Sort file:- Deptford, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest 1826-


Closed 1952

393 (236) Evelyn Street (Broomfield Place 1866)

St. Paul



A pub called the "Telegraph" has also been addressed as Broomfield Place between 1827 and at least 1849. At present I am not sure whether that pub is the same one as that of Evelyn Street, but I have found reference to the Broomfield Street pub having been severely damaged by fire in 1827.

Further information tells me that Broomfields was situated at the start of Evelyn Place, so I will say it is just one pub we are referring to here.


From the Maidstone Gazette and West Kent Courier, 11 December, 1827.

Fire at Deptford.

A destructive fire, attended by very suspicious circumstances, broke out on Tuesday morning, between 4 and 5 o'clock, in Bloomfield place, Deptford.

The fire broke out in a public house called the "Telegraph" kept by a person of the name of Middleton; but how it originated has not yet transpired.

The house was discovered by the watchman, who, on doing his rounds, observed an issue of dense smoke from the lower part of the premises, and before he had succeeded in alarming the family, the roof of the house was discovered to be in flames; the base and the summit of the buildings were also on fire at the same time.

On being roused, Middleton and his wife, in there fright proceeded upwards, where they were met by more powerful flame than that which they had met with below. No alternative was then left them but an escape by the window; and the wife jumped out of that on the second story, and miraculously reached the ground without fracturing a limb, or dislocating a single joint. She is, however, lacerated and bruised; her arms and face present a distressing appearance. Middleton made his escape in a more favourable manor.

By this time, the whole of the neighbourhood was in one general state of alarm; the adjoining houses on both sides had taken fire, and Mr. Cheeseman, a bricklayer, living opposite, summoned all his men to the scene of destruction, and assisted in rescuing some of the property of the neighbours.

The awful situation, in this instant falls more heavily upon the neighbours than that which is engaged on the person's in whose house the fire originated. Every vestige of furniture belonging to an individual of the name of Strudder, a sadler, living next door to the "Telegraph," is entirely destroyed, and his house completely gutted, neither of which is insured. The destruction is more lamentable, inasmuch as the sufferer has a family of seven children, and has always born in most exemplary character for honesty, industry, and sobriety. An aged widow, of the name of Preston, on the opposite side, is placed in somewhat similar circumstances.

The Dock-yard engine was conveyed to the spot, but it was so much out of repair that it was quite useless. Other engines for brought into successful operation, and after several hours indefatigable toil and exertion, the fire was got under, after destroying five houses, and damaging seven others.

The landlord of the "Telegraph" is reported not to have saved a single farthings worth of stock, clothing or furniture. A temporary subscription has been set on foot, to relieve his present wants. He has not been above 12 months in the house, and is a man far advanced in years. The licence, and all the private papers and documents of Middleton, are amongst the property destroyed.


From the Kentish Gazette, 9 October 1838.

An inquest was held on Wednesday before Mr. Carttar, coroner, at the "Telegraph," Deptford, on the body of Mr. T. H. Brookes, coach proprietor and owner of several omnibusses running from Deptford to the Bank, who was found dead on the floor of his bed room that morning.

Verdict, "Died of apoplexy."


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 20 November 1875.

Pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery made in the matter of the Estate of Hempden Higgs, late of the "Telegraph Tavern," Deptford, in the county of Kent, licensed victualler, deceased, and in a Cause Higgs against Higgs (1875, H. 195).

The creditors of Hemden Higgs late of the "Telegraph Tavern," Deptford, in the county of Kent aforesaid, licensed victualler, who died on the 20th day of November, 1873, are on or before the 10th day of December, 1875, to send by post prepaid to Frederick Thomas Hall, of No. 15, Grays Inn Square, in the county of Middlesex, Esquire, the solicitor of the Defendant, James Ponder, one of the executives of the will of the said Hemden Higgs, their Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the Christian and surnames of any partner or partners, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, or in default therefore they will be peremptorily excluded the benefit of the said Decree.

Every Creditor holding any security is to produce the same before the Vice-Chancellor Sir James Bacon, at his Chambers, situated No. 11., New Square, Lincoln's Inn, Middlesex, on Tuesday, the 21st day of December, 1875, at 12 o'clock at noon, being the time appointed for adjudicating on the claims.

Dated the 4th day of November, 1875.

Joshua Bird Allen, Chief Clerk.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 18 June 1881.

Inquest. Death from and Accidental Fall.

On Friday evening Mr. Carttar held an inquest at the "Telegraph Tavern," Evelyn Street, Deptford, on the body of Daniel Mahoney, age 66, of 223, Evelyn Street.

