Hardres Court Road
Lower Hardres
Above photo, circa 1950s, kindly sent by Kev Williams. |
Above photo, August 1960, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo, August 1960, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo, August 1960, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo, October 1961, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo, October 1962, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo, March 1963, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo, March 1963, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
 Above photo,
March 1963, kindly sent by Clive Bowley. |
Above photo, 1964, kindly sent by Anita Schatz. |
Above photo, 1964, kindly sent by Anita Schatz. |
Above photo, 1964 showing licensee David Souray, kindly sent by Anita
Schatz. |
Above photo, 1997, kindly sent by Anita Schatz. |
Above photo, 2002, kindly sent by Geoffrey Hall. |
Above photo, 2002, kindly sent by Geoffrey Hall. |
Above image from Google, April 2009. |
Above cards showing 3 parts of their business card 1964 kindly sent by
Anita Schatz. |
Above card, date unknown, kindly sent by Allan Ward. |
Above sign, July 1991.
With thanks from Brian Curtis
Robert Greenham says the following:- The 1991 colour photo of the
repainted Free House sign above enables us to see the traditional
three-bolt fixings of the sign's hinges at the top corners of the sign -
a feature of the standard construction of Whitbread's signs in the 1940s
and 1950s. Almost certainly, this sign had been the earlier sign we see
in the monochrome photo. |
The above sign, wasn't actually designed and released by Whitbread, but has
been designed by Robert Greenham in the same style as the card sets they
distributed as a representation of what the sign looked like. Robert
says:- The image for which was the designer, Kathleen M Claxton's,
original watercolour artwork which I photographed. It looks a bit
'rough' compared to the finished sign which we see in your monochrome
photo, but at least it has the originally intended colours. This was based on the image which appeared on Whitbread's metal
map for East Kent which was painted by D. W. Burley in 1950, on
commission from Whitbread. |
The above metal map, kindly sent by Robert Greenham was released, in
1950 and painted by D. W. Burley, and was titled Inn-Signia of Whitbread
Houses in East Kent, Whitbread & Co Ltd. The Inn Signs designed by:- M.
C. Balston, Vena Chalker, Kathleen M Claxton, K. M. Doyle, Ralph Ellis,
Marjorie Hutton, Harvey James, Prudence Rae-Martin, Violet Rutter, L.
Toynbee and Kit Watson. |
Above photo 2014. |

Above map 2010 produced when it was proposed to convert the premises
into two dwellings. |
Above photo showing George Palmer Baker circa 1954. Kindly sent by Kevin
Williams. |
Above photo showing George Palmer Baker circa 1954. Kindly sent by Kevin
Williams. |
Above photo showing locals circa 1954. Kindly sent by Kevin
Williams. |
Above photo, May 2019, kindly sent by Rory Kehoe. |
The pub is a seventeenth century house which has only been licensed since
1712. The Three Horseshoes actually form the arms of
the London Company of Farriers.
It is said that Dedea Redanies (26) who murdered the Back girls in 1856
at Steddy Hole just to the back of the "Valiant
Sailor," Folkestone, on his way to Canterbury was caught at a place
called Milton Chapel Farm at Chartham after drinking a swift half pint in
this pub.
From the Kentish Gazette, 7 August 1810.
SARAH WHITE informs her Friends, the Gentlemen of Canterbury, and of
the Country, that the ANNUAL TRAP-BALL MEETING, at her house will be
on Friday next, the 10th August instant, when she respectfully
solicits the favour of their company.
N.B. Dinner on table at two o’clock.
From the Kentish Weekly Post or Canterbury Journal 7
September 1819.
Free Public Houses and other estates,
To be Sold By Auction, By Messrs. White, (Without Reserve).
Pursuant to certain orders of the Vice Chancellor of Great Britain, and
before the Major part of the Commissioners named and authorised in and
by a Commission of bankrupt awarded and issued against Matthew William
Sankey, of the City of Canterbury, brewer, dealer and chapman, at the
Guildhall, of the said city of Canterbury, on Wednesday next, the 22nd
day of September next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, (subject to
such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced.)
The following very Valuable Freehold Estates, in Lots.
Valuable Brewery free public houses and other Estates to be sold by
auction by Mrs white without reserve. Lot 14. A Messuage called the "Three Horse Shoes," with the stable,
yard, garden, and appurtenances, situate at Lower Hardres, in the said
County, and now in the occupation of Sarah White, widow. |
From the Kentish Gazette, 12 July 1842.
