Page Updated:- Monday, 03 March, 2025.


Earliest 1828-

Black Horse

Open 2021+

123 Main Road

Biggin Hill

01959 928231 or 07440549516

Black Horse 1899

Above postcard, circa 1899, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Black Horse

Above postcard, date unknown.

Black Horse 1902

Above postcard, circa 1902, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Black Horse

Above postcard, date unknown.

Black Horse 1900

Above photo, circa 1900, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Black Horse

Above postcard, date unknown.

Black Horse

Above postcard, date unknown.

Black Horse 1920

Above photo circa 1920. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. When the pub was a tied house within the estate of Nalder & Collyer's Croydon Brewery. The young lad on the right, standing under the tree, is wearing the original, 1911 pattern, Boy Scout uniform.

Original Black Horse

Above photo showing the original "Black Horse" pre 1908, photo taken from

Unknown pub 87

Above photo circa 1906. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. Same as above, but showing slightly different bits due to contrast.

Original Black Horse pre 1908

Above photo showing the original "Black Horse" pre 1908, photo taken from

Black Horse original

Above photo showing the original "Black Horse" 1906, photo taken from

Black Horse

Above postcard, date unknown.

Original Black Horse

Above photo showing the original "Black Horse" extreme right, photo taken from

Black Horse

Above photo, date unknown.

Black Horse

Above photo, circa 1914. Both vehicles are Model "T" Ford's. The landlord is driving the car on the left with his children.

Black Horse

Above photo circa 2013.

Black Horse

Above photo, date unknown.

Black Horse 2019

Above photo, 2019, kindly sent by Roger Pester.

Black Horse sign 1990Black Horse sign 2019

Above sign left, August 1990, sign right 2019.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Black Horse sign 2019

Above sign 2019.

With thanks from Roger Pester


According to their web site (2020) the pub name can be traced back to 1809, however the original building was demolished 100 years later in 1908 and replaced later on the same foundations. Much of the rubble from the demolition was used to fill up the village green pond.

The pub was the main dropping off point for busses that came to Biggin Hill.

The Kelly's Directory of 1903 gave the location of this as in Cudham.


As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation.


From the By Joshua Fowler, 3 June 2013.

Biggin Hill pub to re-open after licensee is given final chance following drugs raid.

The Black Horse pub, in Biggin Hill, will re-open after council imposed conditions have been met.

A Biggin Hill pub marred by violent incidents including sledgehammer and crossbow attacks has retained its licence despite police concerns over drug dealing.

Officers raided The Black Horse pub in April, arresting four people for possession of Class A drugs - including a barmaid who worked at the pub, in Main Road.

The licence was suspended shortly after, and designated premises supervisor, Paul Brazier, was removed from the licence.

This was the second drugs raid in six months, with another in November last year resulting in three arrests for possession of cocaine.

At a full review last month, Bromley Council’s Licensing Sub Committee spent an entire day hearing evidence from police and members of the public before deciding to allow Mr Brazier to keep his licence.

However, there are conditions that must be met before the Black Horse can begin trading again.

These include installing CCTV to cover all external areas, enforcing a robust drugs policy alongside the police and council, and removing all horizontal surfaces from the toilets.

Committee chairman, cllr Tony Owen, said: “Having carefully considered the balance of the evidence, the committee has given Mr Brazier a last opportunity to prove himself. However, the pub will remain closed until the council and the police are satisfied that all the conditions imposed on the licence have been fully met.”


Since 2017 the pub has been run by Nimisha Limbachia and is far removed from the troubles or 2013.



WERRY William 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

KING Thomas 1832-39+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

MARTIN James 1840

DOWELL Mary 1841 (age 60 in 1841Census)

BENSTED Mary 1841+ (age 60 in 1841Census)

BLAKE William 1847-71 (also brickmaker in 1855 and grocer & farmer age 70 in 1871Census)

WHITING George dec'd 1881-Jan/93 (age 76 in 1891Census)

WHITING Maria "Mary" (widow) Jan/1893-1903+ (age 58 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

WHITING Lizzie Miss 1901+ (age 36 in 1901Census)

ARMSTEAD Harry F 1911-14+ (age 32 in 1911Census)

COOKE George Edward 1934-40+

WOOD Charles pre 1937 Next pub licensee had

BRAZIER Paul 2012-13+

LIMBACHIA Nimisha Nov/2017+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
