Page Updated:- Sunday, 02 March, 2025.


Earliest  1778-

New Inn

Closed 2015

37 High Street

New Romney

New Inn

Above photo, date unknown.

New Inn 1910

Above photo, 1910, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

New Inn

Above photo, date unknown, with permission from Eric Hartland.

New Inn 1970s

Above photo, 1970s.

New Inn 2014

Above photo 2014.

New Inn sign 1987New Inn sign 2015

Above sign left, 1987, sign right, 2015. Kindly sent by Brian Curtis.

New Inn Police dinner 1958

Above photo showing a Police dinner, among the group is John Carpenter, Bill Ashby and Cobby Paine.


The sea used to come up to the church wall until one night in 1287 there was a great storm which changed the river Rother's course forever.

The pub was actually new in 1381.

Smuggling is prominent in the New Inn's history, with tunnels running under the high street, pub and beer gardens to the church and old assembly rooms.

The building gained a Grade 2 listing on 28 August 1951.


The pub closed in 2015 and shortly afterwards became a Costa coffee shop.


Kentish Gazette 14 January 1778.

To the Public in general, and to Innkeepers of Kent in particular. NEW-ROMNEY, Jan. 7, 1778.

Whereas a young Gentleman, about twenty Years of Age, came to the "New-Inn," in New-Romney, this Day, and hired a Horse to go to Dover, and was to return next day, but did not, and is supposed to have rode off or sold the Horse.

The above man goes by the name of Norman, and has a little impediment in his speech; the horse is a chestnut, has had two broken knees, a small blemish in the rear ear, about fifteen Hands one inch high, and rather of the blood kind.

Whoever will stop the same, or either of them, and give information to Thomas Pollett, as above, shall receive one guinea reward.


Kent Gazette, 21 October 1778.


The Creditors of Mr. Thomas Pollett, late of New Romney, Innkeeper, deceased, are requested to send an account of their demands to Mr. John Grey, or Mr. John Walker, both of New Romney, in order that they may be paid.

And all persons, indebted to the estate of the deceased, are desired to pay their respective debts to the said Mr. Grey or Mr. Walker, within one month from the date hereof, or they will be sued for the same.

Ann Wightwick, daughter of the late Thomas Pollett, begs leave to inform the public, and the Friends of her late Father, that she continues in the above Inn; and hopes, by and unremitted Assiduity, to merit their future favours.

A neat Post Chaise to let.


Kentish Gazette, 22 April, 1780.

Tuesday last was married Mr. Wade R. Pollett, of the "New Inn", New Romney, to Miss Pierce, of that place.


Kentish Gazette, 8 April 1780.

"New Inn," New Romney, April 8th, 1780.

Wade R. Pollett, (son of the late Thomas Pollett, deceased.)

Begs leave to inform the public that he has taken the above inn, late in the occupation of his sister; has laid in a stock of neat wines, and the best of every kind of liquor he can procure; and hopes, by his assiduity and attention, to meet the support of his friends and the public in general.

A Neat Post Chaise to let.

Wanted a Cook, who has lived in a large family, can dress plain vituals, &c.

Such an one, by applying as above, or to the Printers of this Paper, may have good Encouragement.

Wanted likewise, A Lad, about 15 or 16 years of age, as a waiter. Apply as above.


Kentish Gazette, 7 October 1803.


From the grounds of Mr. Jacob Walter, at Dean Court, near Brookland.

A SHAY RED HEIFER, four years old, white face, and short clean horned. Likewise a BRANDED COW, six years old, supposed to be together; Whoever has found the same, and will give information to T. Shindler, "New Inn," Romney, shall be satisfied for their trouble.


Kent Gazette Reports 21 May 1805.


Saturday se’nnight, in London, in the 49th year of his age. Mr. Wade Reynolds Pollett, printer, formerly landlord of the "New Inn," Romney.


Kent Gazette Reports 16 July 1805.


J COLEMAN respectfully begs leave to acquaint the gentry, the traveller, and the public in general, that he has taken the above inn, which is well adapted for the reception of company, is furnished with good beds, &c. and humbly solicits their patronage in the undertaking hoping that by an unremitted attention, and good accommodation, to give satisfaction.

Neat Wines, and Spirituous Liquors.



Kentish Gazette 30 July 1819.

Death. July 26th.

Mrs. Coleman, widow, landlady of the "New Inn," Romney, and formerly of the "Kings Head tap," in this city, was seized with an epileptic fit, and expired in a short time, leaving 9 helpless orphans to bewail the loss of a tender and affectionate mother. The deceased was universally respected by her numerous friends and relatives.


Kentish Gazette, 18 September, 1821.


Sept. 13, at New Romney, Mr. J. Gibbs. of Old Romney, grazier, to Mary, second daughter of the late Mr. J. Coleman, of the "New Inn," New Romney.


From the Kentish Gazette, 2 April 1839.

To Wine Merchants, Innkeepers, Postmasters, and others.


