stretcher. I attended him there and
examined him, and found that his left arm was severely fractured; he
was insensibly and in strong convulsions. We have not made a post
mortem examination, but presume that the severe fall he sustained
caused such injury to the brain as to produce death. There can be no
doubt that the brain was concussed. I remained with him from seven
o’clock till three o’clock in the morning, and then left him in
charge of another medical attendant. He died at about six o'clock
the same morning. The injuries he sustained might have been caused
by such an accident as has been described.
In answer to a juror, the witness said that I was the opinion of
himself and four other medical men that the brain was lacerated.
The coroner then summed up, and said that all must deplore the
melancholy accident into which they had been that day enquiring, and
through which a young man had been suddenly and prematurely thrown
into eternity. The jury, however, had only one duty to perform, and
it was not difficult: they had to say, upon the evidence whether the
occurrence was accidental or not. For his own part he thought that
no doubt could be felt on that point. There had been nothing
produced to prove that the deceased was in a state of intoxication
at the time of the occurrence, and he hoped that it would not go
forth to the world that there was any ground for supposing him to
have been intoxicated. The deceased and his companion had evidently
been riding at a very rapid rate the whole way from Herne Bay; and
supposing any accident to have occurred to another party they might
have been placed in a very awkward position. With this, however, the
jury were not concerned. It was for them merely to say what was the
cause of death, and what led to that cause. That the cause was
concussion of the brain, and that that was produced by an accident,
could hardly he thought be doubted by any one.
The jury immediately returned a verdict of "Accidental death,"
adding that in their opinion the light shown at the turnpike gate
was not sufficiently bright. Had it been more brilliant, the jury
thought the accident would not have happened.
South Eastern Gazette, 22 May, 1860.
Admission of an Insolvent to Bail.
Yesterday morning, C. Harwood, Esq., judge of the County Court, held
a special sitting in the council chamber of the Guildhall, for the
purpose of admitting to bail John Steer, of the "Pier Hotel," Herne
Bay. The necessary documents having been signed, Alfred Sabine,
baker, of Canterbury, and Philip Ashwell, draper, of Herne Bay, were
accepted, as bail for the appearance of the insolvent at the next
court, to be held on the 20th of June. The insolvent, whose
liabilities are £1,390 and his assets £8 10s., was supported by Mr.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 23 June, 1860.
The following cases, all proposed were heard.
John Steer, "Pier Hotel," Herne Bay, hotel-keeper debts, £1,390 0s. 6d.;
credits, £8 10s.
South Eastern Gazette, 26 June, 1860.
The following insolvents obtained their discharge I without
John Steer, landlord of the "Pier Hotel," Herne Bay. Debts, £1,390
0s. 6d., assets £8 10s.
From the Kentish Chronicle, 12 September, 1863.
This being the annual licensing day, the innkeepers of Herne Bay attended to
get their certificates renewed. Every application was granted, but Mr.
Croft, of the “Pier Hotel,” was desired to keep his house more orderly for
the future.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 30 March, 1867. Price 1d.
HERNE BAY. The Catch Club.
The last concert (an extra night) of this Club of the present season
took place at the “Royal Pier Hotel” on Monday evening, and proved a
decided success. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the
attendance was good, including a large number of agricultural friends.
The chair was ably filled, by E. B. Collard, Esq. The talent engaged for
this occasion was the Whitstable Glee Union, who exerted themselves to
the utmost to afford a pleasing entertainment, and their endeavours were
crowned with success. The whole of the music and singing were remarkably
good. The solo and chorus “Come where my love lies dreaming,” was well
rendered, the solo being admirably sung by Mr. G. Cox. The glee “The
Bells of St. Michael's Tower,” by the members of the Union, was given
with equal effect, and the song by Mr. Johnson, “British Man-o'-War,”
was deservedly encored. A solo on the cornet was also given by Mr.
Johnson, in which he was loudly applauded. The efficient band played an
overture and some dance music, which formed an attractive feature of the
excellent programme. Several songs were sung by members of the company,
and altogether the concert was one of the best that we have had, and it
was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. In the course of the evening Mr.
