Sort file:- Deptford, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 19 June, 2024.


Earliest 1826-

Fishing Smack

Closed 1911

Old King Street / 22-24 Watergate Street

St. Nicholas


Fishing Smack painting

Above painting by J T Wilson.


The Lost Pubs project say this pub closed in the 1910s. The building has since been demolished.

I also have another pub called the "Fishing Smack" addressed at 28 Stowage.


Maidstone Telegraph, Saturday 12 September 1868.

Wilful murder at Deptford.

An adjourned inquest was held before Mr. Paine, at Guy's Hospital, on Thursday, to enquire into the circumstances connected with the death of Patrick Desmond, 24 years of age, who had died from a number of stabs received a short time since.

On Sunday week, about 9 o'clock at night, Jeremiah Toomey was sitting asleep in the "Fishing Smack" beer house, King Street, Deptford, when he was robbed of 4s. 6d. by Desmond, the latter of whom went away, and was pursued by Toomey, who was seen to sharpen a knife, and heard to say that he would put 3 inches of it into the man who had robbed him. Evidence was given to show that the two men were seen together in the "Navy Arms" public house afterwards, when Toomey invited Desmond into the street, and shortly afterwards a shadow of a man using a knife was seen through the window, followed by a cry from Desmond, who had been stabbed. The man was afterwards removed to Guy's Hospital, where he expired.

The jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against Jeremiah Toomey, who has absconded.


From the Greenwich and Deptford Chronicle and the Woolwich Gazette, Saturday, 17 July, 1869.

Alleged till Robbery.

John Hussey, a young man, was charged with stealing two sixpences from the till of the "Fishing Smack," Old King Street, Deptford.

Mr. Coats, the landlord of the house, who confessed that he had had a little drink, deposed to getting into an altercation with the prisoner, whom he alleged he saw take from the till two sixpences. Two coins of this description were found on the prisoner, but also with 2s, and from evidence, which the prosecutor called, it appeared that he had offered if the two sixpences were given up, he would not press the charge, and the prisoner, who denied that he was near the till, was discharged.



RITSON John 1826+

MORELAND James 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

RIORDAN Timothy 1840+

OLLEY Thomas 1847-Mar/63 (age 60 in 1861Census)

FOWLES James Mar/1863+

WILLIS George to June/1864 dec'd

BROWN Mary Ann June/1864-66+

COATES Joseph 1869+


BEAUMONT Walter 1881-82+ (age 29 in 1881Census)

NORRIS Frederick 1884+

BUNYARD John Henry 1891-95+

LAY Frederick 1899+

LONG Robert 1901-05+ (age 57 in 1901Census) (24 Watergate street 1905)

HILL C to Sept/1906 Kentish Independent

MERCER Walter Thomas Sept/1906-10+ Kentish Independent

BINNS Margaret Watson 1911+ (Caretaker for Brewers age 51 in 1911Census)


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kentish IndependentKentish Independent


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-