Sort file:- Greenwich, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 25 April, 2024.


Earliest 1837-

Admiral Hardy

Open 2020+

7 Clarence Street / (7 Collage Approach 2016)


Admiral Hardy 1940

Above photo circa 1930. Showing Dan Leavey as licensee.

Admiral Hardy 1936

Above photo, circa 1936.

Admiral Hardy bar 1970

Above photo, circa 1970.

Admiral Harvey 1989

Above photo, 1989, by Challen Yee.

Admiral Harvey 2016

Above photo 2016.

Admiral Hardy 2019

Above photo 2019.

Admiral Hardy print

Above print, date unknown.

Admiral Hardy matchbox 1982

Above matchbox, 1982.

Admiral Hardy sign 2019

Above sign 2019.

Landlady Brenda 1981

Above photo 1981, showing Brenda the landlady, dancing with Steve Mortimore, kindly sent by Steve Mortimore.


Identified as early as 1837 and has been a tied house of the Notting Hill Brewery Co and also Charringtons. Not knowing the area I am not sure whether the pub addressed at 7 Clarence Street is the same as the one at 7 College Approach. I am hoping they are and that for some reason the address changed. Local knowledge required, thanks. In 1874, the "Admiral Hardy Music Hall" is addressed in Clarence Street.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 27 June 1846.

The annual dinner of the St. Ann's Schools took place on Thursday, 18th inst., at Messrs, Mitchell's, the "Admiral Hardy Tavern," Clarence Street, Greenwich. Upwards of 250 children of the establishment partook of the good cheer; which was provided for them at the sole expense of a gentleman, a patron and liberal subscriber to the school, who complimented Messrs. Mitchell on the excellent arrangements made for the accommodation of so larger party.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 8 March 1862.

Hannah Baker, servant at the "Admiral Hardy," Greenwich, was charged with staling a sheet, the property of Mr. Mitchell, landlord of the "Admiral Hardy."

Remanded till Friday.


Windsor and Eton Express, Saturday 3 September 1870.

Suicide of the Crystal Palace Manager.

Mr. Carttar, Coroner for West Kent, held and enquiry on Friday afternoon at the "Admiral Hardy Tavern," Greenwich, respecting the death of Mr. Robert Bowley, aged 57, of Rock Hill, Sydenham, and for the past 14 years manager of the Crystal Palace company. We announced the fact of Mr. Bowlers death last week.

Mr. Leach, solicitor, attended to watch the proceedings on behalf of the Crystal Palace Company, Mr. Batt, of Dyers Hall, on behalf of the relatives of the deceased, and Mr. E. Hughes, on behalf of the Woolwich Steam Packet Company, from one of whose boats the deceased had jumped into the river while in Blackwall-road. There were several officials of the Crystal Palace present, and also of the Sacred Harmonic Society, of which the deceased was secretary.

Mr. James Wilkinson, deputy manager to the Crystal Palace Company, identified the body of the deceased, whom he last saw alive at his residence at Rockhills, adjoining the Palace, on Wednesday afternoon.

The deceased had not been in good health for some weeks past, and was under the treatment of Dr. Read. At 9:30 on Thursday morning, as witness was going to his office at the Palace, he met a man who told him deceased was somewhat better; and at 10:30, as deceased did not come to the office, witness went to his residence, and was told by Mrs. Bowley that he had left home in a cab to go to the office to get some papers which he intended taken with him to Birmingham on Sunday. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, not having seen the deceased, who was very punctual in his habits, witness made enquiry, and ascertained that he changed the cab for an open fly, and have been conveyed to Penge, and thence to Beckenham, where he left by the 11:13 a.m. train for London.

