Sort file:- St Marys/Pauls Cray, June, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 27 June, 2024.


Earliest 1844-

Red Lion

Closed Mar 2013

259 High Street

St Mary Cray

Red Lion

Above photo, date unknown, showing a funeral procession.

Red Lion 1937

Above photo, 1937.

Red Lion

Above photo, date unknown.

Red Lion 2010

Above photo, July 2010, by Stephen Harris.

Red Lion 2013

Above photo, 24 April 2013, kindly taken and sent by Chris Crowther.

Former Red Lion 2021

Above photo, 9 May 2021, kindly taken and sent by Chris Crowther.


Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 30 July 1844.

Felonious Assault on Females.

Thomas Holder 30 (N.) atrociously assaulting Mary Ann Roberts, a girl under the age of 10 years, at St. Mary's Cray.

Mr. Horn prosecuted and Mr. Redsell defended the prisoner.

Mary Ann Roberts stated that she lived with her father who kept the "Red Lion Inn," at St. Mary's Cray. The prisoner lives very near her father's home. On Sunday afternoon, 30th of June, about 3 o'clock, she was in Mr. Borens' field with her little brother and sister. The prisoner was there also who asked her to come and hide with him and told her brother and sister, to go and hide. I went away and she went with her the prisoner who gave her a penny and promised her brother and sister some if they went away. The witness here detailed the particulars as to the assault which are unfit for publication.

William Roberts, brother to the last witness corroborated her testimony to the prison of taking his sister away to hide, and going himself with a younger sister. He also stated that shortly after he left them he heard some crying very loud; and he went back, but could not find them.

Mary Ann Roberts, mother of the little girl who is about 8 years of age:- She came home about 6 o'clock on the evening in question and appeared as if she had been crying, and looked very poorly. In consequence of what the little girl told her she went for Mr. Smith, the surgeon.

Mr. Smith surgeon proved to examining the person of the child, from which there could have been no doubt that an assault had been committed.

Mr. Russell very able to address the jury for the prisoner, who was found guilty, and sentenced to transportation for life.


Kentish Mercury, Friday 9 November 1866.

Assaulting the Police.

John Brown, labourer, of Shoreham, Kent, was charged by police-constable 184 R, with fighting at the "Red Lion," St Mary's Cray, and assaulting him in the execution of his duty, on Saturday last.

Fined 2s. 6d., and 2s. 6d. costs, or in default 7 days in prison and the prisoner was conveyed to gaol.


Bromley & District Times, Friday 11 July 1890.



George Nichols, aged 28, a field hand, living at Chalk Pits, Ruxley, was brought up on remand at the Bromley petty sessions on Monday last, charged with stabbing George Headley, a fruit picker employed at Ruxley Farm, and stealing from him £1 12s., on the night of the 2nd inst.

Mr. Gregory, solicitor, of Bromley, appeared to defend the prisoner.

The prosecutor, who appeared in the witness box with a wound on the forehead, said he was an old soldier, having formerly served in the 3rd Hussars, and received a pension of £2 5s. 8d. per quarter. For several years he had come in the summer to the fruiting at Mr. Vinson's farm. This year he came down a short time ago, and on Tuesday went up to draw his pension. On Wednesday evening when work was over he invited three other workers on the farm to go to Foots Cray to drink with him. They went to the "Seven Stars" public house, and there he saw the prisoner. They returned to the farm, and after drinking together a half gallon of ale they had brought back with them, his companions went away to bed, and he lay down in a cart on the farm. He was awakened about one o'clock in the morning by feeling a hand in his pocket where his money was. He called out, "Hello, sonny! What's your game?" and the hand was removed and the person went away. He found, however, that his money was gone, and jumping up he saw the prisoner leaving the shed. He ran after him and collared him. They struggled and fell, and then the prisoner drew a knife and stabbed him in the forehead and on the back of the head. The blow stunned him, and the blood rushing from the wound half blinded him, so that he loosened his hold and allowed his assailant to go. On coming to himself he made his was to Foots Cray, where he met a policeman, who took him to the station, and a doctor dressed the wounds. On going the following morning to the "Red Lion," St. Mary Cray, for s drink, he saw the prisoner, and he at once identified him as the assailant and robber of the previous night, and gave him into custody.

