3 Church Street
Above photo, circa 1905, kindly sent by James Fribbins. |
Eight Bells, date unknown. |
Above photo, 1951, showing the closed pub next to the Hovis building.
I believe the wording says "Quality Cafe." |
Above Google image, June 2008. |
Above Google image, July 2017. |
From 'An 'Account of the legacies, gifts, fees etc' generally called
Kimbell's charities of Greenwich of 1816, shows it well established:
The building dates to c. 1705/6, originally a house fronting onto
Church Street with a front door on the right (north) side and a window
to its left, with the dentelled eaves still visible along the south
flank on St Alfege Passage above. It's shown on one of two rather
mysterious but good sheets of Greenwich street frontages made shortly
after in the first 30 years of the 18th c, probably for Greenwich
Hospital when canvassing buyable properties in the town, but now
inexplicably in the archives of Wilton House, (Earl of Pembroke). They
have been published in detail in a substantial 38 pp pamphlet called
Greenwich Revealed by (the late) Neil Rhind and Julian Watson, 2018.
When the street frontage was replaced as at present is unclear, though
it could have been fairly early in the 19th century.
Dr Pieter van der Merwe, MBE, DL. |
West Kent Guardian, Saturday 4 January 1840.
On Tuesday last an inquest was held by C. J. Carttar, Esq., at the
"Eight Bells," Greenwich, on the body of a man unknown, who had been
found the day previous at East Greenwich, in the river. After the jury
had been sworn, two men appeared and identified the deceased as Thomas
Foster, late a seaman on board the Anna Maria, of Hartlepool, collier.
They stated that on the second ult. they, in company with the deceased
and another man, when to join their vessel in Bugsby's Hole; that it was
a dark foggy night; that they had not proceeded far down the Kent shore
before they observed the light of a steam vessel coming up with the
tide, and imagining that they were in danger, they pulled over towards
the middle of the river, which brought them nearer to rather than
further off the steamer; that seeing their mistake, they called out to
"stop her," which was immediately done, but too late to prevent the
vessel passing clear over the boat. The four men passed under the
vessel, and came up under the stern; a boat belonging to a waterman on
board the steamer, was fortunately towing astern, and he having seen
what must occur, instantly jumped into the boat, and was the means of
saving two of the party; another swam and got into the paddle-wheel, and
was taken out by the people in the steamer, which turned out to be the
"Tam O'Shanter" tugboat; the fourth man, it is presumed, must have been
struck on the head, and was, consequently, unable to sustain himself
above the water until assistance could be afforded him. The witnesses
did not attribute any blame to the person in charge of the steamer, but
the jury deemed it advisable to have the evidence of the parties on
board, adjourned the inquest until Thursday evening, when all the men
from the "Tam O'Shanter" attended, and fully corroborated the evidence
previously given; the jury at once returned a verdict of "Accidental
Kentish Gazette, Tuesday 8 December 1840.
On Friday week and inquest was held, before Mr. J. C. Carttar, at the
"Eight Bells," Church Street, Greenwich, upon the body of Katherine
Mansfield, age 52 years, who it appeared was burnt to death, under the
following lamentable circumstances.
The jury, being sworn, proceeded to view the body, which presented the
most frightful spectacle.
William Mansfield, sworn, said:- I am a pensioner of Greenwich Hospital;
the deceased was my wife; we had been married 27 years. I saw her last
alive at 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon; she was not sober at that time.
I went to my duty in the hospital, and returned at half past 6 o'clock,
when I found the room full of smoke, and I heard my wife wife groaning.
I made my way in, and found her sitting on a chair and leaning against
the mantelpiece, with her clothes all on fire. I immediately called out
"Murder," and for assistance, for at least 10 minutes, during which time
I endeavoured to tear the clothes off her body. She lived about 20
minutes afterwards, but never spoke; she moaned heavily.
John Smith, a blacksmith, said:- I reside in the parlour of the same
house with the deceased. I heard something fall, and a short time
afterwards I heard a cry of "Murder." I then lighted a candle and went
upstairs to see what had happened, when I found the room full of smoke
and a blaze at the far end. On learning what had occurred I ran away,
and called in a doctor. I then returned and remained in the room until
death ensued. The doctor ordered medicine to give ease, but said that
her life could not be saved. The deceased must have been on fire half an
hour before her husband came in; her eyes were literally burnt out.