THE ANNUAL HOP BETTING DINNER, will take place at the "Three Horse
Shoes," LOWER HARDRES, on THURSDAY, the 14th inst., when the company of
any Gentleman will be esteemed a favour by J. Oldfield.
Dinner at Two o’clock precisely.
Kentish Gazette, 9 July 1844.
Trap Match.
We understand the annual trap match will take place at the "Three Horse
Shoes," Lower Hardres, on Thursday next.
Kentish Gazette, 12 October 1852.
George Booth, known by the name of "Viper George." of Canterbury,
was engaged by Mr. Chandler, of Lower Hardres, to
pick hops, but being unable to fulfil his agreement, in consequence
of being poisoned by a viper, he sent another man in his
place. On Wednesday, the hopping being finished, the people
adjourned to the "Three Horse Shoes" public-house, Lower
Hardres, where George Booth made his appearance, and drank with the
party; this caused some dissatisfaction, as he had no
right there; some altercation ensued, and he was pushed out of the
house into the road, and fell on his back, his head
coming in contact with the stones. The landlord, some time after,
finding the man laying on the ground, supposed he was
drunk, and carried him to the stable. A few hours afterwards he was
taken out of the stable by some men who had been in
the habit of sleeping there, and laid on some fagots, where he was
observed by an old woman, and in consequence of her
representation to the landlord, he was taken into the stable again,
and sent home the next day about twelve o'clock; he was
in a state of insensibility the whole of the time. A medical man wan
then called in, but the deceased lingered till Friday
afternoon, when he died. The same evening an inquest was opened on
the body, but adjourned for the purpose of a post mortem examination being made. The deceased has left a wife and two
children. The jury assembled again yesterday
(Monday), and after hearing the evidence of a medical man, they
returned a verdict of ''Accidental death" from a fall.
From the Kentish Gazette, 16 June 1857.
Assaulting a Female.
[Before E. Foss, W. Hyder, and W. Delmar, Esqrs., and Captain Slarke.]
John Wilson, the "navvy," stated in a late impression to have
committed a gross offence on a married woman in the neighbourhood of
Elham, was brought up to answer the charge. It appeared that he was
found sleeping in an outhouse at Hawkhurst, and when taken into
custody his description was found to answer that given of the
offender in the above mentioned case. Accordingly he was handed over
to Superintendent Walker, and Mary Kemp, the woman in question,
identified him as her assailant, on the afternoon of the 4th
instant, when, as she stated, she was proceeding from Renville to
Lower Hardres where her daughter lived, and after having seen the
prisoner ten minutes in advance, found him suddenly spring upon her
when she was passing through Whitchill Wood. She related his actions
as proof that he had accomplished his diabolical purpose; and that
she resisted in some degree, though she did not halloo for
assistance till she got out of the wood, and then she informed
parties of what had occurred. She described the prisoner to be
altered in dress and also by having shaven off his whiskers. She was
a woman of about 56, and the wife of a labourer.
John Rye, labourer, merely deposed to hearing the voice of a female
calling out, about the time indicated.
Mr. Bartlett, of the "Three Horse Shoes," Lower Hardres, spoke of
the apparently distressed condition of complainant when she arrived
at his house between two and three on the afternoon in question. She
told him that she had been ill-used and described her assailant.
Susannah Stirling, wife of a laborer, and daughter of complainant,
spoke of the distressed condition of her mother when she arrived at
her house the same afternoon, and that she went into strong fits,
during which she frequently ejaculated "Take him away."
Superintendent Walker detailed the circumstances of the prisoner’s
arrest as already given, and that be had admitted to him that she
was a consenting party.
The prisoner took up this line of defence now, and stated that she
had previously deposited her two bundles, and that they chatted some
time on the bank.
All this she positively denied, or that she received any money of
him as he alleged.
He was committed for trial.
Out of the six parties examined as above mentioned only two could
write their names!
Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald, Saturday 31 July 1909.
A quiet pint of beer.
Hammond Tapley, junior, was charged that he did on the 17th July in a
public house at Lower Hardres assault and beat a labourer, Thomas Hope.
Defendant pleaded guilty to striking him in self defence.
The Magistrates' Clerk: That is a plea of "Not guilty."
