Chatham Road
Sandling (Boxley)
01622 752975
Above photo 1890. Showing license William Ward. |
Above postcard, circa 1906. Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. The people shown
could well be licensee Joshua Harrod and his family. |
Above photo circa 1909. The "Red
Lion" stood about 100m down the road on the right behind the
photographer as identified on the 1870 map. |
Above map 1870. Blue="Running Horse," Red="Red
Lion." |
Above photo, 1923. |
Above photo, date unknown, by kind permission of Eric Hartland. |
Above coloured version, date unknown. |
Above photo showing a close up of the new pub being built behind the
old, photo from John Hakeman. |
Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Chris Murray. |
Above postcard, date unknown, by kind permission Roy Moore, |
Above photo, circa 1938, showing the foundations being laid for the
thatched building, kindly
sent by Chris Barlow. |
![Both Running Horses 1939](../2018-Photos2/Running-Horse-both-Sandling.jpg)
Above photo, circa 1938 showing both Running Horses. |
From Barclay, Perkin's Anchor Magazine. Vol XVIII, No.10, October 1938.
Kindly sent by Rory Kehoe.
Thatching in Progress.
The roof of Messrs. Style & Winch's new "Running Horse," near Maidstone,
now in course of construction, is to be thatched
and the work is seen here in progress.
Thatching is of course a very ancient craft and was dying out, owing to
the greater speed of tiling and slating. The thatched
roof is warm in winter and cool in summer and is once again being
employed where extra comfort and greatly enhanced
appearance are sufficient compensation for the increase in time and
therefore, cost, involved.
Thatching is not in itself waterproof but is laid, as can be seen from
the picture, with the individual reeds sloping outwards
and downwards, so that the rain, although it may penetrate an inch or
so, is eventually thrown off.
The sub-contractors employed at the "Running Horse" have been in the
trade at Salthouse, Norfolk, for over 200 years - the
oldest in England - the work being taught by father to son, including
besides thatching, wattle and reed garden fencing and
baskets and hurdle making.
The reeds are harvested in February or March on the Norfolk Broads and
are five to six feet long. They are dried in the sun
and receive no other treatment until they are sprayed with a
fireproofing liquid just before laying.
As the work progresses, the appearance of the "Running Horse" is
receiving very favourable comment in the district. |
Above photo, 1938, by kind permission of Eric Hartland. |
Above photo, 1947. |
Above photo, date unknown, kindly sent by Jeffrey East. |
Above photo, May 2013, by kind permission of Eric Hartland. |
Above photo, May 2013, by kind permission of Eric Hartland. |
Above matchbox front and back, circa 1974, kindly sent by John Gladish. |
Above sign 1978. |
The "Running Horses" recalls the wild horses that once roamed
freely in the area. Although this thatched pub appears ancient, it was
actually built in 1938 to replace the old inn.
The original building was still standing whilst the new one was being
built in 1938, and I believe demolished as soon as the new one was
completed. At present I do not know whether Edward Charles Dickens was the
licensee in both.
The building was again refurbished in 1987 and was converted into a
Harvester Steak House.
Maidstone Journal and Kentish Advertiser, Tuesday 13 March 1849.
Tithe Commission. Notice.
The Tithe Commissioners for England and Wales hereby give notice that a
Copy of the Draft of Award of the Rent-charge to be paid in lieu of
Tithes, in the district, comprising the whole of the parish of Boxley,
in the county of Kent, (except the Court Lodge Farm and Park House
Estate,) has been deposited at the "Running Horse Inn," in the said
District, for the inspection of all persons interested in the lands or
tithes of the said district.
And the Commissioners further give Notice that, pursuant to the Act for
Commutation of Tithes, a Meeting will be holding for the purpose of
hearing any objections to such Draft of Award, by any persons interested
as aforesaid; and that such meeting will be held at the "Bell Inn,"
Maidstone, in the said county, on Tuesday the 3rd day of April, 1849, at
11 o'clock in the forenoon.
Signed by order of the board.
9, Somerset place, J. E. Hovenden. Somerset House, London. Secretary.
South Eastern Gazette, 15 November 1853.
Coroner’s Inquest.
On Tuesday last an inquest was held at the "Running Horse Inn,"
Sandling, before J. Dudlow, Esq., coroner, to enquire concerning the
death of a young female named Emma Collins, aged 17, whose body was
found in a pond at Boxley, on the previous day.
Richard Waterman stated that as he was going to his work on the
previous morning, he saw the deceased lying upon her back in
Spratt’s mill pond. She was about sixteen or eighteen feet from the
edge of the water. Her bonnet, which first attracted his attention,
was lying a short distance from her. There was a path running along
beside the pond, which, at the spot where he found the body, was
about eight feet from the edge of the pond, and about a foot and a
half above the water. With assistance he then got the body out.