Mary Miller, a lodger, said that the deceased came home at half past 5
o'clock, and asked for a light, and, being in liquor, witness refused to
give her one. She went upstairs, and must have made a light at the fire,
at which moment her clothes must have caught the flame, and being much
in liquor, she was not able to call for aid.
Verdict:- "Accidental death, the result of intemperance."
From the Kentish Gazette, 1 September 1846.
Part of a Female Found in the River at Greenwich.
On Tuesday an investigation took place before Mr. Carttar, the coroner
for West Kent, at the "Eight Bells" public-house, Greenwich, to inquire
as to the cause of death of a young female, supposed to be Catharine
Donovan, whose remains were picked up on the Saturday preceding. After
the evidence was finished, the coroner observed that at present the
identity was very questionable, and remarked it was strange there had
not been any inquiries about three young men last seen with the supposed
deceased girl. It would be impossible to proceed further with the
investigation at present until a medical man had examined the body. The
inquiry was then adjourned until Tuesday next.
West Kent Guardian 16 January 1847.
On Wednesday, an inquest was held, pursuant to adjournment from the 8th
inst., before C. J. Carttar, Esq., coroner, at the "Eight Bells,"
Church-street, Greenwich, to inquire into the circumstances attending
the death of Mary Ann Johnson, aged 44, an American woman of colour,
wife of an out-pensioner of Greenwich Hospital.
John Johnson, deposed to the identity of the body, and that he married
the deceased in August last, at which time he belonged to the Ramilies
ward, in the Royal Hospital, after which he became an out-pensioner, and
resided in Skinner's-court. Greenwich.
Thomas Oak Mitchell, Esq., surgeon. Circus street, Greenwich, deposed
that he had attended decease about ten years. He had made a post mortem
examination of the body of decease, by direction of the coroner. Witness
was sent for previous to death, on the 30th of December, when he found
her speechless and insensible; believed she was labouring under
concussion of the brain and treated her accordingly. There were external
marks of violence, her head was swollen and inflamed, bruises over the
shoulder and a black eye. On making the post mortem examination, he
found on removing the scalp a bruise extending through the integuments
(size of half-a-crown), to the back part of the skull, death ensued from
concussion of the brain, on the 8th inst.
Thomas Obering, deposed, to great disturbance taking place in
Skinner’s-court. Greenwich, on Wednesday, the 30th ult. Saw deceased
foaming at the mouth and striking at an elderly woman, named Humphries.
A young woman named Martha Humphries, a daughter of the old lady came up
and struck deceased over the shoulder, while she was in the act of
opening the street door.
John Johnson, husband of deceased, was re-called, and said that his wife
laid two hours on the bed insensible after she came into the house, and
said that the "Skinners" would be her death, and that she thought that
"tall Mary" would be the last person to strike her.
Joseph Simnot, deposed that he saw Martha Humphries, give deceased a
blow and knock her bonnet off. One of the Humphries's gave her a muzzler,
and deceased said she did not think that Mary would have struck her;
deceased staggered to her door, but did not fall. Amelia Humphries
struck deceased in the face. Johnson afterwards came out and took his
wife in.
Dr. Mitchell said deceased was quite sober, and was sure she had not
been drinking on the day of the occurrence.
Jane Acres and Louis Fleming, deposed to seeing Martha strike deceased.
Harriet Deal, a married woman, residing in Skinner's-court, proved that
Hartia Humphries struck deceased the last blow and called her a b-----
old bitch, it was between 10 and 12 o'clock in the forenoon of
Wednesday, 30th December. Old Mrs. Humphries abused and used deceased
most cruelly, the words used were most foul, deceased left and returned
to the court an hour or so afterwards, when Mrs. Humphries used deceased
as badly as before; deceased held up her slick and said by God she would
put up with it no longer. Amelia Humphries then came behind deceased and
gave her a violent blow on the head. Deceased reeled without falling.
Deceased said she had been shamefully used. Amelia struck deceased twice
and her sister Martha Humphries once. Saw tall Mary rub deceased's
mouth. Amelia struck as hard as she was able.
Ann Sutton, proved that Mr. Humphries and deceased quarrelled. Saw
Martha strike deceased with open hand on the side of her head, Deceased
appeared quite sober.
