Page Updated:- Thursday, 19 September, 2024.


Earliest 1792-


Latest 2009+

(Name to)

Westwood (King Street Pigot's Directory 1828-29) (Sacket's Hill 1901Census)


Star 1930s

Above photo circa 1930. From Early Broadstairs & St Peters in old photographs collected by Barrie Wootton.

An unknown outing to the old pub, obviously not to beat the boundaries but only to quench their thirsts! The charabancs were built by Thorncroft’s and belonged to B. Redbourne and Sons of Granville Garage, Thanet Road, Ramsgate, who maintained a service between Ramsgate and Margate from June 1929 until October 1935 when the concern was taken over by East Kent Road Car Company.

Star 2009

Above Google image, March 2009.

Star 2014

Above Google image, May 2014.

Star Inn matchbox

Above matchbox, circa 1980s, kindly sent by Debi Birkin.


I have also seen this address as in St. Peter's.

The information below has been taken from Michael David Mirams book titled "Kent Inns and Inn Signs." 1987, and also the CAMRA website.

At Westwood near Broadstairs, the "Star Inn" is uncomfortably close to Poorhole Lane, where Thanet's plague victims were buried at the time of the Black Death. Poor Hole Lane was reputedly a mass grave for the victims of the Black Death in 1348, and the fatalities from the Spanish Armada in 1588

The pub replaced another of the same name in Church Street St Peter's, which traded as an inn from 1776 to c.1806. These premises were once occupied by a shoemaker, and were rebuilt in 1760. In the early nineteenth century the former inn became Vye & Sons Grocery Store, whose successor was still trading in 1985.

By 1815 the Star functioned as the Cobb brewery's half-way house for horsedrawn traffic between Margate and Ramsgate. It offered accommodation, and a sizeable Tea/Beer garden for horse-brake visitors. Around 1997 the pub was known as the "Poor Ole Hooden Horse" and in the last decade or so the pub has reinvented itself a few times and in 2016 saw a further reinvention with a new name "Grog Wench", new look and new owners. After a refit it reopened and with cask beer returned to the bar. Closed again in June 2017 after a change in licensee and reopened under the name "Falcon Inn" on 7 July 2017.


Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 29 May 1792.

To be sold by Auction. On the premises, on Monday the 4th day of June next, about 4 o'clock, in the afternoon.

All that large and commodious freehold Messuage, Tenements or Inn, called or known by the name or sign of the "Star," with the stables, buildings, garden, ground and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate and being in St. Peters Street, in the parish of St. Peter the Apostle, in the Isle of Thanet, and now in the occupation of Mrs. Mary Huggett or her assigns.

For particulars enquire of the said Mrs. Huggett, or of J. Solly, Attorney at Law, Sandwich.


From a local paper, 18 December, 1807.

New Turnpike Road. From Sandwich to Margate and Ramsgate.

Persons willing to contract for forming and making the Road from the "Star Inn," between Ramsgate and Margate, by a new line as now set out, to the Ramsgate Roads beyond the South-West end of Pysing's-lane, according to a plan and particulars, duplicates of which may be seen at the Offices od the Clerks, are desired to deliver in their proposals, and attend personally, at a General Meeting of the Trustees, to be holden at the Town-Hall at eleven o'clock in the forenoon precisely.

Town-Hall, Ramsgate,

Garrett and Daniel, Clerks.

14th Dec. 1870.


Kentish Gazette 1 November 1842.


Oct. 21, at the Star Inn, between Ramsgate and Margate, Mrs. Elizabeth Mascall, in her 70th year. Her demise will be felt by all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance, and her family have to lament the loss of a kind and indulgent parent.


Thanet Advertiser, Friday 4 April 1930.

Grim Car Chase After Escaped Youth.

A plea to be sent to prison in preference to returning to the institution, was made to the Cinque Ports magistrates, at Margate on Monday, buy an escaped Borstal youth, who was charged with stealing a Morris Minor motor car, the property of Mr. Rutlands Edward Day, a jeweller, of 23, Harbour Street, Ramsgate, from the "Star Inn," Westwood, on Friday.

The car and accessories were valued at £135. The defendant, Lionel Edward Vyner, aged 22, who had previously given the name of Charles Bailey, pleaded guilty to the charge, and the story of his capture reads like the scenario of a film drama.

Mr. Day gave evidence of leaving the car upon private grounds at the "Star Inn" at 8:10 p.m., on 28th March, and finding it gone when he returned.

P.C. Webb, of the Canterbury City Police, said he received information at 10 p.m. on Friday, that the car had been stolen. When at Northgate he saw a car coming in the direction of the city, but did not see the number until it has passed. He proceeded to the Westgate Towers, and, at 10.22. again saw the car approaching. Another Constable and he stepped into the roadway and signaled the driver to stop. The defendant, however accelerated and witness had to leap aside to prevent being run down. Witness gave chase upon a pedal cycle and and subsequently stopped and motor car and asked the driver if he would assist. The owner, Mr. Richard R. Little, of Orchard House, Eddington, Herne Bay, volunteered aid and they gave chase.

