Lower Road / 165 Evelyn Street
St. Nicholas
I believe the pub closed some time after 1863 and has since been
Dover Chronicles 4 September 1847.
Mysterious Case of Poisoning.
Verdict of Wilful Murder.
On Friday week, an inquisition, which lasted 5 hours, was gone into
before C. J. Carttar, at the "Garrick's Head, Lower Road, Deptford,
touching the death of Mary Hutchings, the wife of a cooper, aged 48
years, who met her death by poison on Sunday evening last.
It was proved by four medical gentlemen, after a post-mortem
examination of the body, that a large portion of arsenic had been
taken in something she had been induced to drink. A bottle
containing enough of this deadly poison to kill 100 persons was
admitted by witnesses to have been in a drawer in the prisoners
house, but which was during Sunday afternoon removed and the
contents of a bottle containing it thrown into the fire, and the
bottle being then broken thrown down the water closet. The prisoner,
a powerful man of dissipated habits, had long been in the habit of
ill-using the deceased, a delicate little woman.
A verdict of "Wilful murder" was returned.
Kentish Mercury, 20 May 1854
Petty Sessions.
The usual petty sessions, for the transfer of licences, was held on
Saturday last, at the Public Rooms, Croom-hill, before T. Lewin,
Esq., chairman; F. B. Hookey, Esq., J. Sutton, Esq., and E.
Eagleton, Esq., when the following transfers were made:
Deptford, St. Paul:
"Garricks Head," Lower-road, Alfred Cawthorp to John Higden Thornell.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 9 February, 1856.
Charles Monk, a painter, was charged with stealing £4 from a cash
box, the property of Mr. Standidge, landlord of the "Garrick’s
Head," Deptford.
From the evidence it appeared that the prisoner was employed to
paper an up-stair room, and that he broke off the lock from an
adjoining room, which he entered, and stole £4 from a cash box. On
his road to the station house, the prisoner confessed he had
committed the robbery.
His prisoner now wished the magistrate to deal with the case in a
summary way, and he was committed for six months.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 21 November, 1857.
(Present — Sir T. M. Wilson, Bart. (Chairman), T. Lewin, J. Sutton,
and E. Eagleton, Esqrs.)
"Garrick's Head," Lower-road, John Powell to William Parks.
Orr's Kentish Journal, 12 April 1862.
On Saturday afternoon at three o’clock an inquest was held a the
"Garrick's Head," Evelyn-street, Deptford, on the body of Ann
Easter, aged 14, Catherine-grove, Greenwich, who was found drowned
in the Grand Surrey Canal, Blackhorse-lane, Deptford, on Tuesday.
The father stated the girl left her home a few days previously; but
how or when she got into the canal he was unable to tell. An open
verdict of "Found drowned" was returned.
An inquest was held at the same time and place on the body of a
little boy, three years, son of William Bromwell, 92, Evelyn-street,
Deptford, who died suddenly on Sunday last, when a verdict of "Died
from natural causes" was returned.
Orr's Kentish Journal, 17 May 1862.
Transfer of Licences.
"Garrick’s Head," Lower-road, Henry Straker to Elizabeth Straker.
Orr's Kentish Journal, 21 June 1862.
Transfer of Licences.
"Garrick's Head," Lower-road, from Elizabeth Straker, to Thomas
FAIREY John 1826-32+

EDNEY Elizabeth to Jan/1847
COURTHOPE/CAWTHORP Alfred Jan/1847-May/54
THORNELL John Higden May/1854+
STONE Thomas 1856+
POWELL John to 14/Nov/1857
PARKS William 14/Jan/1857+
STRAKER Henry to May/1862
STRAKER Elizabeth May-June/1862
PEMBERTON Thomas June/1862-Jan/63
THURLOW William Jan/1863+
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34