Phoebe Mahoney, identified the body as that of her husband, who died on the previous Wednesday afternoon. He had been ailing 10 weeks from a fall on the 31st March last over the tram lines on the kerb, close to Mr. Parrs house in Evelyn Street, and had been laid up ever since in consequence. No one was with him when he fell at 12 o'clock at night, and he walked home. He was employed by an agent in New Cross Road, Mr. Francis, as collector. By the accident deceased broke his nose and hurt his leg and stomach, saying he should not have been home then had not two ladies picked him up. For a fortnight he vomited blood. He complain to the foreman of the tramway works that he had fallen, and there were no lights, and the foreman replied he had no orders for lights, and he should look where he was going. He went to Dr. Taylor, who told him to go home to bed or he would have erysipelas in his face, and Dr. Taylor visited him for 3 weeks, but got worse, and the doctor then told him he would lose his leg and have to go into the hospital. She said she did not like the idea of his going to the hospital, and Dr. Speed then attended him until his death. The day of the accident the iron rails have been brought by a railway van, and left in the gutter by the kerb. There was a deal of blood at the spot for a fortnight. He was unconscious until lifted up by the females. Mr. Mowlem, the contractor for the works, saw deceased four times, and he was once seen by his doctor. There were no lights at the works at the time of the accident, but there were the next night.

Ellen Hawkes, wife of a blacksmith, of Greenfield Street, Deptford, said she saw deceased fall over the tramway metals about 11:45 at night on the last day in March. The mother-in-law was with her, and they picked him up, and found his nose was bleeding. He seemed perfectly sober, and thanked them for offering to go home with him, but he lived close by. There were no lights in the street belonging to the tramway, but she noticed the pile of rails in the gutter. There was a quantity of blood on the ground, and he complained of having fallen over the rails.

Ann Hawkes, who was with the last witness, gave similar evidence, saying he complained of having fallen over one projecting metal in the heap.

Dr. Speed gave evidence of two swellings on the thigh, and a formation in the side, and the immediate cause of death was low inflammation of the lungs and pyaemia, (blood poisoning) following injuries from the accident. The full might have occasioned the abscesses.

The enquiry was adjourned for a week.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 18 June 1881.

Suicide in the Victualling Yard.

On Friday evening Mr. Carttar held an inquest at the "Telegraph Tavern," Evelyn Street, Deptford, on the body of James Ross, who committed suicide by hanging.

Eliza Berry, single, of 20, Frederick Street, Deptford, identified the body as that of her stepfather, age 55, a labourer in the Victualling Yard, and a pensioner from the Royal Marines, residing at the above address. Last saw him alive at 8 o'clock on the previous night at home. He had not had good health, and was depressed from domestic troubles, but she had never heard him threaten to commit suicide.

On the previous evening he was much depressed, and cried. At 6:20 at morning he went to work. His son had robbed him, and been taken to the police court, and sent to a training ship.

Robert Hines, labourer, of 17, Czar Street, Windmill Lane, said that a quarter to 11 that morning he was employed in the Medical Store of the Victualling Yard, and saw deceased hanging from a beam in the bale room, and cut him down. He was hanging by a rope around his neck, and his feet were about 2 feet from the floor. Had not seen the deceased before that morning. Lately he had given way to drink. Deceased came into the yard that morning, but was too ill to go to work, and was not asked to work.

Godfrey Headgear, a packer in the stores, said he saw the deceased about 9:15 that morning. He said he was far from being well, and witness told him to go outside for a little while, and keep himself quiet. Witness afterwards found him suspended to the beam, and told the last witness.

Chief Inspector Congden, stationed at the Royal Victoria Yard, said he received information that a man was hanging in the bale room at the surgery, and on going there found he had been cut down and dead about an hour, not being quite cold, and lying on the floor, on which was a small quantity of blood. A large bladed knife was found a few piece places off on a shelf with blood on it, and there was a slight cut in the throat, but not sufficient to cause death, the windpipe not having been severed. He has only been into work two and a half days that week, and had been threatened to be reported.

The jury returned a verdict that the deceased committed suicide whilst labouring under temporary derangement.


The pub closed in 1952 and has since been demolished.



WASHINGTON William 1826+

MIDDLETON Mr 1826-27+

BARLOW Henry Richard 1832-46+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

VOLLUM Henry 1848-Nov/49

LOMAX Solomon Ferrier Nov/49-May/51

BURFORD Alfred May/1851-58+

HIGGS Hemdan 1861-71+ (age 36 in 1861Census) Kentish Mercury

TINSLEY William S to May/1881 Kentish Mercury

ELLIOTT John J May/1881-82+ (age 50 in 1881Census)

GORE Harriet Mrs 1891+

SWEETMAN Frederick 1895+

HOLDER Albert Thomas 1899+

HARRISON Vernon 1910-15+ (age 37 in 1911Census)

HARRISON E Mrs 1921+

WISE Harold A 1934-44+


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kentish MercuryKentish Mercury


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
