Sort file:- Tunbridge Wells, May, 2024.

Page Updated:- Saturday, 25 May, 2024.


Earliest 2014-

Pitcher and Piano

Latest 2017+

(Name to)

3-5 Church Road

Royal Tunbridge Wells

Pitcher and Piano

Above photo, date unknown.

Pitcher and Piano 2017

Above photo, 2017.


From the 9 November 2017.

The Tunbridge Wells nightclub where crime is reported.

Pitcher and Piano, Church Road.

Police were called to an altercation outside "Pitcher and Piano" on Church Road.

The data for "Pitcher and Piano" was collected over a longer period and still showed less crimes recorded than "MooMoo."

"Pitcher and Piano" had 42 recorded cases of violence against the person between July 12, 2014 and September 1, 2017 out of total of 70 recorded crimes.

These offences were recorded over a much longer period than those at "MooMoo" but far less crimes of a violent nature or otherwise were committed.

Seven people were charged for violent offences while five received cautions.

In 13 recorded cases the victim either withdrew the claim or did not support action.


How many times police were called to each individual club

MooMoo Clubrooms : 98

Zee bar : 77

Pitcher and Piano : 70


From the 24 April 2018. By Adam John.

A teenager was attacked at Pitcher and Piano in Tunbridge Wells.

Officers arrested two men who have since been released pending further inquiries.

Police were called to an altercation outside Pitcher and Piano on Church Road.

A teenager was left unconscious after reportedly being hit in the head outside a Tunbridge Wells nightclub.

Kent Police are now appealing for witnesses following the incident, which happened outside Pitcher and Piano in Church Road at around 3am on Friday (November 3).

Officers were called to an altercation involving a group of young people.

A man and a woman are reported to have been pushed to the floor and a 16-year-old boy was punched in the head.

As the teenager fell he is said to have struck his head on the pavement and was knocked unconscious.

Police and ambulance crews were called and the teenager was treated for his injuries, but declined being taken to hospital.

Two men were arrested nearby on suspicion of assault.

Police say they were later released, pending further investigation.

Anyone who may have witnessed the disturbance and is yet to contact police is asked to call our appeals lines on 01622 604100, quoting reference YY/032504/17.

Alternatively contact Kent Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555111.


From the By Vicky Castle, Victoria Chessum, & Sian Elvin, 9 June 2019.

We visited the 'worst' nightclubs and bars in Kent according to reviewers to see what they're really like.

Most of us really don't mind where we go out as long as there are good drinks and music, but other people find their clubbing experience much more important.

So much so that they feel the need to write a TripAdvisor review about the nightclubs. And some are less than flattering.

Here are some of the worst reviews of Kent clubs on the site, with just one or two stars – but compared with what our journalists at Kent Live really think of them.

The Pitcher and Piano.

The most recent TripAdvisor review gave it two stars, describing it as a "crowded overpriced sweatbox".

The review states: "Avoid like the plague on a Saturday night.

"It's enormously overcrowded to the point of dangerous. It will take you a good half an hour to get to the bar to order a drink, and when you get there you'll have to part with your entire life savings just to afford a beer."

We say:- "Pitcher and Piano seems to generally be the club of choice for the older, non-student crowd in the town, probably due to the common rumour that it is over 21s only, though there is no evidence of that on their website.

"The venue itself is actually pretty reasonable as the building is decent enough and it actually has a really nice smoking area.

"Some people say the bouncers can be a bit enthusiastic when it comes to ejecting you from the premises, but in my slightly hazy experience of tripping over a bench and demolishing a table of drinks, then spending at least five minutes apologising and offering to replace them all – I didn't get kicked out, so it's probably not that bad.

"The worst things from my experience are the traditionally sticky flooring and the fact it can get very crowded with little ventilation on the dance floor. Can take quite a while to get served too."


Changed name to the "Manor House" by May 2024.




If anyone should have any further information, or indeed any pictures or photographs of the above licensed premises, please email:-