"Not guilty," accordingly was entered.
Thomas Hope, the complainant, said I live at Street End, Lower Hardres,
and am a labourer. On the 17th July I was at the "Three Horseshoes"
public house at about 8 o'clock in the evening and saw the defendant. He
accused me of taking a "varmint" trap. I said I knew nothing about it,
and without another word he hit me with his hands on the head knocking
me down, and then kicked me in the jaw. I lost consciousness. Joseph
Gilham, Frederick Rayfield, and two others were present. It was in the
tap room. Gilham and Rayfield are here. One of them pulled him away from
me. I could not go to work for two or three days in consequence of the
injuries. When I got up I had another half pint of beer, Mr. Marsh, the
landlord, brought it in. My mate, Mayfield, paid for it, Mr. Marsh new
all about the assault.
Defendant questioned complainant with a view to showing that defendant
did not kick him. Complainant denied having previously struck defendant.
He knew nothing about Rayfield. Said did not see Rayfield strike him,
and did not set his dog on to Tapley. Defendant was not under the seat.
He did not see anybody take hold of Tapley before the assault.
By the magistrates:- He had known defendant about seven or eight years
and hitherto been very good friends with him. He had fallen out with him
over the vermin trap. He had had no other Fallout.
Frederick Rayfield, labourer, said that several men are at the public
house on the night in question. One was Sargent. He saw Tapley knock
Hope down and kick him. They had had a few words. Tapley was sitting
between Hope and himself. Tapley was standing up when he struck Hope. He
struck him on the chest and knocked him off the form, and then kicked
him in the jaw and face. Gilham helped to hold Tapley's leg to stop him
kicking. Hope was on the ground two or three minutes. Tapley was kicking
Hope nearly all the time. Witness did nothing during that time. He only
looked on. Tapley went away and Hope got up and everything was all
quiet. He should not think Hope had more than a pint of beer before the
By the Magistrates: The landlord was in his stable seeing to his horse.
He came in just after it was done.
Complainant said he did not wish to call Gilham.
Defendant decided to give evidence on oath. He said he was a keeper to
Sir James Baker White. Hope asked him if he have found any more traps
missing lately and after other words struck him with his right fist on
the jaw. Defendant defending himself. Hope said to his dog. "Go for him,
Dick," and defendant called out to Sargent to get the dog off. Defendant
struggled about and got out of there clutches, and then knocked Hope and
Rayfield down. Both were standing up. Defendant then left the house.
Sargent's share was the pull the dog off. As he went out of the door
Hope was close behind him and wanted to fight again. He said, "Come on,
you ------. I ain't done with you yet." Defendant did not answer, but
walked away.
Edward File, a woodcutter, and a young man named Sutton were present.
Neither of these two was in court.
Edward Sargent, labourer, Lower Hardres, said he was in the tap room and
saw Hope and Rayfield with Tapley between them. They seem to be
whispering. The next thing he saw was all three on the ground, and Hope
had his hands on Tapley's throat. He heard nothing said has Tapley went
out of the door. Both Hope and Rayfield follow Tapley out. The parties
might have had a glass, but he did not say they were under the influence
of drink. The two gentlemen had a quart, but did not drink it as it was
knocked over.
Joseph Gilham said he was a labourer living in Lower Hardres. He said he
saw nothing and heard nothing between the parties till he saw all three
on the floor with a dog. He was having a quiet pint of beer in a corner.
(Laughter.) Witness placed Tapley out of the dogs way. He had been in
the house about 3 hours. His recollection was not very clear as to how
much beer he had had. (Laughter.)
Defendant wished to show the magistrates signs of the bite of the dog on
his leg, but the magistrates thought this unnecessary.
The magistrates dismissed the case.
The parties had to pay 2s. each.
WHITE Sarah (widow) 1810-19+
BARTLET George 1857-58+
PILCHER Thomas 1861-62+ (age 59 in 1861 )
MARTIN James 1874+
MARSH John 1881-1913+ (age 57 in 1901 )

SMITH Walter Ernest 1920s-30s
CLARKE John Arthur 1938+
BAKER George Palmer 5/Feb/1952-6/Apr/55

WEIGHT Philip & Anne 1957-62
SOURAY David 1962-late 60s
STOGDEN John after late 1960s
WILLIAMS Derry 2001 dec'd
From the Kelly's Directory 1903