Sort file:- Greenwich, April, 2024.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 25 April, 2024.


Earliest 1823-


Closed 1938

258-260 Creek Road / 22 Bridge Street


Beehive 2008

Above photo 2008 by Ewan Monro Creative Commons Licence.


Addressed as 22 Bridge Street before 1891 and later readdressed as 258-260 Creek Road.

The pub closed about 1938 and was used as a bookshop and gallery (2016). I am also informed (2018) that this has now been demolished.

The Closed Pubs website shows another "Beehive" addressed as 22 Bridge Street and the photo below. At present I have no further information regarding this pub or building. It is certainly different from the one above. Local knowledge required here please. Steve Mortimore tells me that this is actually addressed as 320 Creek Road and was actually a cafe at one time and record shop. By 2014 this had become Casbar Records and Retrobates, a record and CD music shop and vintage clothing, then by 2017 the clothing side was discontinued and the premises was only selling new and vintage vinyl records.

Beehive 2008

Above photo 2008, by Dennis Stonham.


From The Era (London, England), Sunday, October 28, 1838; Issue 5.


Thomas Warren and Mary Ann Folkes were indicted for stealing a silver spoon, the property of Elizabeth Griffiths, the landlady of the "Bee-Hive Tavern," Greenwich.

The waiter at the tavern proved that the prisoners were there on the day of the robbery; and a witness produced the spoon, which was given to her as a guarantee for payment of lodgings.

The Common Sergeant summed up the evidence, and the jury returned a verdict of "Guilty", notwithstanding which the prisoners stoutly denied the robbery, the defence being that the spoon was picked up in the "Bee-Hive" yard. They were sentenced to be imprisoned in the gaol of the county where the offence was committed for three calendar months.


From The Era (London, England), Sunday, October 25, 1840; Issue 109.


In a case of pot-stealing which was brought before the magistrate, a day or two since, Mrs. Griffiths, the landlady of the BEE"Bee Hive," Greenwich, stated that during the last winter she lost no fewer than forty dozen of pewter-pots.


From the Kentish Chronicle and General Advertiser, 7 September, 1861. Price 1 1/2d.


On Wednesday evening Mr. C. J. Carttar, Coroner for West Kent, commenced an inquiry at the “Beehive-tavern,” Greenwich, into the circumstances attending the death of William Nicol, who, with two other men named Smith and Baker, were accidentally buried under an immense quantity of coals, on the previous afternoon, at the premises of Messrs. Dowell, coal merchants, Deptford creek. It appeared from the evidence of Robson Scott, a journeyman in the employ of Mr. Dowell, and other witnesses, that a few days since a large coal bunker was divided by the creation of a new partition, about thirty feet long, and for which seven uprights or supports were used. On the previous afternoon one of these compartments was being filled with coals when this partition gave way, falling with about six tons of coals upon the deceased, and the two men named. The latter, when extricated, were conveyed to Dreadnought Hospital, where they are now recovering, but when the deceived was dug out life was extinct. After some conversation between the coroner and jury, it was resolved to adjourn the inquiry in order to inspect the scene of the accident.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 4 January 1862.

George Benjamin, Roan-street, 20s. or 10 days, for wilful damage at the house of Mr. Hockley, "Bee Hive," Bridge-street.


Orr's Kentish Journal, 15 March 1862.

On the same day, at the "Beehive" public-house, Bridge-street, Greenwich, an inquest was held on the body of Neels Hanson, aged 21, a Spanish seaman of the ship Claudia, of London who received severe injuries on the head whilst on board the above ship on the 6th inst., caused by a collision whilst proceeding up the Thames, when the mast fell upon his head. He was immediately removed to the Dreadnought Hospital, but died suddenly at 8.30 of the same day.

Verdict, "Accidental death."

A third inquest was held at 5 p.m. of the same day, and at the same house, on the body of Ellen S. Tyley, age six months, the illegitimate child of Elizabeth Tyler, 15, Pearson street, Greenwich, who died suddenly at 8.30 p.m. on Sunday last.

Verdict, "Died from natural causes."




SUMMERFIELD W 1823+ Pigot's Directory 1823

GRIFFITHS James 1826-34+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

GRIFFITHS Elizabeth 1840+

HOCKLEY James 1852-55+

NORRISS Matilda Letitia Mrs 1858+


DURHAM Charles John 1866-82+ (widower age 30 in 1881Census)

DEER Alfred William 1891-1908+ (age 31 in 1891Census)

KANE John 1911-21+

SCOTT Thomas W 1938+

SCOTT Ellen Maud Mrs 1944+


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-