In answer to a juror, the witness said the deceased talked rationally, but appeared in a despondent state, owing to ill health. Ruben Peskee, master of the steamer Cores, belonging to the Woolwich Steam Packet Company, said the deceased came on board on the up passage at 1:10 on Thursday afternoon. When near Blackwall he was supplied with four pennyworth of brandy by the steward. When the vessel was in the centre of the river, between the Folly House and Cubitts-town Pier, witness heard the wooden railing on the gangway on the port side opened, and the deceased was in the water. The vessel was stopped at a distance of about 100 yards, and, three boats being at hand, the deceased was got into one of them about eight minutes and a half, and the boat was towed by the steamer up to Greenwich. The witness, in answer to the Coroner, said the railing was in good order, and to remove it it required the hand to lift it.

Mr. T. R. Cannon, licensed victualler, of Wapping, who came on board the vessel at Blackwall, deposed to seeing the deceased walk to the spouson, lift up the rail, which again fell into its place, and, with his walking stick in his left hand, plunged into the river, clearing the paddle-wheel by about two feet.

William Okes, Shoemaker, of Woolwich, and Police constable Lester, 309 R Division, also passengers on board at the time, gave corroborative evidence, the first witness stated that he called the masters attention to the peculiar manner of deceased, and, suspecting that he intended to drown himself, he kept an eye upon him for some time, but during a momentary turning of the head the deceased left the vessel.

Inspected Goode, Thames Division, deposed to two boys in a boat reaching the deceased, and keeping him from sinking until the arrival of the police boat, and to taking him to the Dreadnought, at Greenwich Hospital. Life was then extinct.

On searching the body a gold watch and guard, £10 10s. in gold and, 8s. 4d. in other money, were found, and also letters and other articles.

Dr. P. H. Leach, of the Seamen's Hospital, deposed that when he saw the deceased life was extinct. He had no doubt whatever, that death resulting from immersion in the water.

Dr. Read, of Guildford Place, Russell Square, said that deceased consulted him about three months since, and from certain symptoms that exhibited themselves, there had been a consultation between himself and Dr. Tanner, and they agreed in the diagnosis of the case, that the deceased was suffering from disease of the kidneys, known as Bright's disease, with a weak, flabby heart. They thought that with a change to sea air they would get deceased again round and better, that he had strong objections to leave in the Palace, saying everything will go wrong. It was, however, arranged that, accompanied by a friend - as he was not in a fit state to go by himself - he should leave London for Birmingham, and then to proceed to Scotland as the guest of the Duke of Sutherland.

Two letters found on deceased were identified as in deceased's own handwriting, and also one from Mr. E. T. Smith, who wrote to deceased, expressing how glad he was to see him again in the chair at some meeting; but telling him he feared he was working too much, and that he would suffer a relapse. One of the letters in his handwriting referred to the funeral of Mr. Harrison, President of the Sacred Harmonic Society, in which he wrote. "I am unable, I think, even of attending our poor president's funeral. I feel so weak, so ill, so worn out, I can do nothing, and I know not who can be got to take care of things (mentioning different individuals names). I am thoroughly unwell, and cannot do more. It is so hard, as heart, hand, and energy are all gone."

The, Coroner briefly summed up, and the jury unanimous returned a verdict, "That the deceased committed suicide while labouring under temporary derangement." The deceased was formerly a resident at Eaton.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 14 May 1881.

A child scalded to death.

On Saturday morning Mr. Carrtar held an inquest at the "Admiral Hardy," Clarence Street, Greenwich, on the body of Thomas Fletcher, aged 11 months, of 28, Glenister Road, East Greenwich.

The evidence of the mother, Esther Fletcher was to the effect that on Tuesday afternoon she was at tea and had poured out of cup of tea, and placed it on the table, deceased being by the side of the table, when he caught hold of the saucer and tipped that over him, severely scored in his neck, chest, and face. She placed some oil on the scalded parts, and then ran with him to the Seamen's Hospital.

Mr. Rolston, house surgeon at the hospital, said every attention was paid to the deceased after his admission, and he went on well, but on Thursday morning at 1:30 he had a relapse, and died suddenly, death being from shock to the system, produced by the scalding.

The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence, and that the occurrence was accidental.