Geo. Harrison proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman, which we need
hardly say was carried with acclamation. Mr. Collard responded in a few
appropriate remarks, in the course of which he gave a statement of the
funds of the Club, and congratulated the members on the fact of there
being a balance in hand wherewith to commence another season. A vote of
thanks was also tendered to Mr. W. Boyce, the spirited proprietor of the
Hotel, for the attention and assiduous manner in which he had catered
for his guests. This likewise met with a hearty reception, and Mr. Boyce
briefly acknowledged the compliment.
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 20 April, 1867. Price 1d.
Boyce v Russell.
This was an action by plaintiff, who is landlord of the “Royal Pier
Hotel,” Herne Bay, to recover the sum of £29 15s. 11d., incurred by
defendant while at the “Royal Pier Hotel.” Mr. Delasaux appeared for plaintiff. Mr. Boyce said:- I am landlord of the “Royal Pier Hotel,” at Herne Bay.
Defendant came to my house on the 24th of December, 1866, and arranged
to stay there about a month. He engaged the rooms from the 24th of
December, for his wife and family. We made no arrangements about what I
should charge for boarding defendant and his family. Mr. Clarkson said he was in the “Pier Hotel,” on the 24th of December.
Defendant said he was coming down to Herne Bay, and he wanted to find
some house to board and lodge him and his family. Mr. Boyce told him
that he would find his house as cheap and comfortable as any. Mr.
Russell asked plaintiff if he could board and lodge them for three
guineas a week. Mr. Boyce said that he always took children and servants
half-price, and he agreed on 6s. a day. Mr. Russell:- On the 24th of December I was at Herne Bay, and went to
the “Pier Hotel.” While there I asked Mr. Boyce if he knew of any
lodgings. Mr. Boyce said I should find his house as cheap and
comfortable as any. He ultimately agreed to board and lodge us for 8s. a
day, which included everything but drink. The bill really amounts to
only £22 3s. His Honour gave judgment for the plaintiff. |
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 30 November 1867. Price 1d.
This fine building is once more untenanted. The present proprietor
having purchased it with “immediate possession,” gave the late tenant,
Mr. William Boyce, who has conducted the hotel for the last three years
so well, notice to quit, and it is now empty. What will be done with it?
is a question asked by many; some say it will be converted into private
dwellings. A few days ago Mr. and Mrs. Boyce received the following very
flattering, and at the same time well deserved, testimonial signed by
Captain Slarke, J.P., the Rev. H. Geary, the Rev. J. B. Buchanan, the
Rev. S. Ottley, Captain Roberts, G. R. Denison, Esq., Dr. Smith, J.
Bowes, Esq., E. B. Collard, Esq., A. Wetherell, Esq., T. Godfrey, Esq.,
and Mr. P. Ashwell:— “To Mr. and Mrs. Boyce, of the Royal Pier Hotel,
Herne Bay, in the county of Kent—Sir and Madam, —We hereby beg to
express our great regret that you are about to leave the above hotel, no
other persons holding the same having had any success. By your excellent
management, activity, intelligence, and amiability, yon have entirely
created the business now belonging to the house, and it is felt to so a
calamity that you should leave Herne Bay; and this regret is shared in
by every inhabitant without exception. We are, dear Sir and Madam, Yours
very obediently, &c., &c,” Then follow the names given above. |
From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald. 21 December 1867. Price 1d.
Boyce v. Cook.
Claim £4 7s. 10d. for board and lodging. Mr. Boyce is proprietor of the “Pier Hotel,” Herne Bay, and the
defendant sent two of his daughters to the Bay, and entrusted them to
the care of the plaintiff, who supplied them with board, but had not
received any money from defendant. Ordered to be paid forthwith. |
Kentish Gazette, 15 March, 1870.
Seaside County or Convalescent Hospital, Home or Asylum,
MORE than 100 feet frontage, having 17 rooms on the second floor, 15
on the first floor, and 13 on the ground floor; one room on this
floor is 47 feet long, and one on the first floor 60 feet long. A
corridor on each floor the whole length of the building, with a
window at each end. Two staircases, six w.c.’s. A garden and yard at
the back, 120 feet, with stabling for 20 horses on one side and 20
carnages on the other, convertible to other purposes. A good supply
of cold and hot water.
The Freehold will be sold at less than a third its cost. Part of the
purchase money may remain on mortgage.
Apply to Mr. Faulkner, 61, Jermyn-street, W.8., London.
