Sort file:- St Marys/Pauls Cray, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 27 June, 2024.


Earliest ????

Beech Tree

Open 2020+

75 (17) Wellington Road

St Mary Cray

01689 871715

Beech Tree

Above postcard, date unknown.

Beech Tree 2012

Above photo 2012.

Beech Tree

Above photo, date unknown.

Beech Tree 2023

Above photo, circa 2023.


Maidstone and Kent Journal, 24 November, 1891.

Serious Accident At Orpington.

On Thursday while Mr. George Treadwell, landlord of the "Beech Tree Inn." was driving a horse and trap near the village, the horse bolted and the trap collided with the footpath, he was thrown violently out, and falling on his head became stunned. The shaft of the trap snapped, and the animal being freed, continued its wild career till stopped by a passer by. Mr. Treadwell was picked up as soon as possible and conveyed home where he lies in a serious condition.


From by Pubspy 22 November 2012.

OMG, why did I venture into this one?

The "Beech Tree" is the most uninviting, soulless and sombre pub you are ever likely to find.

In truth, the note taped to the door should have told me all I needed to know and had me turning on my heel as soon as I read: “Regulars only – due to our neighbours complaining”.

Beech Tree notice

However, my curiosity got the better of me; after all, if only regulars are allowed in how does anyone get to become a regular?

But once you're inside the bigger question is: ‘Why would anyone want to be a regular here?'

Faced by a bland, unwelcoming interior, the pub looks like it was decorated by someone throwing a firework into a tin of black paint.

The walls are then adorned with a mixture of huge expanses of what look like blank notice boards, interspersed occasionally with faded old pictures.

The only existence of colour is a typically horrendous pub carpet of the worst possible design (worst possible that is, until you see the second carpet in the back room).

There were three people in the front room, presumably all regulars, but no-one spoke so I couldn't be sure.

As well as a pint of Kronenbourg I splashed out 50p on the only food available, a stale cheese roll which had definitely seen a few better days.

Thinking things could only improve I ventured into the back room where the main item was a pool table.

Here, a pair of ‘regulars' were chucking cash as fast as possible into a fruit machine called ‘Dublin yer money' – although no matter how much they tried, they didn't.

This is clearly a sport in St Mary Cray as they'd both dressed especially for the marathon spending session in tracksuits and trainers.

Even the yellow tags on the hoodies added to their ‘sportsman' look.

As Raghav's 'Can't Get Enough' blasted from the jukebox I can only assume it had a random setting as the music certainly fitted into this category.

In the outhouse area at the back, dominated by the pool table and misnamed fruitie, you also find the toilet entrances.

Presumably the regulars know better than to take on the cheese rolls in any quantity as the width of the door on the gents would preclude anyone above average size even entering, though anyone with an average sense of smell will also be well and truly put off.

The toilets keep up the style of decoration, although this time the black is replaced with bright blue paint chucked at the walls – if you do dare venture in.

I'd avoid the cracked urinal on the left.

Escaping back to the front room I dawdled only to wonder why washing was drying on the radiator.

However, as fruit flies then started to mass around my pint I thought my exit was long overdue.

Leaving hurriedly, the second sign I saw in this pub left me, if anything, even more incredulous than the first - ‘Under new management'.

As I escaped back into Wellington Road I was faced by the cold and foreboding Salvation Army building.

For the first time in my life, having visited the "Beech Tree," I wondered if the Sally Army's view of drinking might actually be right after all!


From 20 July 2014.

What a wonderful pub. Staff are friendly and helpful. Friday nights sat round the bar singing to the juke box. Decent pint for a good price. And it has a pool table.



Now part of Greater London, this area was indeed Kent before 1965. Hence, I will be adding information regarding this pub as and when I find or it is sent to me, but at present I'll be concentrating on the areas that are within the Kent boundary today.

Your help is appreciated, and every email is answered.



TOWNSEND George 1871-81+ (age 38 in 1871Census)

TOWNSEND M Mrs 1882+

TREADWELL George 1891+ (age 62 in 1891Census)

OAKES Frederick to Oct/1895 Maidstone and Kentish Journal

TIMPSON Joseph Oct/1895+ Maidstone and Kentish Journal

TIMSON J 1903+ Kelly's 1903

MILLS Sydney William 1911+ (age 34 in 1911Census)

TICKNER James Henry 1913+

HEAD Thomas 1918-22+



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903

Maidstone and Kentish JournalMaidstone and Kentish Journal



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-