Sort file:- Beckenham, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Monday, 22 July, 2024.


Earliest 1866-

Railway Hotel

Latest ????

19-21 High Street


Railway Hotel 1905

Above postcard, 1905. Kindly sent by Ian Muir of the Beckenham History Society.

Railway Hotel

Above postcard, date unknown.


The pub and surrounding buildings were destroyed by bombs between 1944 and 45 and is now the site of Beckenham Green.


Beckenham war damage

Above showing the war damage after 1945.

Beckenham Green 2016

Above photo, 2016 by Colin Price.


Now part of Greater London, this area was indeed Kent before 1965. Hence, I will be adding information regarding this pub as and when I find or it is sent to me, but at present I'll be concentrating on the areas that are within the Kent boundary today.

Your help is appreciated, and every email is answered.


Dover Express, Saturday 13 January 1866.

Beckenham. Testimonial to a Station-Master.

A large party assembled on Monday at the "Railway Hotel," Beckenham, to present a testimonial to Mr. M Moore, stationmaster.

It consisted of a purse containing 75 sovereigns, and a very handsome inscriptions in a gilt frame, setting forth the high qualities of Mr. Moore in his position of stationmaster, his strict attention not only to his duties but to the comfort and convenience of the travellers on the London, Chatham, and Dover, and Southeastern lines.

It is due to Mr. Moore to say that he justly deserves his this mark of respect, and he has a vast amount of extra duties to perform in consequence of the great traffic that this junction having been for a long time under his guidance for two companies. Not a single accident to a passenger train has occurred. Some little disappointment has been expressed that the subscription list was not published, that more person's might have availed themselves of the opportunity.


Bromley & District Times, Friday 28 March 1890.

The wrong place to seek advice.

Charles Shaw, 34, of Rogester Road, Balham, a clerk, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at High Street, Beckenham, on Saturday night last.

The prisoner, of gentlemanly appearance, denied the charge.

From the evidence of the police it appeared that the accused went to the police station at Beckenham, to ask why a friend of his was ejected from the "Railway Hotel" for disorderly conduct and was locked up. It was alleged that he was drunk and disorderly when he came to the station, and the inspector on duty ordered him, too, into custody.

Accused stontly denied that he was drunk when he went to the police station. He was perfectly sober, but instead of receiving any courteous reply at the hands of the inspector in charge, he was locked up for some two hours until bailed out.

Edward Jacguitin and Vernon Chalk (who bailed for the accused) went into the witness box, and swore to the sobriety of the accused.

The Chairman remarks that it was an important circumstance that the accused went to the police station. A police station was not the place to give legal advice to persons. Publicans had a right to conduct their houses in a manner as would conduce to quietness, and they had a perfect right to reject any person who made a disturbance in the bar. The Bench were bound to protect the police and the publican. It was evident the accused was what was called "quarrelsome drunk," although not helplessly so, and he would be fined 10s. and 7s. 6d. costs.



BIRD Sarah 1874-81+ (also posting house widow age 55 in 1881Census)

CAKEBREAD John S 1891+ (age 42 in 1891Census)

THORN Stanley F H 1901+ (age 37 in 1901Census)

MILLS Charles 1903+ Kelly's 1903

COLES Tom Fooks 1913-22+

COPE Alfred John 1930-38+



Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-