Cross examined by Mr. Gregory:- He denied the fact that he had a large sum of money in his possession was "common talk" among the fruit pickers. He had never seen the prisoner i his life before, though he recognised him at once the morning after the attack. He was not drunk when the robbery took place.

George Sullivan, a tailor from Commercial Road East, said he was also fruit picking on Mr. Vinson's farm. He went with the prosecutor to Foots Cray Wednesday evening, and returned with him. He left him for the night in a shed, where the prisoner, whom he also knew, was asleep, and on seeing his comrade the next morning, he learnt for the first time of the robbery and assault. He was with the prosecutor when he went to the "Red Lion" and identified the prisoner as the assailant.

Cross examined: Witness said none of the party on their return from Foots Cray, on the Wednesday evening were drunk,. He did not know how many half gallons of beer they drank at the "Seven Stars." It might be seven or eight. He would not swear; but they were not drunk.

Police Constable Needham (313 R) said he was on duty at Foots Cray village on Wednesday night. About one in the morning the prosecutor came to him with his face covered with blood and said he had been robbed and assaulted at Ruxley by some man he did not know. He took him to Dr. Poole, the divisional surgeon, and the wound was dressed. The next day he went with the prosecutor to the "Red Lion" public house, St Mary Cray. There he pointed out the man who had assaulted him. The prisoner, on being accused, said "All right; I'll go with you, but he has got to prove it." Witness noticed that the vest was covered with blood. On reaching the police station he searched him. He had only some pence in his possession, but in his bundle was a large clasp knife (produced). There were no stains on it, for it was "smothered in grease."

Police Sergeant Burridge said, in answer to the charge of robbery and stabbing, the prisoner said "I don't say I did not do it; but I did not do what he says. I knocked him down among some cart wheels."
Cross examined by Mr. Gregory:- He had known the prisoner for some years. He had always borne a good character.

At this point the inquiry was adjourned until Wednesday for the evidence of the doctor.


Prisoner was brought up on remand on Wednesday, before Messrs. S. P. Low (chairman), James Batten, and W. Gage Spicer.
Dr. Samuel Wordsworth Poole, of Sidcup, said the prosecutor was brought to him by the police on July 4th, in the forenoon. He examined the wound on the left temple, which was plastered over, and on taking it off he found a cut an inch long, which might have been done by a knife, a fall, or a blow from a blunt instrument. There was a difficulty in saying what was the cause, as the plaster had covered it up somewhat.

Cross-examined by Mr. Gregory: The wound could not have been done by knuckles, but could have been done by a fall against a cart wheel. The wound was of no great depth, but was nearly down to the bone. It might certainly have been inflicted by the knife produced.

Prisoner was committed for trial at the ensuing Kent Assizes, which will open at Maidstone tomorrow (Saturday).


The prosecutor complained to the magistrates that on Saturday last shortly after dinner the prisoners' brother came to him, and represented himself as a police officer. He attempted to intimidate him in this case. He was afraid of those associated with him.

The Chairman: What have others done?

Prosecutor: They came and threatened to murder all connected with the case.

The Chairman: Do you know their names?

Prosecutor did not know their names, but he went in fear of them.

The witness Sullivan also complained that he had been intimidated; they had threatened that if he or prosecutor went "near Foots Cray or St. Mary Cray, they would be dead direct.

The Chairman cautioned the prisoner's brother, who was in court, that intimidation of the witnesses in a case of this kind was a serious matter and he had better have nothing to say to anyone if he did not wish to be charged with that offence. (To the prosecutor). If you know the names of any of the men who threatened you, give them in, and a warrant will be issued for their apprehension.

Prosecutor: Thank you, sir.


in November 2016 planning permission was requested for the conversion into 2 two-bedroom flats. Permission was given and completed by February 2018.



ROBERTS Mr 1844+

SPEARING John 1858-71+ (age 53 in 1871Census)

HILSON Charles F 1891+ (age 42 in 1891Census)


NEWMAN John W 1901-03+ (age 50 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

SMITH William 1913+

MARCHANT Edward 1918-22+

COATES Henry 1930+

HOPPERTON Charles Edward 1930+


Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-