Sort file:- Greenwich, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest 1832-

King William IV

Latest 2016

(Name to)

155 Trafalgar Road


King William IV

Above photo, date unknown.

King William IV

Above photo, circa 1990.

King William IV 2014

Above photo 2015.

King William Hotel

Above photo, date unknown.


Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper. 10 October, 1886.


George Angel, 20, barman, in the employ of Mr. George Burney, proprietor of the "King William the Fourth" hotel, Trafalgar-road, Greenwich, was charged, on remand, with stealing the sum of £2 4s. 6d.m belonging to his master. The prosecutor alleged that the prisoner had come to him with a false character, personating a man named Angel, who had a seven months' character from a house in the City. He had only been in his service a few days before his honesty was suspected, and on Thursday week his movements in the bar were watched. Prisoner was seen to pass money and cigars to some men over the bar, the former coming from the till, and subsequently he put some money from the till into his pocket. Prosecutor thereupon accused him of the felony, and said he should want to see his box. Prisoner made an attempt to run up to his room, but Mr. Burney stopped him, in his possession was found the amount mentioned in the charge, which included 50 sixpenny pieces. The prosecutor said, Is this yours or mine?” Prisoner replied, "Yours, sir; I hope you will excuse me." He admitted his real name was not Angel, and said in reference to the character that he had "taken a liberty with another chap's ticket." Mr. Balguy said he could not consider this was a case of sudden impulse, as prisoner appeared to have taken various sums. He sentenced him to two months, hard labour.


From the, 24 Mar 2015 by Jamie Micklethwaite.

Serious disorder at the King William IV Hotel in Greenwich including 'furniture being used as weapons' causes council to suspend licence.

Greenwich Council have suspended the licence of the King William IV Hotel pending review.

A hotel in Greenwich has had its licence suspended after a large scale fight with 'furniture being used as weapons'.

Greenwich Council have suspended the licence of the King William IV Hotel on Trafalgar Road pending a review after a police report on serious disorder.

According to the report, the disorder included a fight involving hotel regulars and resulted in one person being knocked to the floor unconscious.

The reports reads: "The alleged serious disorder included patrons from the premises and resulted in one person being knocked to the floor unconscious and furniture being used as weapons.

"The incident included an individual being attacked whilst unconscious and the alleged assailants then attacking others in the premises.

"The licensee did not contact the police and staff on duty have not co-operated with the police to investigate the incident and appear to be colluding with the perpetrators."

This was the fourth act of violent crime against this person reported to the police in the last six months.

Due to the failure of staff at the hotel failing to notify and assist police regarding the incident and possibly colluding with the perpetrators, the council have suspended their licence pending review.

King William IV Hotel general manager Ray Lukas said the decision from the council was unfair.

He also said: "It was St Patrick's Day and the people who started the fight were travellers.

"Our regulars were involved but it wasn't their fault, these travellers arrived and within ten minutes they had started a fight."

Mr Lukas also denied that staff from the hotel had colluded with the perpetrators.

He added: "When the person got knocked out we were all in shock, the assistant manager called an ambulance, he did not think to call the police because he thought the ambulance service would do it.

"I have statements from all my staff and these have been given to a lawyer so we will take it from there."


The pub closed for a short time in 2011 and reopened as the "King William Hotel by April 2014.

The premises closed again in January 2016 but changed name to "Ye Olde Turk," a Turkish Restaurant.



TAYLOR George 1832+ Pigot's Directory 1832-34

WARNER Charles 1840+

WATT William 1852+

AUSTIN Robert Nelson to Jan/1854

BURGESS Elizabeth Ann Jan/1854-62+ (widow age 48 in 1861Census)

BEAR Daniel 1866-67+

BURNEY George 1874-86+ (widower age 47 in 1881Census)

BURNEY George 1891-1901+ (age 30 in 1891Census)

HOWLAND John A 1904-08+


DAVIS George 1919+

LEE Ellen Mrs 1932-57

WILSON J C S 1958-65+


TOWNSEND Ron 1988-92

LUKAS Ray 2015


Pigot's Directory 1832-34From the Pigot's Directory 1832-33-34



If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