AN old-established POSTING AND COMMERCIAL HOUSE, In the centre of the Town of NEW ROMNEY, in Kent. The furniture, stock, &c. to he taken at a valuation.

Further particulars may be known on application to Mr. G. PIDDLESDEN; also of Mr. SlNDEN, at the "New Inn," New Romney. All letters to be post paid.


From the Kentish Gazette, 14 January 1840.

To Postmasters, Coach Proprietors, and Others.

To be Sold by Auction. By Humphery and Tunbridge.

ON THURSDAY, 23rd January 1840 (under a Distress for Rent), on the premises of Mr. Sinden, "New Inn," New Romney.

Seven very active horses in good condition and regular work, ages varying from six years upwards; three sets of chaise harness (one nearly new), and saddles, four-horse-coach ditto, a very good light post-chaise, landaulet, gig, saddle and bridle, &c.

Sale to commence at Eleven for Twelve o’clock.


From the Kentish Gazette, 14 July 1840.


JOHN MORTLEY has the honour to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, Commercial Travellers, and the Public generally, that he has taken the above Inn, which is now fitted up with every Accommodation. Wines of superior quality, Good Beds, Stabling, &c., and trusts by strict attention, to merit a share of their patronage and support.

N.B. Conches to and from Margate, Hastings, and Brighton, daily.

New Romney, July 9th 1840.


From the Kentish Gazette, 25 January 1842.


The inhabitants of this town and its vicinity have signified their intention of celebrating the christening of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales by a dinner, which will take place at the "New Inn," New Romney.


From the Kentish Gazette, 1 February 1842.


The inhabitants of this town testified their loyalty in various ways. The bells of St. Nicholas Tower sent forth their merry peals throughout the day; a banner was hoisted on the steeple top, while gay colours floated in the breeze; the town band played several lively airs, and gave animation to the joyous occasion; the principal shops were closed during the afternoon, and business gave way to pleasure. At five o’clock upwards of forty of the tradesmen and inhabitants of the town and its vicinity sat down to an excellent dinner, provided by Mr. Mortley, of the "New Inn." The chair was ably filled by Mr. Humphrey, supported by Mr. Smith, as his deputy, and a most agreeable and pleasant evening passed. Some very excellent toasts and sentiments were introduced, interspersed with a variety of songs. The vocal abilities of Messrs. Edwards, Humphery, Ayers, and Mann were much applauded, and deserve particular notice; indeed every thing was delightful and joyous, the band enlivening the party at intervals. The leading toasts were— "The Queen," "the Queen Dowager," "Prince Albert," "the Prince of Wales and the Princess Royal," "the remainder of the Royal Family," "the King of Prussia," "the Duke of Wellington," &c. &c.


From the Kentish Gazette, 31 January 1843.

On Friday last some seafaring men engaged with a man at Folkestone to take them to the "Woolpack Inn," on the Rye road, for a certain sum. He accordingly started with his freight, and having arrived at the "New Inn," New Romney, they alighted for some refreshment, when the driver said he should not let his horse stand in the cold, but would take him round into the yard; instead of which he turned a road that led him home again, and away he went with all the speed the poor animal was able, sailors’ clothes and all. However, pursuit was quickly given, and he was taken at his own house, the things produced, and he had to pay the sailors’ expenses or return to Romney with them, which he did not relish.

Whilst the above was taking place, the gaoler and other officers from Rye came in pursuit of two men, that had been selling paper about the streets, for some misdemeanour they had committed at Rye, and found them at the sign of the "Plough," when they were secured, and taken back to Rye, and were, we understand, to be taken before the magistrates the next morning. The particulars of the charge against the men did not transpire.


From the Kentish Gazette, 7 January 1845.

An Odd Fellows Lodge is about to be established at the "New Inn."

The Society of United Brothers also hold their monthly meetings here. In this Benefit Society, by paying 2s. per month, the members receive in sickness or accident 20s. per week. There are now vacancies for a few more members, particulars of which may be had of the Secretary.


Southeastern Gazette, 22 February 1853.


Feb. 11, at New Romney, Caroline, youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Buns, of the "New Inn," aged 16 years, after a lengthened illness, her amiable disposition endured her to a numerous circle of friends.


New Inn business card 1900

Above business card, circa 1900.

New Inn business card

Above business card, date unknown.



POLLET Thomas to Oct/1778 dec'd

WIGHTWICK Ann (daughter) Oct/1778+

POLLETT Wade Renolds (son) Apr/1780+


COLEMAN J July/1805+

COLEMAN Mrs to 26/July/1819 dec'd

SINDEN James 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

SINDEN Martha 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

SINDEN Mr 1839-40+

MORLEY/MORTLEY John July/1840-41+ (listed as farmer age 30 in 1841Census)

BUSS Thomas 1851-53+ (age 44 in 1851Census)

LINGWOOD William 1881+ (age 34 in 1881Census)

ASPIN Edwin 1900-11+ (age 65 in 1911Census)



Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
