Sort file:- Erith, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 25 June, 2024.

PUB LIST PUBLIC HOUSES Paul Skelton & Jim Packer

Earliest 1862+

Prince of Wales Hotel

Closed ????

Avenue Road


Prince of Wales 1900

Above photo 1900.

Prince of Wales 1900

Above photo 1900, from Steve Thoroughgood.

Prince of Wales saloon bar 1900

Above photo 1900 showing the saloon bar.

Prince of Wales billiard room

Above photo 1900 showing the billiard room.

Prince of Wales 1900

Above photo 1900 showing the back garden.

Prince of Wales 1901

Above photo 1901.

Prince of Wales 1910

Above photo, circa 1910, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.

Prince of Wales 1916

Above photo, 1916.

Prince of Wales 1916

Above photo 22 May 1916 on the first day of the L.G.O.C. route 99.

Prince of Wales Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.

Prince of Wales

Above photo date unknown. The Prince of Wales is shown on the right.

Prince of Wales 1965

Above image circa 1965.


South Eastern Gazette 02 September 1862.


(Before Sir P. H. Dyke, O. Smith, W. Arbuthnot, tod W. H, Dyke, Esqs.)

The licence to the publicans in this division were granted without complaint.

Mr. Russell applied, on behalf of Mr. John Starling, for a license to a newly-erected hotel, at Erith, proposed to be called the "Prince of Wales Hotel." Mr. Gibson opposed on behalf of 85 persons, inhabitants of Erith; and the bench also refused this application.


Bexley Heath and Bexley Observer, Friday 6 September 1895.

Dartford Petty Sessions.

The landlord of the "Prince of Wales Hotel," Erith, applied for a special licence with regard to a Masonic banquet at the Avenue Hall, Erith, on September 3rd.

The Chairman asked if he would provide the refreshments.

Applicant said he should not be selling on the evening of the banquet as the secretary would pay for the liquor beforehand.

The Chairman:- Then you don't need a licence.


I am also informed by Jim Packer author of the "Lost Pubs of Bexley" that:- "A lease was granted on 1st January 1863 by the Wheatley Estate Trustees to John Starling, Wine and Spirit Merchant of Bexleyheath (at the Lord Bexley Arms), stating: “In consideration of costs of said John Starling had been in erecting and finishing .... was granted lease of the land with the messuage tenement and buildings lately erected thereon intended to be used as a Public House to be called by the sign of the Prince of Wales.” The Prince of Wales, then, was Albert Edward, eldest son of Queen Victoria, who was to marry Alexandra of Denmark that year. The building was substantial and ornate, many of the window keystones bearing the initials JS. Perhaps it was the stress of such a large undertaking - the mortgage in March being some £1200 - but John died on 26th May aged only 45 leaving a widow and 7-year-old son. Widow Elizabeth had made sufficient money that, in 1871, she sold property in Pier Road for £1150 and for an additional £50 cleared the mortgage on the pub. She ran the pub until she, too, died in 1891 and then it was run by her son, John Henry Starling, who later went bankrupt through property speculation. It was one of the premier pubs in Erith and later became a Watneys house.

In the 1990s permission to demolish and redevelop the site of this locally-listed pub was refused several times. At Easter 1992 the pub was gutted by a mysterious fire which burned the ground floor and second storey but left the first storey relatively unharmed. It was then demolished and a Macdonalds now occupies the site."



Last pub licensee had STARLING John Mr 1862+

STARLING Mrs Elizabeth Sarah 1874-91+ (widow age 53 in 1881Census) Post Office Directory 1874Post Office Directory 1882Post Office Directory 1891


WEST Bert "Dick" 1955-58

LINDSTROM Les 1980s-90s


Post Office Directory 1874From the Post Office Directory 1874

Post Office Directory 1882From the Post Office Directory 1882

Post Office Directory 1891From the Post Office Directory 1891


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-