Sort file:- Greenwich, August, 2024.

Page Updated:- Wednesday, 28 August, 2024.


Earliest 1823-


Demolished ????

23-25 Maze / Maize Hill


George location 2022

Above Google image, May 2022, showing the rough location.

Map 1863

Above map 1863, kindly supplied by the Greenwich Landlord.

Map 1895

Above map 1895, kindly supplied by the Greenwich Landlord.

Map 1915

Above map 1915, kindly supplied by the Greenwich Landlord.


Situated just down the hill from the Vanbrugh Castle.

I am informed that the pub was damaged by a bombing raid in WW2 and has since been demolished. However, according to the maps it doesn't appear to be there in 1915, so may have been a casualty of the Compensation Acts of the early 1900s due to redundancy, and there doesn't appear to be any mention of bombs in this area on those maps that exist.


From the Kentish Gazette, 12 May 1840.


May 1, at his residence, Royal Hill, Greenwich, Archibald Flemming, esq., of "George Yard," Lombard Street, aged 86.


From the Kentish Gazette, 24 June 1842.

Suicide in Greenwich Park.

On Tuesday night about half-past eight o’clock, one of the most determined suicides was committed near the Wilderness, in Greenwich-park, by a gentlemanly attired person shooting himself. The whole of the upper part of the head and face were completely blown off, and he died instantly. Mr. Egglestone, the park-keeper, sent immediate notice to Mr. Fisher, the high-constable, who despatched Farmer, another constable to remove the body to Mr. Watson’s, the "George Inn," on Maze-hill. Upon searching the body, a small pocket-book was found upon him with the name of E. F. Shapcott in it, supposed to be his right name. A snuff-box, knife, pair of gloves, silk handkerchief, pistol and ball, 6 1/2d. in copper, 14s. in silver, a stamp with the name of E. F. Shapcott upon it, five keys, and a book marked with, "Remember me, L. R." The deceased was dressed in black trousers and waistcoat and gambroon coat, Wellington boots, and aged about 40. We have been thus particular in the description, as the features are completely destroyed, and no one will be enabled to identify the body thereby. Several of the deceased’s teeth in the gums, and other parts of the head, were picked up by Mr. Adam Young, one of the county magistrates, on Wednesday morning, who sent them to the "George Inn," where the inquest was held. One of the park keepers identified the body as that of a gentleman who had about an hour before been seen with a young female sitting on a bench in the park.


From the Kentish Gazette, 26 December 1843.


On Tuesday morning an inquest was held before Mr. C. J. Carttar, at the "George Tavern," Greenwich, to inquire into the circumstances attending the death of a gentleman named John Chauter, aged 70, who had been for some time on a visit at the lodge of the late Thomas Brockelbank, esq. West Combe Park, Blackheath. It appeared from the evidence that the deceased was partaking of some stewed beef for dinner, in which there was carrot; that a piece of the latter stuck in his throat, and he fell back in his chair. The servant being alarmed, sent for Dr. Downing, of East Greenwich, who was immediately in attendance, and applied an instrument, and forced the carrot into the gullet, and afterwards bled him, but life had become quite extinct.

Verdict, "Accidental death."

The Coroner remarked that death under such circumstances was by no means uncommon; he knew of cases where persons had been choked by swallowing a fly, and by other trifling causes, almost incredible. The coroner further observed, that he had yearly ten other inquests to hold, one of which was upon a young woman who had had her fortune told, and the wretch alarmed her very much by saying something serious would happen to her. She afterwards went to another of the same "craft," who intimated that something serious would befell her, the dread of which, he understood, had led her to commit suicide.


From the Borough of Greenwich Free Press, 15 August, 1857.


Before Sir T. M. Wilson, Bart., (Chairman); Col. Grant, Col. Angerstein, Major Gossett, T. Lewin, Esq., Coles Child, Esq., and J. Sutton, Esq.


The "George," Maze hill, John Killick to James Davies.





HALLIDAY Edward 1823+ Pigot's Directory 1823

LINFIELD John 1826+

WARD Anna 1832-34+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

WATSON William 1852+

KILLICK John to 8/Aug/1857

DAVIS James 8/Aug/1857-66+

FIFIELD Joshua J 1871-1901+ (also Lighterman age 61 in 1891Census)


Pigot's Directory 1823From the Pigot's Directory 1823

Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-