Sort file:- Deptford, December, 2023.

Page Updated:- Monday, 11 December, 2023.


Earliest 1826-

Tiger Cat

Latest 1951-

64 Prince Street (New Row Pigot's Directory 1832-34)

St. Paul



Above photo, pre 1933.


Also knows as the "Tiger Tavern." The building was rebuilt by 1895. Hoare & Co were bought out by Charringtons and they stopped brewing on the 23 June 1934. By 1951 the pub had vanished but as yet I don't know when it was demolished. I assume this was another casualty of WW2 as prefabs had been built on the site. The area is now known as Czar Street.


South Eastern Gazette, 10 April, 1860.

DEPTFORD. Fatal Accident.

On Thursday an inquest was held at the "Tiger Cat" public-house, Deptford before C. J. Carttar, Esq., on the body of Mr. James Hughesdon, aged 63, a tradesman residing at 11, Prince-street, in that town, who met his death under the following melancholy circumstances.

From the evidence it appeared that on Tuesday afternoon Mr. Francis Soddy a gentleman residing in Brunswick-street, Dover-road, Southwark, stopped at an eating-house near the railway station at Deptford, leaving a horse and chaise in charge of a lad. The bit had been taken out of the horse’s mouth and its nosebag placed on for feeding. After an absence of about 20 minutes Mr. Soddy returned, and was about proceeding to London, when he discovered that the bit had become entangled with the curb-chain, and be imprudently took the bridle off the animal’s head. The horse finding itself thus free, became very restive, and before the bridle could again be replaced turned round and dashed off at a fearful speed, and, having run along the public footpath, knocked the deceased down, breaking one of his legs, causing severe internal injuries and inflicting considerable injury to the skull. When picked up he was in an insensible state, and, notwithstanding medical assistance was immediately rendered, he expired in a few minutes. The horse kept on his career until the chaise came in contact with a brick pier, when it overturned, and the animal was secured.

The coroner commented in severe terms upon the thoughtlessness displayed in first taking the bit out of the mouth of a carriage horse in the public streets and afterwards stripping it of its bridle, and remarked that as the Act of Parliament declared it an offence to permit the horse to stand in the public streets of the metropolis to feed, he hoped the police would prevent such offences taking place.

The jury, after a lengthened deliberation, returned a verdict in accordance with the above facts, exonerating the owner of the horse from any criminal charge, but condemning his having taken the bit and bridle from the horse under the circumstances stated.




CHAPMAN John 1826+

DAEYTON John 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

MILLS William 1840+

CULLUM Austin 1848-58+

CULLUM Amelia Aug/1866+

BRAY George 1869-71+ (age 31 in 1871Census)

FRAYLING Charles B 1881-95+ (age 36 in 1881Census)

MOORCROFT William Francis to Nov/1897 Woolwich Gazette

CREASCY Charles Alfred jun Nov/1897+ Woolwich Gazette

HITCHCOCK William 1910-11+ (age 60 in 1911Census)

HARRIS Alfred 1915+

RUBIN Sidney 1921+


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Woolwich GazetteWoolwich Gazette


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