Isabella Ann Dickson, wife of David Dickson, draper, of Maidstone,
stated that deceased had been in her service about six months, She
saw her last alive at about a quarter to eleven o'clock on Sunday
night. She was then in the kitchen and witness told her to go to
bed. Witness having friends staying at the house, the deceased, in
consequence, slept in the kitchen. Witness had scolded her on that
night for not coming home to her time. She ought to have come home
at eight o’clock, but did not do so till nearly ten. On the previous
evening and in the afternoon of Sunday the stayed out much beyond
her time. Witness had given her warning, but that did not seem to
affect her, and on Sunday night she told her she should acquaint her
father of her conduct, to which the deceased answered that "a father
and mother had nothing to do with a girl after she was 16 years of
age." She also said she should not be a trouble to any one long, but
witness did not infer from this that she had any intention of
destroying herself, as she had previously talked about marrying a
soldier, and going to India, where she said she should be a lady and
have slaves to wait upon her. Witness had told her not to listen to
such foolishness. She brought her box down on Sunday and put her
things into it. Witness told her to take it back again. She refused
at first to do so, but witness and her husband persisted, and she
then took it upstairs saying it would not trouble any one long. She
was missed next morning about seven o’clock. Witness believed she
had encouraged soldiers to come and see her, but had no reason to
suppose that she was not a virtuous female. She (witness) had seen
her crying about the house lately, and had heard her remark, "He
loves some one better than me, but never mind, I can get same one
else." She had also observed a strangeness in her manner which would
induce her to suppose deceased's mind at times was absent. Deceased
could have opened the outer kitchen door, which was fastened, by
pushing back the spring of the lock. Witness believed she went out
with a soldier on Sunday evening.
Mr. Barham, surgeon, deposed that he had examined the body of
deceased, and found no marks of violence or appearances of
struggling of any description upon it. The cause of death was
suffocation from drowning.
Two letters, found in deceased’s pocket, were produced by Lucas, the
Boxley constable, and read, both of which were from a soldier in the
10th Hussars named Langford. One of them, dated October 21st, stated
that he (Langford) on coming round on Sunday night met there another
soldier of the 14th, who told him that he was waiting for the
deceased, and that he had kept company with her for six months.
Langford, in his letter, said if this were the case she must have
been telling him a lie, and wished her to come out that night to
explain it, or if she could not do so to send him a note. The second
letter, which had no date to it, contained allusions to the couplc
getting married and going to India, and Langford expressed his hope
that she would not break her promise of meeting him on Sundays.
Lucas stated that he had made enquiries at the barracks, and found
that both the above-named soldiers were in on Sunday night at
half-past nine o’clock.
The Coroner then summed up, telling the jury it was for them first
to consider by what means the deceased came into the water — whether
by her own act, by the act of another person, or whether she fell in
accidentally, which, upon a dark night, she might have done at the
spot where her body was found, as there was no protection there. If
they were of opinion that it was her own act, it would be then for
them to consider the state of mind she was in at the time. He did
not think that there was sufficient evidence to show that there was
such an aberration of intellect as that she did not know what she
was about.
The room was then cleared, and after a lengthened deliberation, the
jury returned a verdict of "Found drowned, but how or by what means
she came into the water there was not sufficient evidence to show."
Kentish Gazette, 18 January 1876.
An inquest was held on Monday afternoon at the "Running Horse Inn,"
Sandling, before J. N. Dudlow, Esq., coroner, touching the death of
an old man, named Jonah Elcombe, whose body was taken out of the
Medway on Sunday, by Abraham Vane, the Allington lock-keeper. The
deceased was a native of East Malling, and it was stated that he was
in the service of the Emperor Napoleon while a prisoner at St.
Helena. He was last seen alive about three weeks ago at West Malling,
and nothing was afterwards heard of him until he was picked out of
the Medway, as stated. The body was identified by Robert Grayland,
son-in-law of the deceased.
The jury returned an open verdict of "Found drowned."
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald 21 April 1877.
On Thursday last the body of Lewis Browning, aged 21 years, a horse
coper belonging to Maidstone, was discovered floating in the river
Medway, near the "Malta Inn," and was taken out by a labourer named Welch.
The deceased in the early part of March resided at the "George Inn,"
Gabriel's Hill, and at that time he appeared to be melancholy. He
suddenly disappeared; it was thought he had gone to London, and nothing
more was heard of him. At about the time of his disappearance, a person
was heard either to jump or fall into the Medway from the High Level
Bridge, and although the drags were got out nothing could be found. An
inquest was held at the "Running Horse Inn," Sandling, on Saturday,
before J. N. Dudlow, Esq , when an open verdict was returned.
From an email received 23 December 2014.
Re the name of the pub, I always assumed it was because of the trotting track which
was in the paddock opposite the pub.
I remember my father delivering hay from Boarley farm for the horses
that were kept there.
As I remember, the owner was one ‘Gypsy' Smith.
I was born in Tyland Lane, but have been in New Zealand since 1970.
My interest was aroused by a Christmas card I was sent by a friend in
Maidstone, with a painting of the old house on the trotting track
property. Looking at Google Earth, I see that the road is now much
closer to the house, and the track and paddock have gone.
Ken Mitchell. |
Local knowledge, further pictures, and licensee information would be
I will be adding the historical information when I find or are sent it,
but this project is a very big one, and I do not know when or where the
information will come from.
All emails are answered.
MURPHY William 1828+
![Pigot's Directory 1828-29](../Icons/Pigots1828-29.gif)
STREATFIELD George 1832+
![Pigot's Directory 1832-34](../Icons/Pigots1832-34.gif)
GROVER William 1840-51+ (age 45 in 1851 )
GROVER Ann 1861-62+ (age 50 in 1861 )
WARD William 1871-91+ (age 74 in 1891 )
LOCKS William 1901-Dec/1904 (age 57 in 1901 )
![Kent and Sussex Courier](../Icons/Kent-and-Sussex-Courier.gif) ![Kelly's 1903](../Icons/Kelleys1903.gif)
HARROD Joshua Dec/1904-11+
(age 50 in 1911 )
THOMPSON Walter 1913-22+
LISTER John 1930+
DICKENS Edward Charles 1938+
COX Edward pre 1960s
From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
and Sussex Courier
From the Kelly's Directory 1903