Sort file:- Strood, December, 2023.

Page Updated:- Monday, 18 December, 2023.


Earliest 1860-

Brickmaker's Arms

Latest ????

67 Cuxton Road


Former Brickmaker's Arms 2010

Above Google image 2010.

Former Brickmaker's Arms 2012

Above image from Google, May 2012.


Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be appreciated.

I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it, but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the information will come from.

All emails are answered.


South Eastern Gazette, 4 September, 1860.

Renewal of Licenses.

A few of the licensed victuallers were cautioned by the Mayor as to the manner in which they had conducted their houses, and informed that unless better conduct was kept, their licenses would in all probability be forfeited.

The court proceeded to hear applications for new licenses to sell spirits. Mr. T. Hills applied on behalf of Mr. T. Harman, of the "Vineyard" beerhouse, Maidstone-road, which was granted.

The applications for licenses for the following beer-houses were refused:-

The "Brickmaker’s Arms," Cuxton-road.


From the Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, 10 August 1861.

Rochester and Chatham. Shocking Death.

On Monday an inquest was held at the "Brickmakers Arms," Cuxton Road, before B. Marsh, Esq., deputy coroner, on the body of John Atherfold, age 65, who met his death on the London, Chatham, and Dover Railway, under the following shocking circumstances. The deceased, a farm labourer, was returning to his lodgings at the "Three Crutches" public house, near Strood, and in doing so had occasion to cross the railway where there is a footpath over a level crossing. On attempting to do so, however, the 4.15 p.m. train from the Victoria station came up at a great speed, and although the driver attempted to attract the attention of the deceased by sounding the whistle, he appeared to take no notice of it, and before he got clear of the metals the engine caught him and mangled his body in a frightful manner. The deceased was very deaf.

The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and recommended that the public crossing at the spot in question should be abolished, and a tunnel made for foot passengers.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Monday 24 April 1865.

Sudden Death.

On Thursday last an inquest was held at the "Brickmakers Arms," Strood at 11 o'clock, upon the body of a man named Philip Fairman, aged 20, a labourer, in the employ of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company. The inquiry took place before the deputy coroner, Bower Marsh, Esq.; and Mr. Oliff, of the "Railway Tavern," was chosen for foreman of the jury. Having viewed the body, which was dreadfully mangled, the coroner proceeded to examine the following witnesses.

James West stated that he knew the deceased, Philip Fairman, by site only. He was at work with him on the morning of the occurrence from 6 o'clock till shortly after 10. He was employed by the London, Chatham and Dover Railway Company to pick up stones on the line. He was at work on the down line at the time the train came along and struck him. He afterwards saw his body lying on the line after the train went past. He should suppose, from the manner in which the deceased acted, that he was rather death.

George Haines, of Duke Street, Blackfriars, London, the guard any employee of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway, said that on Tuesday morning he acted as under guard between Bush Bank and Strood. He heard the driver sound his whistle, and he pulled up the train as soon as possible. The driver stated that the train had come in contact with a man, who appeared to have received severe injuries. Witness then went back, when he discovered the body lying with the head in the direction of Strood, and the previous witness standing by its side crying. Deceased appeared quite dead, but witness sent for a surgeon.

Thomas Boltwood, the engine-driver belonging to the train, said that on approaching the Strood Station, about 10 yards before coming to the curve, he saw the deceased on the down line. He was standing sideways, not looking towards the train, when he blew the whistle, but the deceased was still in the same position till the engine struck him. The train was travelling at the rate of about 30 to 35 miles an hour.

John Langston, a member of the Royal College of Surgeons, said that on coming to the spot where the unhappy occurrence had taken place, he found the deceased quite dead. Death must have been instantaneous, as the wheel of the engine passed completely over his head, and the brains are all scattered about. He was a lad of hereditary nervous weakness and excitability of mind, and subject to epileptic fits. From the evidence which had been given by the other witnesses, he was of opinion that the fright which seized the deceased at the time must of paralysed his brain and nerves to such an extent as to prevent him from moving. The jury, without the slightest hesitation, returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."



OLIFF Mr 1865+

LEWIS William 1871+ (age 45 in 1871Census)

KNOTT Richard 1874+

BLISS George 1881-82+ (age 51 in 1881Census)

BRIGHTON Sarah Elizabeth 1891+

DAWKINS Stephen George 1891+ (age 34 in 1891Census)

Last pub licensee had WEBB Samuel 1901-11/May/02 dec'd (age 56 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

MAYSENT Percy 1913+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
