Page Updated:- Tuesday, 24 January, 2023.


Earliest 1859-

Church and State

Latest 1970+



Church and State circa 1950s

Above photo, circa 1950s.

Unknown 35

Bill Garnet kindly sent me this photo circa 1964 with the words "more old pubs I don't know," and off the top of my head I can't name or locate it either.

Michael Mirams finally identified this one in May 2016.

Church and State

Above image from Google maps September 2009.


I have found mention of this pub from an article in the Whitstable Times and Tankerton Press of Saturday, 17th October 1931. It was from a passage regarding a 34 motor car treasure hunt.

I have been informed by a gent called Rory Kehoe that the landlady called Alice kept a loaded shotgun behind the bar and was never afraid to mention this to any customers she didn't like the look of. But she would serve anyone tall enough to put money on the bar. She also had a potty-mouthed parrot who kept drinkers entertained. The pub had tip-up ex cinema seats along one wall under the dart board.

Whitbread house and previously, Fremlin's/George Beer & Rigden.

Church and State beer mat

Above mat kindly sent by Mike Lyon. Circa 1950-60s.

Alice Coppings 1970s

Above photo showing licensee Alice Coppings early 1970s, kindly sent by Tony Soper.


South Eastern Gazette 10 May 1859.


John Sandy, the keeper of the "Church and State" beer-house, at Dunkirk, was charged with allowing gambling in his house on the 30th March last. Police-constable Raines proved finding a party playing at " Don Pedro " for beer.

Fined 8s. and costs.


Kentish Gazette 08 September 1863.


William Judge, the landlord of the "Church and State" beerhouse, at Dunkirk, was convicted of having his house open for the sale of beer, on Sunday morning, the 2nd August, before half-past 12. He was fined 10s., and the costs, which he paid.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 03 August 1912.


At the Faversham County Police Court on Wednesday before F. B. Cobb, Esq., William Charles White and Albert Draper were charged with stealing a copper copper, value £1, property of George Beer, of Ellenden Farm, Dunkirk between 7pm on the 28th ult. and 11am on the 29th ult.

John Thomas Gammon, farm bailiff, in prosecutor's employ, identified the copper produced as his master's property. He last saw it at 7 o'clock on Sunday night standing at the head of the stable on the farm. On the following morning about six o'clock prisoners, who were employed on the farm, came to the stable and spoke to him. They afterwards went away through the yard. At 11 o'clock he noticed that the copper was missing.

Nellie Todd, wife of Alfred Todd, marine store dealer, Ruttington Lane, Canterbury, stated that about 4 p.m. on Monday prisoners asked her to buy some old copper which they had on a truck. She replied that they must wait until her husband returned. They then asked if they could leave it there and she agreed. They took it of the truck and put it just inside the store. About 4.15 Sergeant Ives came in and asked her about the copper, and she told him what had occurred. Sergeant Ives of the Canterbury City Police stated that about 4 p.m. on Monday from information he had received he went to Todd's store where he saw the copper produced. About 4.30 he went to Sayer's common lodging house, North Lane, where he saw prisoners, and asked them if they had been to three marine store dealers offering a copper for sale. They both replied yes. He then asked them where they got it, and Draper said "I bought it of a man at Denstroud." He charged them on suspicion and took them into custody. Subsequently they admitted stealing the copper. White said "I should not have been in the job if it had not been for Draper." Draper said "He asked me to go and get a copper, which I got from the "Church and State" beer-house, Dunkirk."

Sergeant Baker stated that on Tuesday morning he received prisoners from Canterbury police and conveyed them to Faversham. On the way White said "We found the copper in a field at Ellenden farm. I thought it was no good." Draper said "I am dragged into this job." On being charged at Faversham police station they made no reply, but whilst Draper was being placed in the cell he said "I admit going to the "Church and State" beer-house for an axe and helped White chop it up. I then went with him to Canterbury to try and sell it."

The Magistrate remanded prisoners to the Petty Sessions the following day.


From the Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 11 December 1937.


Last Sunday was anything but a suitable day for a hike, but the Imps (or at least a good number of them) thought otherwise. They braved the weather and hiked to Hoath, where they dried out and eat ravenously.

Monday evening had lustre added by a beans and toast supper which was thoroughly enjoyed by everybody. Incidentally, there is no truth in the rumour that Messrs. Lyons refuse to open a tea shop here because they could not compete with the catering service given by the Imps.

Hiking seems so popular that the lads and lassies propose exploring Denstroude on Sunday next. There is an establishment there called "The Church and State" where tea will be obtained. The members will congregate at headquarters at 2.30, whatever the climatic conditions.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, 07 May 1938.


Magistrates Consider Motorist Responsible.

"The Bench think this is rather a bad case." remarked Mr. G. Blaiklock, who presided over the St. Augustine's Bench at Canterbury on Wednesday morning, to Walter Cecil Odd, Fair View Cottage, Borstal Hill, Whitstable. He was found guilty of dangerous driving and failing to stop after an accident.

Mr. A. K. Mowll defended.

Mrs. Alice Austen, "Rinsley," Blean, stated that about 8 p.m. on March 29th she met defendant in the "Hare and Hounds" and he offered her a lift in his motor van to Canterbury. She got in the van and he drove towards Whitstable. As they approached Denstroude turning she saw what appeared to be a young man riding a cycle towards Whitstable. The light of the van lamps showed that he was wearing a light coat. The cyclist was on his proper side. She remarked to defendant: "Oh. God, you have run over something" and defendant said: "I have not run over anybody. You want to learn to keep your tongue quiet." He did not stop. They went to the "Church and State," where they had a drink, and she saw defendant tie up the front identification plate with a piece of string.