They caught up with the fugitive mid way between Canterbury and Faversham, but were unable to draw alongside because the defendant constantly zig-zagged across the road. They gradually drew nearer however, and a passenger in Mr. Little's car threw a bottle through the open window of the stolen car, catching a man a glancing blow on the head. Mr. Little then accelerated, and went ahead, and gradually slowed down, compelling the defendant to stop before Faversham was reached. Replying to witness's questions then I said, "I will give myself up. I am from Borstal."

Evidence was also given by P.S. Avery.

Enough to Get on With.

Inspector Fry said he had been unable, in view of a short space of time, to obtain a complete record of the defendants career, but he had obtained certain information from the governor of the institution and some had been volunteered by Vyner. Defendant had been sent to a Borstal institution for 3 years, but had escaped and was subsequently sent to another institution for a further three years. During the time he had been free the defendant had committed many thefts, one sum being £28 10s., and another £11 odd, and he had been responsible for breaking and entering many huts. When he escaped with others on a previous occasion a car had been stolen.

Replying to questions by one of the magistrates, the Inspector said that the Borstal authorities would have nothing whatever to do with the defendant if he was sent to prison upon this charge.

The defendant handed a statement to the magistrates, in which he said, "For the second time a thing like this has occurred to me during my past career at the 'Borstal.' During my stay at Portland Borstal Institution I got into some very bad company, and when I got into the Rochester Borstal I fell into some worse.

"As you can see, it has been a very hard fight for me to go straight. I've met the 'Borstal' has done me more harm than good. I have heard boys talking and what they have done and what they are going to do, and it has kept my mind in a 'blur'. Also, I have a greater temptations than I ever thought of meeting in the whole of my life.

Vyner went on to describe how advances had been made to him by other inmates to steal the Governor's car and escape, and other incidents. It was on Thursday that, in a fit of temper, he succumbed to the temptation and escaped from Rochester Borstal Institution.

"I am absolutely positive that if I go back to Borstal I will not only lose my temper again, but might do something worse than before. Thus, I asked for a sentence of imprisonment, where there will be a better chance of resisting temptations, mixing up with people and little chance of running away. If you do this I will prove to you that there is still good left in me.

The Chairman, Mr. B. V. Ransome, announced that Vyner would be sent to prison for 6 months, with hard labour. He had probably been warmed on numerous occasions, and was now getting what he had asked for.


Thanet Advertiser, Friday 13 January 1933.

Full From 'Bus. Driver Knocked Unconscious.

On Monday afternoon a serious accident befell Mr. H. G. Gifford, a popular member of the staff of the Isle of Thanet Electric Supply Company., Ltd, who is employed as a driver upon the company's motor 'bus service.

Mr. Gifford, who resides at 4, Rumfields Cottages, Westwood, had just mounted one of the 'buses by the "Star Inn," Westwood, on the main Ramsgate-Margate Road, when he slipped, and fell backwards from the platform into the roadway, striking his head violently upon the ground.

The 'bus was immediately stopped, first aid was rendered by members of the staffs of the Isle of Thanet Electric Company, Ltd, East Kent Road Car Company, and A.A. patrols, and the motor ambulance from Margate was summoned.

The call was promptly responded to, and within a quarter of an hour from the time of the accident Mr. Gifford was admitted to Margate and District General Hospital in an unconscious condition, in which state he remained until Wednesday afternoon.

From enquiries made on Thursday we learn that his condition has considerably improved.


Thanet Advertiser, Tuesday 16 November 1948.

Funeral of Mr. G. Monk.

The funeral took place at Margate Cemetery, on Tuesday, of Mr. George Monk, who was licensee of the "Star Inn," Westwood, for 21 years.

Mr. Monk, Who was 67 years of age, died at the Middlesex Hospital. He was a native of Plumstead and a licensee for 35 years.

Family mourners were the widow, Mr. G. Monk (son), Mr. and Mrs. W. Head (son-in-law and daughter), Mrs. V. Port and Mrs. W. Snowden (daughters,) Mrs. Williams and Mrs. D. Head.


Thanet Times, Wednesday, 9 June, 1965.

Long-haired Raymond Wins Walk.

Seventeen-year-old Raymond Collins, of Ramsgate, won the annual two and three quarter mile walking race between the "Dane Valley Arms," Margate and the "Star Inn," Westwood.

Raymond, complete with shoulder length hair, came in well ahead of the field of 20 competitors to receive a trophy presented by Margate's Girl of the Year, Miss Vanessa Davies.

The oldest competitor, Mr. Albert Young, or Ramsgate, aged 76, led for most of the race, but had to be content with eighth place. Mrs. Lawrence, of Ramsgate, was the first woman competitor home.



HUGGETT Mary to May/1792

COLE William 1828+ Pigot's Directory 1828-29

MASCALL/MASKELL Elizabeth 1841-42 dec'd (age 70 in 1842)

MASCALL Edward 1847-51+ (age 42 in 1851Census)

SIDDERS John 1882-91+ (age 67 in 1891Census)

CHAPMAN Alfred 1901+ (age 62 in 1901Census)

CHAPMAN Emma Jane Mrs 1913-22+

MONK George 1930-Nov/48 dec'd

GISBY Ernest Walter 1951-53+

CROSS J 1955-57+

???? Maurice & Julie 1980s?


Pigot's Directory 1828-29From the Pigot's Directory 1828-29



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
