Sort file:- Sandwich, March, 2021.

Page Updated:- Sunday, 07 March, 2021.


Earliest Sept 2014

Laurel and Hardy

Not open yet

6 King Street


Laurel and Hardy 2014

Above photo showing how the micropub would look according to the application, and just like to point out that is not me in the reflection.

Previous Laurel and Hardy

Above showing the premises in 2013.


From 18 September 2014. By Emily Stott.

Plan for Sandwich micropub in King Street has sparked fears

A plan for a micropub in King Street in Sandwich has sparked fears that it could be “a rowdy bar”.

The former Lady Elegance shop at 6 King Street has been empty since owner Gillian Hardy expanded her business and moved to 4 King Street.

Now an application has been submitted for change of use to a micropub called the "Laurel and Hardy" Real Ale House.

A worried Mrs Hardy said she didn't want a rowdy bar next door to her shop.

“I just hope it doesn't have an adverse affect on shops. I think it should be a street for retail shops really.

“I wish them good luck but I'm not sure if the centre of Sandwich is the right sort of place for something like that.”

Mrs Hardy had doubts about the viability of a micropub, saying the recent closure of the "Fleur de Lis" showed that not all drinking establishments in Sandwich can survive.

She added: “A new bar, the "Hop and Huffkins," has just opened in New Street and the "Fleur de Lis" has closed down – that hasn't been very successful.

“We're out of tourist season now so that same footfall isn't there.”

Town councillors are also worried, fearing drinking in the street outside the pub.

Some residents have received an anonymous letter opposing the venture which sparked a discussion on social media.

However, views on Facebook have been fairly positive, with many saying a micropub would be a welcome addition to the town and much better than an empty shop.

Discussing the application at the Sandwich Town Council meeting on Monday, councillors expressed their concerns with Cllr Paul Carter believing it should be recommended for refusal.

He said: “It's the wrong premises, it's very small. It could cause a lot of problems with people arriving and leaving and drinking outside.”

“I just hope it doesn't have an adverse affect on shops." - Gillian Hardy.

Cllr Joe Trussler shared this concern that people would be drinking in the street when they need to smoke.

He added: “A small drinking establishment in King Street would not be beneficial for the town.”

It was decided that the council would not refuse the application but recommend a condition to say that there can be no drinking off the premises.

It will be up to the district council to make the final decision.

The applicant could not be contacted as the Mercury went to press.


From 25 September 2014. By Emily Stott.

Support for micropub in King Street in Sandwich

Supporters for a micropub in Sandwich have spoken out after the proposed venture was criticised by the council and other businesses.

Some of the concerns raised last week were that the inn could turn into a “rowdy bar” and have an adverse affect on surrounding business.

However, many people have taken to Facebook to show their support for the planning application in King Street.

Andrew Hunt commented: “Another example of how the people of Sandwich would prefer to move back to the Middle Ages, I think this is a great idea for an unused shop, I don't see the micropubs in Deal being rowdy bars.”

Frank Rowley added: “I agree Andrew, the "Just Reproach" in Deal is great and serves very good beer and I have never seen any rowdy behaviour. Allow it.”

Stephen Conner added: “The Sandwich nimby's have not got anything better to do but to strangle the life out of the town centre.”

However, there were some negative comments with David Garrod commenting: “Yes open it and see another two proper pubs in Sandwich shut down. There is no need for another pub in Sandwich why not support the one's it already has.”

This comes after the "Fleur de Lis" was forced to close earlier this month.

Patricia Gulliford, who runs the "Rack of Ale" micropub in Dover said: “Sandwich's reputation is to challenge any small business opening up.

"I think this is a great idea for an unused shop, I don't see the micropubs in Deal being rowdy bars.” - Andrew Hunt.

“You do not allow it to grow – to meet the needs and wants of community – all in all it comes across as a bit starched shirt and grumpy. It's just what Sandwich needs and to be honest we looked at it before going to Dover, at that time we expected Sandwich to oppose the idea and seemingly we were right. Good luck to the applicants, we back you all the way.”

The application for change of use to a drinking establishment at the former Lady Elegance shop will now be put to the district council.

Sandwich Town Council recommended it for approval with the condition that there would be no drinking off the premises – to avoid people drinking in the street.




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
