Sort file:- Gravesend, January, 2025.

Page Updated:- Monday, 13 January, 2025.


Earliest 1869

(Name from)

Forester's Arms

Open 2023+

150 Parrock Street


01474 332253

Forester's Arms

Above photo date unknown. Kindly supplied by John Hopperton.

Foresters Arms darts team

Above photo showing the darts team, date unknown. Bob Loft, second from left, sitting. Others unknown.

Forester's Arms 2005

Above photo, circa 2005.

Forester's Arms 2012

Photos taken on 17 May, 2012 from by emdjt24.

Foresters Arms 2022

Above photo, 2022, by Roger S.

Forester's Arms sign 1986Forester's Arms sign 2019

Above left, March 1986. With thanks from Brian Curtis Sign right, 2019, kindly taken and sent by Tom Duff.


I believe this establishment has also been known as the "British Queen" prior to 1869 and and also the "Flat Iron" up to 1851 due to it triangular building with three bars

Inns bearing this sign may have been a local meeting-place for the Ancient Order of Foresters.


I have just started to map out the pubs that exist or existed in Gravesend, but need local knowledge and photographs, old and current if you have any.

As the information is found or sent to me, including photographs, it will be shown here.

Thanks for your co-operation. Every email is answered and all information referenced to the supplier.

This page will be updated as soon as further information is found.


From the  By Luke May, 22 November 2017.

Burglar who stole Jaffa Cakes from Dartford pub jailed for a year.

John Saunders and stolen jaffa cakes 2017

John Saunders, pictured with his stolen Jaffa Cakes, during his arrest. He was sentenced on Monday, November 13.

A hungry burglar has been jailed for pinching a pack of Jaffa Cakes in Dartford.

John Saunders, of Tennyson Avenue in Canterbury, broke into The Foresters pub in Great Queen Street last month, taking the biscuits and cigarettes.

Investigating officer PC Peter Hyland said: “Rather than enjoy his stolen treats Saunders will now experience the bitter taste of a prison sentence.”

After breaking into the pub, Saunders tried to break into a nearby business in East Hill, but couldn’t open its tills.

The business’s owner then spotted the thief trying to make his escape.

An investigating officer arrested Saunders, who was still clutching his beloved Jaffa Cakes stolen in the pub raid, along with a hoard of 300 stolen cigarettes.

He admitted two counts of burglary and was jailed for 12 months at Maidstone Crown Court on Monday, November 13.

PC Hyland added: “As shown in this case, burglars like Saunders are opportunistic by nature and will attempt to steal anything not nailed down.

“Basic home security measures, such as making sure all doors are locked securely and valuables are kept out of sight, can stop most criminals in their tracks. Please keep that in mind.”



GOFF William 1881+ (age 69 in 1881Census)

SHEAVES Abraham 1891+

LOCK Alfred 1913+

MORRIS William 1922+

THANDI Jaswinder Singh 2004-18+




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
