Page Updated:- Sunday, 12 May, 2024.


Earliest 1798-

Royal Paper Mill

Open 2020+

39 Tovil Hill


01622 752095

Royal Paper Mill

Above postcard, date unknown, showing pub at the top of the hill by kind permission Roy Moore,

Old English Gentleman

Above postcard, date unknown. "Old English Gentleman" on the right, "Royal Paper Mill" on left.

Royal Paper Mill 2008

Above photo 2008.

Royal Paper Mill 2015

Above photo, March 2015, kindly sent by Brian Curtis.

Royal Paper Mill painting

Above painting date unknown by Eddie Tucker.

Royal Paper Mill sign 1995Royal Paper Mill sign 2015

Above sign left, June 1995, sign right 2015.

With thanks from Brian Curtis

Tovil map 1896

Above map, 1896.


Mentioned in the song, "The Maidstone Landlords" in 1798 when it was named the "Paper Mill." I believe the pub gained the prefix "Royal" some time between 1830 and 1870. I have also seen reference to it known as the "Royal Papermakers Arms."


From the Kentish Gazette or Canterbury Chronicle, Friday 6 May, 1808.

Mr WRIGHT, Tovil, Maidstone: died 2 May, formerly landlord of the Royal Paper Mill public house.


The Evening Chronicle 26 September 1836 (Taken by them from Kent Herald.)


A great sensation has been caused in the village of Tovil, near Maidstone, by a melancholy event which occurred there on Saturday evening last. The deceased was the second wife of a man named Covis, who is of a fierce and violent disposition. Three weeks after their marriage it is reported in the neighbourhood that she was heard to cry out "Murder," in consequence of his violent ill-treatment; and it is also said that he had often threatened to murder her. On Saturday night last the deceased came into Maidstone, and purchased some meat, which she carried home and cooked for her husband's supper. After supper they went upstairs to retire to rest, and shortly after the neighbours heard cries of distress proceeding from the house, as well as violent struggling, and a heavy fall. A number of persons collected round the door, which they burst open, and found Covis waiting to receive them, who threatened to knock down the first who attempted to enter. He, in fact, carried his threat into execution, but several other people rushed into the house, and the poor woman was found lying at the foot of the stairs, apparently dead. Being raised in the arms of one of the persons who had entered, she sighed once, and instantly expired. The inquest commenced on Monday evening at the "Royal Paper-Mill" Public-House, Tovil, before Mr. F. F. Dally, coroner, and a respectable jury. The house was surrounded by hundreds of people, anxiously awaiting the result, and the greatest excitement prevailed.

A number of witnesses were examined, but there were so many more to give testimony, that at a late hour the inquiry was adjourned.

Kent Herald.


South Eastern Gazette, 1 November 1853.


Oct. 24, at Tovil, Mr. William Sills, landlord of the "Papermaker’s Arms," (sic) aged 44 years.


South Eastern Gazette 24 December 1861.


Samuel Turner, of Peel-street, Thornhills, Maidstone, in the county of Kent, out of business; previously of the "Royal Paper Mill Inn," Tovil, near Maidstone, in the county of Kent, licensed victualler, grocer, tailor, and general dealer, having been adjudged Bankrupt under a Petition for Adjudication of Bankruptcy, filed in the County Court of Kent holden at Maidstone, on the third day of December, 1861, a Public sitting for the said Bankrupt to pass his last Examination and make application for his Discharge, will he held before James 'Espinasse, Esq., Judge of the said Court, on the twenty-second day of January, 1862, at the Court at the sessions House, Maidstone, in the county of Kent, Eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely, the day last aforesaid being the day limited for the said Bankrupt to surrender.

Mr. Frederick Scudamore, Registrar of the said County Court, is the Official Assignee, and Mr. Charles Morgan of Maidstone, is the Solicitor in the Bankruptcy.

The first meeting of Creditors has been duly held in the said Bankruptcy, and at the Public Sitting above mentioned Proofs of debts of Creditors who have not proved will be received ; and the said Bankrupt will be required to surrender himself to the said Court. and to submit himself to be examined, and to make a full disclosure and discovery of all his estate and effects and to finish his examination.

Frederick Scudamore, Registrar.

Kent Times, 5 July 1862.

Transfer of Licenses.

The only business in the court on Sarurday (before W. Harnes, Esq., Mayor, H. Argles and D. Cooper, Esqrs.) was the transfer of the following licenses:-

The Royal Paper Mill," Tovil, from Charles Collins to John Chittenden.





WEEKS Thomas 1828-30+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29Maidstone Telegraph

WRIGHT Mr pre 1808+

WEEKS Thomas 1826-38+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

COLLINS Arthur Robert 1840+

SILLS William 1851-24/Oct/53 dec'd (age 48 in 1851Census)

TURNER Samual to Dec/1861 (also Tailor age 38 in 1861Census)

COLLINS Charles to July/1862

CHITTENDEN John July/1862+

SMITH Charles 1867+ Post Office Directory 1867

CHANDLER William 1874+

SWIFT Frederick W 1881+ (age 50 in 1881Census) (Paper Makers Arms)

NASH James 1891+ (age 54 in 1891Census)

CLARKE George 1901-13+ (age 39 in 1901Census) Kelly's 1903

ROBINSON Charles 1918-38+

COLLINS Mark & Trudi 2019+


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Maidstone TelegraphMaidstone Telegraph

Post Office Directory 1867From the Post Office Directory 1867

Kelly's 1903From the Kelly's Directory 1903


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-