Sort file:- Gravesend, August, 2023.

Page Updated:- Thursday, 10 August, 2023.


Earliest 1848

Darley Arms

Closed 2021

9 Trafalgar Road


Darnley Arms 1938

Above photo 1938.

Darnley Arms

Above photo date unknown.

Darnler Arms 1926

Above photo circa 1926, showing licensee Jack Wiltshire in the doorway, kindly sent by Ann Clayden.

Darnley Arms

Above photo, date unknown.

Darnley Arms 2014

Above photos 17 July 2014, kindly supplied by Roy Moore.

Darnley Arms 2020

Above photo, April 2020, kindly taken and sent by Ian Goodrick.


From The Era 9 September 1849.

"Darnley Arms," corner of Clifton-grove and Trafalgar road. License refused.


Sheffield Evening Telegraph, Thursday 24 December 1908.

Suicide at Gravesend.

A verdict of "Suicide during temporary insanity" was returned at an inquest at Chatham, yesterday, on Robert John Wildwood (34), landlord of the "Darnley Arms," Gravesend.

It was stated that deceased acted as treasurer to a slate club, and owing to bad trade, was £44 in arrears. He went to Chatham to see some relatives, but his efforts to raise the money were unsuccessful.

He became depressed, and ended his life, at his mother's house, by taking a quantity of spirits of salts. (Hydrocloric Acid. Paul Skelton.)



E Rogers and J R Wiltcher were related through marriage. J R Wiltcher is at the Phoenix in the 1922 Kellys directory.


From the By Messenger Reporter, 28 July 2017.

Landlady of two Gravesend pubs to do bar crawl for Little Buds Intensive Care Unit at Darent Valley Hospital.

A landlady is taking part in a charity bar crawl with a twist.

Kimberly Brampton-Green will be literally crawling from pub to pub, with no alcohol involved, at least until after the challenge is finished.

It is all to raise money for the Little Buds Intensive Care Unit at Darent Valley Hospital where Kim’s son George was treated for complications at birth.

Kimberley Brampton-Green 2017

Kimberly and her colleagues are raising money for the Little Buds Intensive Care Unit. Picture: Andy Payton.

George fell into a coma which resulted in him suffering brain damage.

ICU was excellent with helping George and in return Kim is raising money and awareness.

Kim is the landlady of the "Cricketers" in Arthur Street, Gravesend and the Darnley Arms in Trafalgar Road. She will be joined by two of her bar staff, Shannon Bonner and Louise Kelly, for the crawl between the two.

The trio will be dressed in Army outfits and start their fundraiser tomorrow at 1pm, at the Darnley Arms.

There has been £200 raised so far both from the pubs and online.


From the By Alex Langridge, 8 August 2023.

Darnley Arms, in Trafalgar Road, Gravesend, to become two flats.

Another pub is set to be converted into flats.

Plans to turn former boozer the Darnley Arms, in Gravesend, into two, two-bedroom apartments have been given the green light by Gravesham council officers.

Darnley Arms 2023

The pub will be converted into two flats. Picture: GBC planning portal.

The public house, on the corner of Trafalgar Road and Clifton Grove, closed in 2021 as it was “no longer a financially viable business” due to “changing economic and social circumstances”, according to the planning statement submitted.

It has been vacant ever since and was bought by its new owners in December last year.

In June, applicant Mr Jagmohan Dobe of Aneesh Property Services applied to the council to convert the Victorian building into two flats on the ground and first floor.

They will have two, double bedrooms, a lounge, dining and kitchen area, a bathroom, storage provided by wardrobes and a study in the bottom unit.

The planning statement states the external appearance of the building will “remain unchanged” although it will be redecorated with a new window and new door built in.

It concluded: “The development will have a positive effect on the character, economy and appearance of the surrounding area.”

During the consultation period, neighbours did raise their concerns over the lack of parking but the planning statement argued there is “ample on-street parking”.

This was disputed by residents who said the surrounding streets are already over-permitted and claimed it would cause more issues.

The council highways officer was consulted on the proposals and said the flats would “lead to less parking demand than the public house use” and did not object.

The plans were approved on July 31.

The Darnley Arms was built in 1851 and was a successful pub until 2020.



MACKRELL Thomas 1855+

OSMOTHERLEY William 1861-65+ (age 57 in 1861Census)


ELFORD James Mar/1879-91+ (age 57 in 1881Census) Gravesend Reporter

WARWOOD Robert J 1901+ (age 27 in 1901Census)

FENNER John 1911+ (widower age 72 in 1911Census)

MOORE Alfred Thomas 1913-22+

Last pub licensee had WILTSHIRE Jack R 1922-26+

ROGERS E 1930+

SAXBY Ernest Snr to 1938

BRAMPTON-GREEN Kimberley 2017+



Gravesend ReporterGravesend Reporter


If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