Kentish Mercury, Saturday 18 June 1881.

Fatal Accident on Deptford Bridge.

On Tuesday Mr. Carttar held an inquest at the "Admiral Hardy," Clarence Street, Greenwich, on the body of William Glover, who died from injuries received in an accident on Deptford Bridge.

Albert Thomas Glover, joiner, of 7, The Grove, Lewisham, identified the body as that of his father, a carman to Mr. Powell, butcher, of Lewisham. His age was 64, and he lived at witness's house. Last saw him alive on Sunday week in the Seamen's Hospital, where he had been taken in consequence of an accident on Deptford Bridge on the 30th of May. When witness saw him in the hospital he was not rational, and although he could speak had no idea what he was saying. On the day of the accident deceased had been to Barclay and Perkins Brewery for a load of grains.

George Lane, in the employ of Mr. Avery, butcher, Deptford Bridge, said on the night of Monday the 30th of May, between 10:30 and 10:45, he was looking up towards the Broadway, and saw deceased coming up the new road, which had not been open for traffic. Someone called him to go back, and he seemed to pull up, and afterwards touched up the horse, and a horse and cart came down the embankment towards the old road, the cart went over, the horse fell, and deceased pitched off the top of the grains in the cart, and he was picked up from under the cart, and taken into witness's employer's shop. It was a two-wheeled cart, and the bank was about two feet high. The next day barriers were placed against the embankment. Person's will usually stopped before they got so far on the road. Believe the deceased said to the horse "Get over," and witness thought it being dark, and deceased sitting up so high, he did not see the embankment. The new road was then opened for tramway, but not ordinary traffic. There were no other vehicles about at the time of the accident. Believe there was a watchman at the Broadway end, but could not say.

Sarah Jane Etherington, wife of a baker of 2, Deptford Bridge, said she was standing at a shop door and saw a man come along with a green card just after 11 at night, on the new road. Heard someone speak to him, and he pulled the rein to come down into the lower road when they cart upset and the man was thrown down. The accident occurred between her shop in the butchers. Heard the man to say to the horse "Over you go," or words to that effect. Did not think he could have known the depth of the road. There was no red light where the accident happened, but there were red lamps a little distance off, and a white light opposite. Only the tram-cars for allowed on the new road, but if deceased had kept straight on the accident would not have happened. Could not understand how he got on the new road.

Henry Wood, carman, of Coldbath, said deceased got on the wrong road, and two men at the corner of Church Street called to deceased, and one said, "Mate, you're going the wrong road." Deceased said, "Am I? I'll turn back again." As soon as he turned round the horse stopped on to the bank, about 18 inches in height, and the horse, cart, and man went over sideways. Deceased hit his head against the kerb, and then bounced between the butcher's and bakers shop window, coming nearly on top of witness. Deceased had been sitting on the front rail, driving. Witness dragged him away from the grains, and a man took him into the butcher's shop, and witness ran to the horse's head. Saw no watchman. It was very dark at that spot, and there was no barrier.

John Kay, signalman for the Tramways Company on Deptford Bridge, said on the night in question he was on duty there, and was in the signal box on the new portion of the bridge. He saw a car coming along the line, and knowing he had no right there he turned his red lights to Greenwich to stop any cars coming that way. The man halted opposite the butcher's shop, and witness jumped out of his box and ran down to meet him, and when within 20 yards of the man, who was on the new line sitting on the upside, he sang out to him, seeing he had turned his horse, "Hold hard, you can't go there." The man said, "Alright, I'll chance it," whipped the horse with the reins, the horse started, and the cart then went over down the embankment, and the man's head apparently struck the kerb. Heard no one call to the man previously. There were four posts driven into the embankment, with signal lights on them, two between the signal box and where the accident occurred. A man was stationed near opposite the "Dover Castle" to turn the traffic on to the old road, and trams only on the new line. There was another watchmen stationed near the Old Clock House, and he saw him a minute after the accident. Deceased could not have got on the new road without passing a watchman. The off wheel first went down the bank. The place was well lighted.