Kentish Gazette, 22 March, 1870.
TO BE LET or SOLD, at a very low price,
Apply to Mr. Faulkner, 51, Jermyn-street, S.W., London. N.B.
Suitable for a Hospital or Asylum.
From the Whitstable Times, 25 October, 1902.
An inquest was held by the East Kent Coroner (Mr. R. M. Mercer) at the
“Pier Hotel,” Herne Bay, on Friday, touching the death of Dorothy Maud
Heaton, aged two months, the child of Samuel and Sarah Jane Heaton, of
3, Sea Street Cottages, Herne Bay.
It appeared that the child had been healthy from birth. The mother went
to bed at about 10.30 p.m., on the 15th October and took the child with
her. It was all right at 2 a.m., but at 4 o’clock when the mother awoke
again she found the child's face was cold. On getting a light she found
the child to be dead. A doctor was sent for immediately.
The jury returned a verdict that death was due to suffocation caused by
The main building was demolished in 1968 leaving just the left hand side,
which continued with the name "Pier Hotel."
Above photo 2009. |
Above photo by Doogie Moon, December 2011. |
Above photo by Doogie Moon, December 2011. |
Above photo by Doogie Moon, December 2011. |
Above photo by Doogie Moon, December 2011. |
Above sign 2011 by Doogie Moon. |
From the By Jack Dyson, 9 November 2021.
Herne Bay seafront pub to become restaurant and cocktail bar.
A long-empty seaside pub is set to be transformed into a Sri
Lankan-inspired restaurant and cocktail bar.
Harry Marsh and Dilushan Fernando hope to open the plush eatery in the
old Pier Hotel, on the corner of St George’s Terrace and Station Road,
Herne Bay, next month.
Harry Marsh stood outside the old Pier Hotel in Herne Bay.
The married couple, who already run Bay Leaf Coffee House in the centre
of the town, have forked out about £100,000 on work to the site since
they took it on in March.
Mr Marsh is hoping the addition of live music and LGBT events, as well
as wine and gin-tasting evenings, will help bolster the Bay’s night-time
“We’ll be tentatively exploring that side of things,” the businessman
“We’ve heard there’s a demand for something like LGBT events in town.
Quite a few local businesses have put some events on this year, which is
the first I’ve seen.
“There seems to be this idea that you start your night in Herne Bay and
end it in Margate or Canterbury.
“We’d like to try to offer something where you can stay here and have a
good night.”
Mr Marsh expects the new restaurant to employ as many as 30 people,
including a mixologist who will devise the bar’s cocktail menu.
It will serve curries “that we’ll put our own spin on”, vegan dishes and
fresh seafood.
The Pier Hotel in Station Road, Herne Bay, is set to reopen as a Sri
Lankan-inspired restaurant and cocktail bar. Picture: Chris Davey.
“We always like to do something a bit different, as we do with the
café,” Mr Marsh added.
“It’ll be mainly focused on evening dining, but people will be able to
come in and just have a drink at the bar.
“We’re hoping to open this side of the new year. When we took over in
March, there was no kitchen at all – it was all empty rooms – so we had
to put one in, and we’ve finished the decorating.
“We have the finishing touches to do, and then, aside from that, we need
to finalise the staff.”
The Pier Hotel, which dates back to the 1800s, has previously been known
as The "Hope and Anchor," and
The former hotel above the old pub was converted into four flats and
sold off in the 1990s. Meanwhile, the former boozer closed about eight
years ago, having last been known as The Pier. |
STEER/MEER George 1847+55 (age 68 in 1851 )
MACKETT George 1851+ (barman age 36 in 1851 )
STEER John 1858-June/60+ (also posting house)
KERSHAW J S 1861-62+ (age 48 in 1861 )
Mr 1863+

BOYCE William 1864-Nov/67

KING Henry 1888-96+ (New Pier Hotel)
CHANDLER Arthur 1899+ (Pier Hotel)
SEYMOUR Spencer George 1903+ (Pier Hotel)
PECK Charlotte Mrs 1934-38+ (Pier Hotel)
GOWAN Ernest Archibald (temporary) to Feb/1965
CHAMBERLAIN Austin Joseph Feb/1965+
Whitstable Times
and Herne Bay Herald