Sort file:- Tonbridge, April, 2022.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 14 April, 2022.


Earliest 1850-

Victoria Tavern

Latest ????

(Name to)

54 Lavender Hill



At this same address I also have listed a pub called the "New Drum." I would suggest that the pub changed name shortly after the death of Queen Victoria. However, the licensee list doesn't suggest that this is so and is causing me some confusion. Local knowledge required here please.

In the Maidstone and Kentish Journal this was described as a beer-house.

Further research tells me that it was also known as "Uncle Toms Cabin" in the 1990s.


Kentish Gazette, 26 March 1850.

Samuel Gilbert, 28, was charged with stealing, on the 9th of March, a brass roasting-crane, belonging to Abraham Hall, at Tonbridge.

The Hon. Mr. Denman conducted the prosecution, and Mr. Addison the defence.

Mr. A. Hall said:— I keep the "Victoria" beer-shop in Tonbridge. There was a sale on the day previous to the robbery; the prisoner assisted Mr. Richardson in removing the goods.

Walter Carter, a boy, said—I saw the prisoner unscrew the crane the day after the goods were taken away. I heard him say it would fetch him sixpence.

A constable deposed to finding the crane under the prisoner’s bed.

Prosecutor recalled, said:— I don’t know whether the crane belonged to me or Mr. Richardson, he having bought the range.

His Lordship, in briefly summing up, said the jury could not very well convict if the property belonged to no one.

Not guilty.


From the Kent and Sussex Courier, 30 August 1876.


Esther Hersey, wife of George Hersey hoop dresser of Lavender-hill, Tonbridge, was summoned for being violent, quarrelsome, and disorderly in the “Victoria” beer-house and refusing to quit, on the 18th August.

This case, in which Mr Gorham and Mr Rogers were concerned, was remanded for a fortnight.


Sussex Agricultural Express 15 June 1889.


The "Victoria Tavern," Lavender Hill, Tonbridge, was temporarily transferred to Edwin Coomber.


Kent & Sussex Courier, Friday 29 April 1949.

Victoria Tavern dats team 1949

Above photo showing, the "Victoria Tavern (Tonbridge) darts team which won the Kelsey Shield. The trophy  was presented to them on Tuesday by Mr. E. G. Venning (chairman of directors.)



HALL A Mr 1850-

PEARSON William Fenn 1881-Jan/89 (age 39 in 1881Census) Maidstone and Kentish Journal

CLAPSON John Jan/1889+ Maidstone and Kentish Journal

COOMBER Edwin 1889+

GALLOWAY George Sept/1893+ Kent and Sussex Courier

GILLETT George Benjamin to Aug/1923 Kent and Sussex Courier

GARROD Joseph William Aug/1923+ Kent and Sussex Courier

CROWHURST Frank 1939+ (age 45 in 1939)


Kent and Sussex CourierKent and Sussex Courier

Maidstone and Kentish JournalMaidstone and Kentish Journal


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
