35 Friendly Street
St. Paul / New Town
Also addressed as St Johns Road.
Listed as "Shipwrights' Arms Temperance Hall" (on St Johns Road, now
Albyn Road) in an 1896 directory. It is listed by name on the 1891 census
though no one at the address is listed as a publican (or variant).
Southeastern Gazette, 5 April 1853.
DEPTFORD. Determined Suicide.
Yesterday afternoon week, Mr. Brandon, landlord of the "Shipwrights'
Arms," New Town, Deptford, put an end to his existence in his bed
room, by placing the muzzle of a gun in his mouth and discharging
it. His skull was completely shattered, and life must have been
instantly extinct. It appears that he had lately bought the
"Shipwrights' Arms," but the business failing to meet his
expectations he grew depressed and melancholy. An inquest was held
upon the body on Thursday last, when a verdict of "Temporary
insanity" was returned. Deceased has left a widow and one child.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 15 March, 1856.
Petty Sessions, Crooms Hill — Saturday, March 8th.
(Before T. Lewin, Esq., chairman, Major Gossett, Alderman Eagleton,
and J. Sutton, Esq.)
Deptford. St. Paul.
"Shipwright’s Arms," Friendly-street, Robert Michael Jenkins to
Stephen Dobinson.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 25 July, 1857.
Fatal Accident.
On Tuesday evening week, a fine child about four years of age, whose
parents, named Saxby, reside in George street, New Town, was run
over by a light cart, belonging to Mr. Reddish, shoe maker, Evelyn
street, driven by his son. The cart passed over the child’s head,
killing it instantly. An inquest was held upon the body, the
following evening, at the "Shipwright's Arms," New Town, Deptford,
and the evidence went to show that a waggon belonging to a person
named Hasler, a cow keeper, was standing in the road, no horses
being attached to it. The lad, Reddish, in his endeavour to avoid a
collision, unfortunately run over the child. It was satisfactorily
proved that the occurrence was purely accidental, and that no blame
attached to the driver of the cart.
The jury returned a verdict of
"Accidental Death."
From the Kentish Gazette, 28 July 1857.
DEPTFORD. Fatal Accident.
On Wednesday last an inquest was held at the "Shipwrights’ Arms,"
New Town, on the body of a child, aged four years, named Saxby. The
child was playing in the road, when a lad came along with a horse
and cart. An empty waggon belonging to a cow-keeper, was standing in
the road, and the lad in endeavouring to avoid a collision with the
waggon unfortunately run over the child, the wheels of the cart
passing over his head, causing instant death. The occurrence was
purely accidental, and no blame attached to the driver of the cart.
Verdict, "Accidental death."
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 27 July,
(Before T. Lewin, Esq., Captain Gosset, and J. Button, Esq.)
The following persona were fined on information by John Farmer,
and John W. Parmer, Inspectors of weights and measures.
Dennis Casey, "Shipwrights Arms," New Row, Deptford. — Fined
10s., and costs, for 12 bad pots.
DODDS John 1832+

HALL Fred A 1848+
MARTIN Richard 1851+
CLARK John to May/1851
MESSENGER Richard May/1851-52+
BRANBDON Mr to Mar/1853 dec'd

JENKINS Michael 1856+
CASEY David 1860+
DOBINSON Stephen 1861-82+ (age 31 in 1861 )
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
South Eastern Gazette