9 Old King Street / 97 Watergate Street
St. Nicholas
Above photo, circa 1903. |
The pub was closed in 1899 and has since been demolished.
It was originally addresses as simply King Street in 1826 and later as 9
Old King Street in 1873.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 25 April, 1857.
The Rape of the Bonnets.
On Tuesday last, two women named Leg and Botley were summoned by
Mrs. Margaret Tyrell, charged with scratching and fighting her and
her husband, and having torn her bonnet from her head while standing
at the bar of the "Bull and Butcher" in Old King street, Deptford,
on the night of Easter Tuesday.
The plaintiff exhibited the remnant of a Magpie coloured bonnet,
which from its mutilated state, caused much laughter — upon which
defendant Leg produced from under her shawl a Black ditto, saying,
"and here’s my bonnet your worship." (Laughter.)
The complainant attempted to make out her case by alleging a great
deal of bad conduct and infamous language being used by the
defendants, which was by the evidence of the landlady of the house
rebutted upon complainant; who stated that the language used by her
was disgusting, and that she commenced the disturbance while the
three were together discussing a quartern of gin, by saying she had
dropped 6d. from her pocket.
Mr. Seeker said, it was a most infamous charge both the complainant
and her husband had perjured themselves, in a wicked attempt to try
and sully the reputation of the defendants. He therefore ordered
complainant to pay to each of the women 10s., for their days
attendance at the court, and the expenses.
The money was paid.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 15 August, 1857.
Before Sir T. M. Wilson, Bart., (Chairman); Col. Grant, Col.
Angerstein, Major Gossett, T. Lewin, Esq., Coles Child, Esq., and J.
Sutton, Esq.
"Bull and Butcher," King street, Elizabeth Roff to David Matthew
Orr's Kentish Journal, 22 February 1862.
DEPTFORD. Transfer or Licences.
"Bull and Butcher," King-street, to Chas. H. Williams.
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Monday 11 January 1869.
An inquest was held at the "Bull and Butcher," Deptford, on the body
of Elizabeth Cole, two-and-a-half years, of 4, Elliot Square,
Deptford, who died from injuries sustained by pulling a kettle of
hot water over her in her parents absence.
Verdict "Accidental Death."
From the
http://carolineld.blogspot.com Friday, 15 April 2011.
A Deptford whale.
Whales in the Thames are not unknown, but they're certainly unusual.
When one swam up the river a few years ago, the media followed its
every move. The public was equally fascinated in 1842 - but the poor
animal had met with a very different reception. While efforts were
made to save its modern counterpart, the Victorian stray was killed
and immediately put on public display.
On Sunday 23 October, a young whale made its way to Deptford Pier.
There, it was spotted by watermen who immediately set off in armed
pursuit. The Illustrated London News describes what followed:-
Illustrated London News, 29 October 1842, 'catching a whale
off Deptford Pier'
Five of them put off in their boat, and one of them, armed with a
large bearded spear, commenced the attack upon the monster, which
soon showed symptoms of weakness, and threw up large quantities of
water from the aperture on its back. The other boats surrounded the
animal and pushed it along with their boat-hooks close under the
pier, where they finally despatched him, and with strong cords and
pullies raised him, with much difficulty, upon the pier. In a short
time afterwards such immense numbers of persons congregated to
gratify their curiosity, that Mr John Taylor, the high constable of
Deptford, was compelled to call for the aid of the R division of the
police to keep order.
The gory spectacle over, the whale was moved to the "Bull and Butcher"
pub in Old King Street and put on display. No time was lost in
circulating publicity material:-
On the Premises of Mr. Williams,
Old King Street, Deptford,
Yesterday, (Sunday,) October 23rd 1842,
By a Number of Watermen.
The above measures in length above 20 Feet; in circumference 10
Feet, and weighs above 2 Tons.
May be viewed daily, from 9 o’Clock in the morning till 10 o’Clock
at Night.
The Illustrated London News account identifies it as a finback
whale, 14 feet 6 inches long (it seems to have grown in the flyer
quoted above). It also suggested how the whale came to be in such an
unlikely location: 'He is supposed to have gone blind in the river
while in pursuit of herrings.'
In 1891, a writer to the Kentish Notebook suggested that after being
displayed in Deptford, the whale went on to be shown at the "Half
Moon Inn" in Borough. Finally, it was dissected and its skeleton
given to the British Museum.
Perhaps even more strangely, this was not the first Deptford whale.
John Evelyn described one meeting an equally brutal end there in
June 1658:-
A large whale was taken betwixt my land butting on the Thames and
Greenwich, which drew an infinite concourse to see it, by water,
coach, and on foote, from London and all parts. It appeared first
below Greenwich at low water, for at high water it would have
destroyed all the boats; but lying now in shallow water, incompassed
with boats, after a long conflict it was killed with a harping yron,
struck in the head, out of which it spouted blood and water by two
tunnells, and after a horrid grone it ran quite on shore and died.
Its length was fifty-eight foote, height sixteen, black skin'd like
coach-leather, very small eyes, greate taile, and onely two small
finns, a picked snout, and a mouth so wide that divers men might
have stood upright in it; no teeth, but suck'd the slime onely as
thro' a grate of that bone which we call whale-bone; the throate yet
so narrow as would not have admitted the least of fishes. The
extremes of the cetaceous bones hang downwards from the upper jaw;
and was hairy towards the ends and bottom within-side; all of it
prodigious; but in nothing more wonderful than that an animal of so
greate a bulk should be nourished ony by slime through those
grates. |
BERRY Matt 1826+
SEABROOK William James 1832+

WILLIAMS William 1840-Aug/50
ROFF John Clayton Aug/1850-Sept/54 dec'd (age 48 in 1851 )

ROFF Elizabeth Sept/1854-8/Aug/57

BROMLEY David Mathew 8/Aug/1857-Mar/60
STEWARD William George Mar/1860-Feb/62 (widower age 49 in 1861 )
WILLIAMS Charles Henry Feb/1862-Jan/63
DYE James Edward Jan/1863+
WEAVER Henry Aug/1866+
WEAVER Alf Hen 1869-74+
ELLIS Thomas Henry 1881-84+ (age 38 in 1881 )
HITCHCOCK William 1891-99+ (age 40 in 1891 )
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
West Kent Guardian