John Williams, of 1, Garden Road, Tanner's Hill, the night watchman at the time for the Tramway Company, at the corner of King Street and the Broadway, said as deceased passed him he called to him, "Turn to the right," but he took no notice, and as witness did not want to be run over he stepped on one side and let the man go on. The horses trotting as it passed witness. Heard two other men call to the deceased, and saw the cart tip over. He could not follow the deceased as he had other cars to look after, and some carts turned into Mill Lane.

Dr. Rolston, of the Seamen's Hospital, said deceased was admitted later on the night of 30th of May, bleeding from scalp wounds and very much collapsed. He progressed favourably until June 5th, when fever and erysipelas set in, (bacterial skin infection) and he gradually sank and died on Saturday last. He had been a hard drinker and hard worker, and his age was against him, but the primary cause of death was the injuries. He was rational at times, but witness did not hear him make any reference to the accident.

William Henry Payn, an inspector in the employ of the Tramways Company, produced a plan of the accident, drawn shortly after the accident, showing the check rail of about three inches which the cart went over. There was a lamp about 10 yards from the spot where the deceased went over.

The jury, after 20 minutes deliberation, returned a verdict that the deceased died from erysipelas, brought on from injuries accidentally received through being thrown off a cart on Deptford Bridge, during improvements; but the jury consider that considerable neglect was shown by the London Tramways Company in not providing additional means for the safe conduct of the traffic. The deceased was at one time a prosperous dairyman at Lewisham.


I am informed in March 2018 that the pub is currently closed and no one knows why or for how long.


From the By Pubspy, 17th January 2018.

Pubspy tries the Admiral Hardy in Greenwich.

We are told time and again not to judge a book by its cover, however that is exactly what I did when choosing the Admiral Hardy in Greenwich to be this week’s pub of choice.

From the outside, I saw what I thought would be a cosy and quiet pub in College Approach, steeped in history and tradition.

I was, I admit, eager to get inside and settle down with a nice pint. I was, predictably by this point, mistaken.

For, you see, the Admiral Hardy is not the traditional British public house it appears to be to the wandering patron, it is in fact a ‘trendy’ bar.

Swap English ale for Bud Light, swap a cosy fire for a neon ‘Open Till’ 2AM’ sign, and swap a comforting pie and mash pub classic for a ‘New York Slice’.

The pub is small and littered with musical paraphernalia. Dotted all over the walls are pictures of musical icons, from Jarvis Cocker to Mick Jagger. The pub is unashamedly student friendly.

As a rule of thumb I would wager that if you don’t know what UCAS is, you might feel out of place.

As I have mentioned – and not that I am hung up on this – I had a Bud Light to drink, and tried to embrace my surroundings. The chairs were all taken, and the bar was packed with leaning customers, so I wandered aimlessly. I hope nobody thought I was dancing.

The pint was cheap, but as a student bar you would expect so. There were a lot of bottled beers, but it was so busy I didn’t really have time to browse.

One thing I would point out is how attentive the staff were. It was packed, and they were working pretty bloody hard to keep everyone happy - 99 per cent appeared to be, me being probably the only exception.

I think had I known going in that I would be spending the next hour or so listening to Blur and being blinded by neon I could have prepared myself. As it were, I was surprised by discovery of the Admiral Hardy and I don’t think I could get over my disappointment at not being settled down with a nice ale.

Staff: **** [Hard working]

Atmosphere: ** [Not my cup of tea, but can’t argue with the masses.]

Drinks: * [Bud light]

Price: **** [Student friendly]

Overall: ***


From the 23rd January 2018.

Greenwich Hospital acquire the lease of two new buildings including a pub.

Clarence Hall 2018

Clarence Hall, Greenwich. With Admiral Hardy on the left.

The lease on a popular Greenwich pub and Clarence Hall, which has stood vacant for six years, have been handed back to the charity which owns them.

