Sort file:- Maidstone, May, 2024.

Page Updated Maidstone:- Sunday, 12 May, 2024.


Earliest 1805-

Three Compasses

Latest 1874+

56 (120) Weak Street



Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.


Kent Gazette Reports 17 May 1805.


Last night after a lingering illness, the wife of Mr. Reynolds, of the "Three Compasses," Maidstone.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 24 December 1839.

Three Compasses Inn, & Commercial House.

Week Street, Maidstone, Kent.

ROBERT PATTENDEN most respectfully begs leave to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public in general for the very kind support with which they have favoured him during a number of years in which he conducted the business of the old established Inn; and begs to acquaint them that he has again taken the same establishment, where he hopes to be honoured with that kind and liberal support and patronise which were formerly bestowed upon him, assuring his friends and the public that nothing
on his part shall be wanted to insure the same comfort and accommodation they formerly met with; trusting by the attention which will he paid to the beds being well aired, together with the very best wines and spirits, that the arrangements will meet with perfect approbation.

Good Lock-up Coach House and excellent Stall Stabling, and every other accommodation for commercial travellers.

A good Ordinary at half-past One o'clock, daily.

Maidstone, 12th Dec, 1839.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 7 April 1840.

James Brewer was charged with uttering a counterfeit half-crown, with intent to cheat and defraud R. Pattenden, of the "Three Compasses Inn," Maidstone.

It appeared that on Thursday evening the 26th March, the prisoner went into the "Three Compasses Inn," called for half a pint of beer, and offered a bad half-crown in payment, which was refused. He then tended a good one, but Mr. Pattenden detained him, and sent for a policeman, who searched him and found three good half-crowns and a penny piece. When taken to the station-house, he was accused of having something in his mouth, which the police attempted to obtain by seizing him by the throat, but were unsuccessful.

Prisoner said "I have swallowed it, so help me God; let me go."

Prisoner here said "Yes, I did say so, and would swear I swallowed an iron pot before I would be strangled by you."

On being called on for his defence he stated that what he had got to say he should reserve for his trial.

He was remanded till Friday when he was discharged, in consequence of the Mint declining to prosecute.


South Eastern Gazette, Tuesday 9th February 1841.

Robert Pattenden the Elder (sued and committed as Robert Pattenden), formerly of the "Three Compasses Inn," Week Street, Maidstone, in the county of Kent, licensed victualler, farmer and nurseryman; afterwards of the Boxley Road, near Maidstone aforesaid, farmer and nurseryman; then of the "Three Compasses Inn," Week Street, Maidstone aforesaid, licensed victualler, farmer and nurseryman; then of the Boxley Road aforesaid, farmer and nurseryman; then lodging at the "Parrs Head" Public House, Sheerness, in the county aforesaid, and late lodging at the Boxley Road aforesaid, out of business.


Southeastern Gazette, 5 July 1853.

Bankruptcy of Mr. R. Lockyer.

At the examination meeting of this bankrupt, a licensed victualler, plumber, painter, and glazier, at Maidstone, before Mr. Commissioner Fonblanque, London, the balance sheet filed showed that the debts amounted to £859 18s. 1d.; the property given up was £358 10s., with £30 12s. 11d. in cash, good debts. £34 6s. 3d., and doubtful debts £30 4s., total £473 13s. 2d. The assignees required further information respecting a leasehold estate which the bankrupt had possessed, and the final examination was therefore adjourned till the 15th inst., at twelve o'clock; the protection being renewed in the mean time.


South Eastern Gazette, 24 July, 1860.

Innkeepers’ Licenses.

The following transfer of public-house licenses were also granted last week.

The "Three Compasses," Week-street, from G. W. Twitchell to Mrs. Fuller.


Kent Times, 31 May 1862.

Assault by a Militiaman.

Police Intelligence, Saturday, May 24. Before the Mayor (W. Haynes, Esq), H. W. Joy, Esq., and T. W. Allen, Esq.

Thomas Powell, a militiaman, was summoned by William Driver, landlord of the "Three Compasses," for having assaulted him. It appeared that the defendant (who did not put in an appearance) had forced himself into a room reserved for a "select" party, and on the landlord complaining, he struck him a slight blow in the face. He also made use of threatening language, and when told that he would be summoned, declared that he didn't care for the Mayor or anybody else. He was fined 6s. and 11s. costs, or in default ten days' imprisonment.





REYNOLDS Thomas 1805-29+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

PATTENDEN Robert 1832-Feb/41 Pigot's Directory 1832-34

LOCKYER R 1851-53+

JEFFERY William 1855+

FENNER William 1858+

TWITCHELL G W to July/1860 Maidstone Telegraph

FULLER Charlotte July/1860-61+ (widow age 30 in 1861Census) Maidstone Telegraph

DRIVER William 1862-72+ Post Office Directory 1867

BARNES Benjamin 1874+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph

Post Office Directory 1867From the Post Office Directory 1867


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-