Sort file:- Deptford, September, 2024.

Page Updated:- Tuesday, 03 September, 2024.


Earliest 1832-

Trinity Arms

Closed 1912

147 Church Street

St. Paul



According to the Lost Pubs Project the pub closed in 1912 and has since been demolished.


From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 15 October, 1859.

On Monday last an inquest was held at the "Trinity Arms," Church Street, Deptford, on the body of James Martin, aged 54 a builder, of Horseleydown, who committed suicide by placing his head on the rails of the Brighton Railway, near Forest Hill.

Verdict, "Temporary insanity."


Orr's Kentish Journal, 3 May 1862.

Body of an Infant Found.

An inquest was held on Tuesday afternoon, at three p.m., at the "Trinity Arms," Church-street, Deptford, on the body of a new-born male infant, found in the Lower-road, Deptford, on Sunday.

A verdict of "Found dead" was recorded.


Kentish Mercury, Friday 1 May 1885.

Found Drowned.

Mr. Carttar held an enquiry on Monday evening at the "Trinity Arms," Church Street, Deptford into the circumstances attending the death of John Gibbons, aged 29, a tramcar conductor, lately lodging at 28, Bush Road, Rotherhithe, who was found by Police Constable John Trent, 36 MR, in the Surrey Canal on Sunday morning.

The body was identified by John Curley, a railway pensioner of Charlton, as his grandson.

Jane Oosterfield, wife of a seaman residing at 28, Bush Road, Rotherhithe, said she had known the deceased over 2 years. He lodged with her. He had been dismissed from work at fortnight. She last saw him alive on Saturday night last, when he was drunk. He then said it was of no use his going upstairs to bed, as he could not sleep, and after a time he went out. He had previously threatened to drown himself but he was drunk at the time.

Police Constable John Trent, 36 MR, said on Sunday morning he was on duty at the Grand Surrey Canal Bank, this side of Knackers' Bridge, at the bottom of Trendley Lane when he saw deceased in the water and dragged him ashore. He was fully dressed and had a slight bruise on the forehead. Witness examined the body and found a upon it two keys, and watch guard, two half-pennies, a pawn ticket for a watch, pawned on the 11th of April in the name of John Gibbons, a scarf pin, and portions of three letters, one of them apology for bad conduct whilst in the employ of the Tramway Company.

Dr. Kirkby, of High Street, Deptford, said he had made a post-mortem examination of the body. He thought it had been in the water several days. There was a slight bruise on the forehead that had probably been inflicted after death. Death resulting from asphyxia from drowning.

The jury returned an open verdict of "Found Drowned.


Kentish Mercury, Friday 1 May 1885.

Sudden Death at a Railway Station.

On Tuesday evening Mr. Carttar held an inquest at the "Trinity Arms," Church Street, Deptford on the body of William Henry Thomas.

Jane Thomas, of 5, Vulcan Road, Brockley, identified the body as that of her husband, aged 53, accountant. Last saw him alive shortly before 9 o'clock on the previous morning, when he left home to go to his employment, and was not expected back until the evening.

James Thomas Butler, station-master at Brockley Lane on the London, Chatham and Dover Railway, said he was just going into his office on the up platform shortly after 9, when he saw deceased a few yards off with a newspaper in his hand. Witness went into his office and was engaged in taking a press copy, when he heard a heavy fall, and on running out saw deceased lying on the platform on his back. There were a number of persons on the platform, some near deceased. He sent a porter for a doctor, as deceased was insensible, and some brandy and smelling salts. He seemed to rally a little, but was dead before the doctor arrived in 7 or 8 minutes. The train had arrived in the meantime and left. Vulcan Road was about 7 minutes easy walk from the station.

Police Constable Feasey, 112 P, said he was called to the railway station about 9:30, and found deceased on the platform. Dr. Jones was there and said he was dead and witness took the body to the mortuary. On the body he found a silver watch and chain, pair eye glasses, £2 gold, 2s 6d. silver, 5d bronze, 11 penny stamps, 6 half-penny stamps, a purse, railway ticket, 17 keys, knife, pencil case, comb, nail brush, gold ring, four studs, and 2 pairs of sleeve links. The ticket was from Brockley to Loughborough Junction.

Dr. Jones, of 188, Brockley Road deposed to being called as described, and making a post-mortem examination of the body, from which he came to the conclusion the cause of death was apoplexy, resulting from effusion of blood to the brain, and diseased blood vessels.

The jury returned a verdict of "Death from natural causes."



TOWERS James 1832-40+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

KING William Henry to Feb/1848

TALBOT James Feb/1848-Jan/49

GRIGG William Jan-Nov/1849

TALBOT James (John) Nov/1849-Aug/52

DAVIES John Aug/1852+

FULCHER William 1858+

MASSON David 1861+ (age 33 in 1861Census)

PALLETT William to May/1865

GREEN James May/1865-May/66

HOCKIN Bartholomew May/1866-82+ (age 69 in 1881Census)

HYDE William 1891-99+

FENN Harry Britten 1911+ (widower age 48 in 1911Census)


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