In cross-examination by Mr. Mowll, witness said she felt the car go over something. She denied she said to defendant: "You did not hit him?" and defendant replied: "Certainly not." After her first remark she did not say anything else to defendant, but when she arrived at Canterbury she went to the police.

Ernest George Jordan, Forge House, Blean, stated that he was riding a bicycle up Pean Hill between 8.10 and 8.20 p.m. on March 29th. He was on his proper side of the road and was wearing a dark brown jacket and light trousers. As he got near “White Gates" he heard a car coming behind him. He looked round and saw the car’s lights, continued on his journey and got more into the near side. The car struck him in the rear. He was riding at 7 to 8 miles an hour. He was knocked off and he rolled over and over to the other side of the road, and his bicycle was knocked into the middle of the road. The car continued on its journey without stopping and he could not take the number. The back wheel of the bicycle was smashed and the back fork and crank were bent.

In cross-examination by Mr. Mowll, witness said the vehicle which hit him was a van. He was riding a racing model but denied that he had his hands off the handlebars.

Ernest C. Copping, licensee of "Church and State," Denstroude, stated that between 8.10 and 8.20 p.m. on March 29th he was outside the public house when a motor van arrived. Defendant, whom he knew, and a lady, were inside. Witness noticed that the front plate was hanging and defendant said it had just come off at the bend because the road was bad.

P.C. Penn stated that about 11 a.m. on March 30th he was at the County Police Station at Canterbury when defendant called and said that a police officer had called at his house respecting an accident the previous night. He then made a statement which was that he was driving from Canterbury to Whitstable and picked up Mrs. Austen at the "Hare and Hounds." She wanted to go to Canterbury. He drove to the "Church and State," Denstroude, and then back to Canterbury, as Mrs. Austen wanted to see her son. On the way to the "Church and State" he saw a cyclist going the same way. Mrs. Austen said: "Look out. you will hit him." He (defendant) had not reached the cyclist then and he drew out to pass the cyclist. He did not hear any noise of a collision and naturally he did not stop. As soon as he heard the police wanted to see him he went to the Police Station as soon as possible.

P.C. Holt stated that in consequence of a telephone call he searched the main Canterbury-Whitstable Road and Denstroude Road and at 11 p.m. he interviewed Jordan. In consequence of what he said witness went to defendant's residence but he did not return by midnight. The next morning he called at the residence and found that defendant had not been there all night.

Witness said he examined the road where Jordan said the accident happened and he found a scratch on the road. 41 inches from the near side verge. On March 30th defendant called at the Police Station, and in the afternoon of the same day witness told defendant be would be reported. He said: "I do not think I'll make a statement." On examining the van witness said he could find no apparent damage. He also examined the bicycle and found the rear wheel completely smashed. Jordan had bruises on one leg and laceration of one hand.

Mr. Mowll submitted there was not a scrap of evidence that a prinia facie case had been made out.

The Bench did not uphold the submission.

Defendant said he was a van salesman. He had been driving 21 years and had driven nearly three-quarters of a million miles. For fourteen years he was demonstrator for Messrs. G. R. Barrett and Sons. Canterbury. On the night in question he was driving a 5cwt. light van and met Mrs. Austen at the "Hare and Hounds." He offered to take her to Canterbury, but told her that he had to go to Denstroude first. On the journey to Denstroude he saw a cyclist. He had definitely no idea that he had hit anybody. Had he hit anyone he would have stopped. Mrs. Austen said: "You did not hit him. did you?" and he replied: "No." He came on the cycle suddenly and he had to swerve out and this caused some of the contents of the van to fall about. There was no truth in the statement by Mrs. Austen that she said: "Oh God, you have run over someone," and that he replied: "I have not run over anybody. You want to learn to keep your tongue quiet." He had arranged to spend the night with his friend at the "Hare and Hounds," and he did so. As soon as he heard the police had been to his house he went to the Police Station. At the time he passed the cyclist his speed was about 25 miles per hour.

In cross-examination, witness said there was something in the statement produced by P.C. Penn with which he did not agree, although he admitted he signed the statement.

Defendant said he could only suggest that the reason why Mrs. Austen went to the police and why she thought there might have been an accident was because of the row she heard in the back of the van. He considered that her statements were pure inventions.

Following a retirement the Chairman said the Bench thought it was a rather bad case. Defendant himself said he saw the cyclist and that should have put him to the utmost care to avoid running into him. The miracle was that the boy was not killed or severely injured. Defendant obviously must have known something had happened. Mrs. Austen made some exclamation and instead of stopping and seeing if any mischief had been done defendant drove on. There was not the slightest doubt he did smash into the cyclist. He would be fined £3 for dangerous driving £2 for failing to stop after an accident, and costs, and the licence would be endorsed.


Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 19 January 1952.


Mr. and Mrs. Coppins of the "Church-in-State," Denstroude, wish to thank the matron, sister, and staff, of Nunnery Fields. Canterbury, for their kindness to their father. Mr. Andrews; also to friends for their sympathy and floral tributes.




GROOMBRIDGE Richard 1841+ (age 57 in 1841Census)

SANDY John 1859+

JUDGE(S) William 1861-71+ Kentish Gazette (age 39 in 1861Census)

WOOD Alfred 1881+ (age 35 in 1881Census)(Public house, Denstroude?)

COPPINS Alice & Ernie 1952-70s+


Kentish GazetteKentish Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
