Sort file:- Woolwich, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 27 April, 2024.


Earliest 1832-

Barrack Tavern

Latest ????

9 Woolwich Common


Barrack Tavern 1952

Above photo, 1952.

Barrack Tavern 1960

Above photo, 1960.


I have just started to map out the pubs that exist or existed in Woolwich, but need local knowledge and photographs, old and current if you have any.

As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation. Every email is answered and all information referenced to the supplier.

This page will be updated as soon as further information is found.


Maidstone Telegraph, Rochester and Chatham Gazette, Saturday 29 December 1860.

Shocking Suicide by a Female Servant.

On Monday afternoon and inquest was held at the "Barrack Tavern," Woolwich, before Mr. C. J. Carttar, coroner for West Kent, on the body of Mary Ann M'Gowan, age 18, a young woman in the service of Major General Sir Richard Dacres, K.C.B., who committed suicide by taking poison on the previous Saturday night.

It appeared from the evidence that the deceased was the daughter of Joseph M'Gowan, a gunner of Royal Artillery, and had formed an acquaintance which her parents did not approve. On the previous Saturday night she was observed to become suddenly ill, and staggered and fell.

Dr. Evans, of the Royal Ordnance hospital was probably in attendance, but life was found to be extinct; and upon searching the deceased, a small bottle was found in her pocket which contains cyanide of potassium, the poison for renovating gold lace, and to which the deceased had access.

The jury returned a verdict that the deceased committed suicide while labouring under temporary insanity.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 17 May 1862.

Licences Transferred.

"Barrack Tavern," the Common, from William Stanley to John Rowland.





TANBY Robert 1832-Jan/46 Pigot's Directory 1832-34Kentish Mercury

TANDY Charles Samuel Jan/1846-Jan/49 Kentish Mercury

LANCEFIELD George Jan/1849-May/52 (age 34 in 1851Census)

STANLEY William May/1852-May/62

ROWLAND John May/1862-74+

HOLMES James 1881-82+ (age 36 in 1881Census)

BOND Thomas 1891-1896+ (age 41 in 1891Census)

BOND Thomas G 1901+ (age 27 in 1901Census)

BOND Thomas & Sons 1905-08+

BOND Thomas 1911-21+

PEATLING William T 1934-44+ (age 47 in 1939)


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


Kentish MercuryKentish Mercury


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-