Sort file:- Deptford, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 22 April, 2024.


Earliest 1864

Lord Clyde

Open 2022+

9 Wooton Road

St. Paul


Lord Clyde

Above photo, date unknown.

Lord Clyde 2007

Above photo February 2007. Taken by Matt Martin.


Named after Colin Campbell, the first and only Baron Clyde.

The pub was still open in 2007, but has since closed. This was a former Admiral Taverns house.

Michael Lever reported the following in September 2015:-"Plans have now been submitted for change of use from class A4 to Class C3 to provide two x three bedroom self contained flats, the demolition of the two storey rear extension with basement to allow construction of part two, part three storey extension with basement for further accommodation'.

I was informed in July 2022 that the premises had again opened as a "gay events bar." Operating at present as a members club, being open between Wednesday and Sunday for private gay events with payment on the door.


Reynolds's Newspaper 09 September 1883.


Mr. Carttar, West Kent coroner, held an inquest on the body of Sarah Large, of 66, Warwick-street, Deptford, wife of the second engineer of the General Steam Navigation Company's steamer Tauris, at present on a voyage to Tonning. When the coroner was about to swear the jury he opened the book which was supplied by the landlord of the house, the "Lord Clyde," Wooton-road, Deptford, for the purpose of administering the oath to the jurymen, and discovered that instead of the New Testament it was a copy of "Tristram Shandy," and some delay occurred before the required book was forthcoming. (Tristram Shandy is a humorous novel by Laurence Sterne in 1759, full of double entendre's and inuendo's.)

The evidence showed that on Monday night last, at a late hour, the deceased left home to see a female friend part of the way to Catford, and at a quarter to eleven the attention of Police-constable Graham was directed to the deceased, who was sitting on a doorstep in Florence-road, New-cross-road, coughing violently. She was able to give her name and address, and was placed in a cab, but got worse on the road, and on arriving home was found to be insensible, and froth issuing from her nose and mouth. Mr. Hunt, the landlord, got her upstairs, and then called upon four doctors before he could get one to come and see deceased, and when he got back he found Mrs. Large was dead. The assistant to Dr. Kavanagh, of High-street, Deptford, deposed to making a post mortem examination of the body, and attributed the death to heart disease. Mrs. Flynn, of the "Rutland Tavern," Perry-hill, Catford, said she parted with deceased in Florence-road, but they had nothing to drink on the way. The jury returned a verdict that "Deceased died from syncope, from failure of the heart's action." The coroner complemented the constable for the promptitude he had displayed in getting the deceased home.



LYVER William Aug/1866-69+

LEVER William to Nov/1871

ELDRIDGE Lucy Nov/1871+

BAX Edwin George Goodwin 1881-1895+ (age 25 in 1881Census)

SEWELL Edwin Henry 1891+

BAX Edwin George Goodwin 1910+

SIMPSON William 1911+ (age 43 in 1911Census)

BAX Edwin George Goodwin 1915+

CHEESEMAN George Ernest 1934-38+

CHEESEMAN Mary Louisa Mrs 1944+





If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