Mary Ann Humphries, window, was called in, and admitted that she was not
sober on the day in question. She quarrelled with deceased about 15s.
her husband owed for rent and money lent, —told deceased she was an
ungrateful woman and that she had kept her from starving. No blows were
struck by witness or her daughters—her daughters merely pushed her
bonnet off.
Mary Cleoox and several other witness, proved that blows were given to
deceased by the two young Humphries’s but only with the open hand.
Amelia arid Martha Humphries both made voluntary statements to the
effect that they struck deceased for threatening their mother, but only
with their hands. Deceased said "kill me, kill me," and was in a great
passion foaming at the mouth.
Dr. Mitchell, surgeon, said death must have ensued from a fall or a blow
from some hard substance. The hand could produce no such result.
Mr. Carttar, the coroner, concurred in this opinion.
The inquest-room was then cleared for the jury and coroner to confer,
and after nearly an hour had elapsed, the doors were thrown open, when
the coroner announced that the jury not being satisfied with the
evidence, he had determined to adjourn the inquiry for a month, when it
was hoped that important facts would be disclosed.
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 3 July, 1858.
Stealing at the "Eight Bells."
On Tuesday last, Ann Helleth was taken up for being drunk. Locked
up, she was visited in the usual way by a police-constable, and he
thought he saw something like a bottle sticking out from her coat.
He examined and found a glass, which proved to be the property of
Mr. Potter, Church-street, at whose house the prisoner had been
drinking. The woman excused herself by saying that she was drunk at
the house and knew nothing about it. She was sent to prison for a
From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 8 June, 1861.
Charles Brown, lately barman at the "Eight Bells," Greenwich, who
was charged with setting fire to the above premises, was on Saturday
last discharged.
Orr's Kentish Journal, 21 June 1862.
Licences Transferred.
The "Eight Bells," Church-street, from Henry, to George Taplin.
From the Greenwich and Deptford Observer, 9 May 1890.
Alleged Robbery, in a Public House.
Thomas Daley, 31, labourer, of no fixed home, Patrick Crawley, 22,
labourer, of Church-street, Greenwich, and Charles Regan, 36m no home,
were charged with being concerned with another man, not in custody, in
stealing 32 dollars from the person of John James Wallace, liquor
dealer, of Castle Finn, County Donegal, Ireland. The prosecutor, at
appeared, was in the "Eight Bells" public house, Church street,
Greenwich, on Sunday night, drinking with the prisoners, and he alleged
that the three men held him against the wall and rifled his pocket.
The three prisoners alleged that Wallace was very drunk at the time and
did not know what he was doing. They denied the robbery.
From the Greenwich and Deptford Observer, 30 June 1893.
At the Greenwich Police-court on Monday, Thomas Daley, 30 labourer,
described as of no home, was charged with assaulting Alexandra Russell,
landlord of the "Eight Bells," Church-street, Greenwich, and was also
summoned for doing wilful damage at the "Sugar Loaf Inn," Greenwich.
Mr. Pook prosecuted.
The prisoner was shown to be a man who greatly troubled innkeepers. He
had committed a violent and unprovoked assault upon Russell, and had
smashed windows to the extent of £1 at the "Sugar Loaf," by throwing
glasses, the landlord having rushed away to escape his violence. There
was a record of over 60 convictions against him, including 12 months for
robbery with violence, and Mr. Kennedy committed him for two months'
hard labour in each case.
The building is closed as a pub and has been trading a number of betting
shops since 2008 as far as I know.

LANGSLOW William 1826-34+

BROWN William 1840+
POTTER James 1852-58+
TAPLIN Henry to June/1862
TAPLIN George William Louis June/1862-67+
KIDDELL George Elijah 1867-71+ (age 30 in 1861 )
FIELD John to Aug 1872
JEFFREYS Charles Henry Aug/1872-74+
HARDING Richard 1882+
WELLBROCK John Henry 1891
RUSSELL Alexander 1891-Nov/97 (age 38 in 1891 )

ELLEN Alfred Nov/1897-1904+

WESTBROOK Henry E 1905-08+
HORGAN John Stephen 1911+
SHERWIN George 1919+
From the Pigot's Directory 1823
From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34
Woolwich Gazette