Estate owner Greenwich Hospital has agreed terms with current operator Hardy Inc to buy back the lease of The Admiral Hardy pub and Clarence Hall, Greenwich.

Greenwich Hospital is a charity supporting serving and retired members of the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines. They own a large part of the town centre in Greenwich.

They are now looking for a new operator for both the Admiral Hardy and the vacant Clarence Hall.

Gillie Bexson, property director Greenwich Hospital, said: "The Admiral Hardy and Clarence Hall, both part of Joseph Kay's Greenwich Hospital project, are the main gateway to Greenwich Market from College Approach.

"This is a very exciting opportunity for Greenwich Hospital and we will be working closely with our advisers and the Greenwich community to secure a new operator and look forward to bringing Clarence Hall back to life.”

Frank Dowling, of Hardy Inc, added: "After 18 years in stewardship of the Admiral Hardy, we felt it was a good time to hand over the baton.

"We will be focusing our efforts on The Trafalgar Tavern on Crane Street and our ambitions to create a new hotel at the Trident Hall site next door."


Greenwich Hospital, owner of the site, bought back the outstanding lease on the premises in early 2018 and the pub subsequently closed. Re-opened with operator Mosaic Pub & Dining on Friday 19th July 2019, A former Charrington's house, its past existence has been uncovered with the old front fascia pub signage once again extolling this previous ownership.


"From an email received 1 April 2023"

This is part of the rebuild of central Greenwich by Greenwich Hospital (i.e. the Royal Hospital for Seamen) undertaken from 1829/30 to 1843/4 under a general proposal made by its secretary and (from 1829 on abolition of the Hospital Board) Civil Commissioner, Edward Hawke Locker in November 1824.

It involved, shortly after that date, purchase by the Hospital of the (by mid-1824) defunct Powis's Brewery that occupied much though not all of the present covered market site, and replanning of the exiting town-centre market block around it. That included the creation of Nelson Street (now Nelson Road) to the south and Clarence Street (now College Approach) to the north, both cutting through previously built-over ground. The northern extension of King Street (now King William Walk) was formed through the previous open market-place on the east side and only Church Street to the west retained its existing line, though its eastern frontage was totally rebuilt.

The overall architectural plan was by Joseph Kay, the Hospital Surveyor, but was done in parts as some plots were let on building leases, rather than solely by the Hospital (at least, that was Locker's original proposal). Much of the building design was also by him, but not all, partly since following his tenure of the post, though all agreed by the Hospital. The 1845 Hospital estate plan of which I have an image is slightly unclear (from screen resolution) as to the date of the 'Admiral Hardy': it looks like 1831 but is more probably 1834 which was the year Hardy became Governor of the Hospital. If he did not formally open it (and he may have done) he would certainly have agreed the name and to best of my knowledge the Mitchell family were the first lessees. This dating also fits with the inner north-south market block immediately behind (though now replaced) as 1833: I.e. the pub became the street end of it. The rest of the frontage to east and west was only built in 1843.

Dr Pieter van der Merwe, MBE, DL.



MITCHELL & SON 1840-41+ (both Henry age 55 & 30 in 1841Census)

MITCHELL Henry Richard 1831-Nov/60 dec'd (age 47 in 1851Census)

MITCHELL Louisa (widow) Nov/60-62+ (age 53 in 1861Census)

LAUDER Robert 1866+

LANDER James to Aug/1869

KNIGHT Horatio James Aug/1869-71+ (age 38 in 1871Census)

DEEKS Edward 1881-82+ (age 41 in 1881Census)

LEWIS William 1891+

DEAR John 1891+ (age 51 in 1891Census)

HARDY M A Mrs 1896+

SMITH Walter 1901-05+

DOUGHTY John A 1911+

LEAVEY Daniel 1919-34+

JEWHURST Frederick Harold 1938-44+

???? Wally & Brenda 1981-82

DOWLING Frank 2018+




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-