Sort file:- Gravesend, July, 2024.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 14 July, 2024.


Earliest 1873

Denton Arms

Latest 1960

1 Lower Range Road

Denton next Chalk


Denton Arms

Above photo, 1909.

Denton Arms

Above photo, date unknown, kindly submitted by Jason Kemsley.

Denton Arms

Above photo circa 1950. Kindly supplied by John Hopperton.


The Denton Arms was a back street pub in the Denton area of Gravesend that traded between 1873 and 1960. The photo suggests that it was probably part of the Charrington's tied estate.

It was converted to residential accommodation on closure, and remains so in 2020.


Chatham News, Saturday 27 August 1870.

Mr. Heyward applied for a licence to be granted to the "Denton Arms," Denton, and said the landlord, Mr. E. Walker, and his brother, had expended upwards of £2,000 on the premises, which were near the rifle ground.

Mr. Watts opposed.



Gravesend Reporter, North Kent and South Essex Advertiser, Saturday 24 October 1874.

Destructive fire at Denton.

A great and destructive fire occurred within a stones throw of the Milton-next-Gravesend boundary in the parish of Denton late on Thursday night. It originated - in what way unknown - at the yard of Mr. May, hooper, near the "Denton Arms," where there were stacks of bavins and piles of hoops beside a large quantity of other wood, which, being on fire, would of course defy all attempts to extinguish it. Thus it was on Thursday night. But the site was one of magnificent grandeur, and while stirring the sympathy of the onlookers towards those who would suffer therefrom it could not fail alike to excite admiration. Singularly enough, one of the crowd was overheard to say that only on that morning when passing a yard he had remarked to a friend that "it would be a case if anyone were to throw a fusee into the yard." It is not possible or even probable that some such carelessness caused the conflagration.

Reflecting the usual brilliancy upon the horizon, a vast concourse of persons were attracted to the scene of the fire; in fact the town seemed all bustle with excited people, hastening in the direction of the fire. Not a few were turned back by the false report that it was a large bonfire. The assembled crowd, stretching some distance back into the field opposite, formed a half circle around the fire, leaving a clear course for the carrying out of the operation of the braver ones. Amid the confusion it was a difficult matter to detect who was who, but his Worship the Mayor (W. Luke, Esq.), rendered himself prominent by the anxious interest he manifested by doing what he could towards ensuring the safety of adjoining property and combining the flames to his narrow limits as possible. Notwithstanding the praiseworthy efforts that were put forth, two of the houses on each side caught the fire and the roofs were brought down. But for these houses on either side being detached from others by narrow passages effects of the fire would in all probability have extended much further than is the case. It was truly pitiable to see the poor people - whose houses seemed doomed to be razed to the ground by the raging flames - pitching - or having pitched out for them - their furniture into road and hold over the hedge into the opposite field; the emergency rendered care out of the question, hence the furniture was more or less broken and damaged by the rough handling it received. Being deposited in the field in piles and immediately in front of the houses from which they had been taken, it was carefully guarded by a body of soldiers told off for that purpose.
The first appearance of the fire were seen about 10 o'clock, and although Superintendent Berry had a numerous staff of the police and fireman, were early on the spot, nearly two hours elapsed before the engines could be put into action, owing to an almost entire absence of water; when obtained it had to be brought from the hydrant below Milton church, a distance of 700 yards. In the meantime, however, active measures were adopted to save everything that was it was possible to extract from the burning mass. Some 200 or more soldiers, with the engine, having been marched, on quick time, from the barracks, they rendered most important and by bravely plucking from the very seat of the fire, a large number of bavins and other combustibles. The two houses on the west side were forcible entered and quickly relieved of a small portion of their furniture, but those on the east side could not be interfered with. Although late, it was indeed fortunate that a plentiful supply of water was obtained, for without this the whole row of houses must have been burnt down.

Most of the property was insured. The contents of the hoop factory were insured in the Britannia in the sum of £500, the bavins being separately insured in £100. Mr. May himself resided in the first house on the east of the factory, his furniture being insured for £100; the adjoining house was occupied by Mr. Michael Sweeney, and it is believed he was not insured - the house itself being the property of Mr. Elliott, farmer, was insured in the Kent; the third house divided from the others by narrow passage was only slightly damaged by fire and water. On the opposite side of the factory, vis., that on which the "Denton Arms" is situated, the two houses which were burnt, belonging to Mr. Starling, pilot, were insured in the Liverpool, London, and Globe, for £500. The first house was occupied by the owner, the furniture being insured for £200; the second house was occupied by Mrs. Hughes who was insured in the Britannia for £150.
The horses and carts that were kept on the factory were removed in safety; as also were a number of pigs close by, and a lot of fowls and rabbits.

The fire which broke out about 10 o'clock, was not extinguished till late on the following morning, and the fire engines did not cease work until 5 or 6 o'clock.

We should not close this brief notice without recording a word of praise to Superintendent Berry, whose zeal in superintending and the carrying out of the arrangements, was indefatigable, he remained on the scene till 9 o'clock yesterday (Friday) morning. Also to the military who rendered important aid in various ways; in fact, to all who assisted. It would be impossible to further particularise anyone, as everybody seemed to be doing what they could.

The amount of damage has not yet been ascertained, but it will be something considerable.

It is surprising that admits the confusion they should not have been more casualties. We only know of one in which Mrs. McIsaacs living at Woods Cottage, fell from an area and injured her back.




WALKER E Mr 1870

LAWLER Michael 1881+ (age 49 in 1881Census)

ADSLEY Cyril E 1938+




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-