Sort file:- Sheerness, March, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 18 March, 2024.


Earliest 1832-

Waterman's Arms

Latest ????

13 Union Street

Blue Town


Waterman's Arms

Above postcard, date unknown, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.

Colin Harvey and Waterman's Arms

Above photo, date unknown showing a lad called Colin Harvey with the Waterman's Arms to the left of the picture. Taken from website:-


This pub is one in the list of my "Project 2014."

As such I have found a picture of the pub, but to date have no other information. Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.


Sheerness Guardian 7 May 1859.


Monday May 2nd, before the Rev. J. Poore, D.D., and W. Bland, Esq.

The following parties appeared in answer to charges made by the police, of having their houses open after forbidden hours for the sale of beer, &c., viz:—

William Hammond, of the "Waterman's Arms," in Blue Town, was fined 10s. and costs, for having his house open between 7 and 8 a.m. on Sunday morning April 17th.


From the Kent Mercury 11 April 1863.


Capital Free Inn.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, with the approbation of the Master of the Rolls, in the matter of the estate of WILLIAM HAMMOND, deceaaed, and in a Cause, Bryson v. Cole, on THURSDAY, April 23rd 1863, at Two o'clock precisely, by Mr. JAMES THOMAS ATTWATER, at the Waterman’s Arms, Sheerness, in one lot (the property of the late Mr. WILLIAM HAMMOND, deceased), all that valiable piece of FREEHOLD GROUND situate in Union street, Blue Town, Sheerness, having a frontage of 31ft. by a depth of 91ft., with the substantial brick-built, commodious, and well frequented FREE PUBLIC HOUSE (long known aa the "Waterman's Arm") erected thereon, containing large, dry, and well-paved cellars, convenient bar, three parlours, four chambers, and fire attics; also, a large brick building attached to the above, containing tap room, kitchen, wash-house, and large club room over; with all the stoves, coppers, pumps, and tanks as fixed together, with coal, store, and other outhouses.

A first-rate business has been carried on at the above premises for upwards of 20 years. They are in excellent repair, and replete with every convening for doing an extensive and respectable trade, and present an opportunity seldom offered to capitalists, brewers, and others.

The stock in trade and fixtures to be taken by the purchaser at a valuation. The furniture to be taken at the option of the purchaser, at a valuation.

The premises may be viewed, and particulars and conditions of sale may be had on the premises; of Robert Edmesdes, Esq., solicitor, Sheerness; of Messrs. Clarke and Morice, solicitors, 29. Coleman-street, London; of Messrs. Philipe and Son. solicitors, 7, Gray's-inn square, London; of Mr. Cole, stationer, Sheerness; and of the Auctioneer, 33, High-street, Mile Town, Sheerness.


From the Sheerness Guardian and East Kent Advertiser 7 Nov 1863.

Local intelligence. Transfer of Licences.

The “Waterman’s Arms Inn,” Blue Town, Sheerness, was transferred from the executors of the late Mr. W. Hammond, to Mr. John Hammond, his son.




HAMMOND William 1832-Nov/63 dec'd (widower age 68 in 1861Census) Pigot's Directory 1832-34

HAMMOND John (son) Nov/1863-74+ (age 55 in 1871Census)

HAMMOND Elizabeth Ann 1881-91+ (widow age 47 in 1881Census)

PILCHER Albert 1903+ Kelly's 1903

HARLAND Frederick William Next pub licensee had to 1911

HARLAND Charles 1913-22+

ETHELL Alfred G 1930+ Kelly's 1830

PRITCHARD William 1934-36

Last pub licensee had LODGE Frederick 1936+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Kelly's 1830From the Kelly's Directory 1930

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
